New Horizons Un-Limited Inc.
2004 Presidential Primary and Caucus Dates
We will be voting for President of the United States in less than one year, on November 2, 2004. Presidential primaries, however, are set to begin as early as January 2004 in some states. Dates for Presidential primaries, and the type of Presidential primary held, varies from state to state. In some states, a caucus and/or convention may be held instead of a Presidential primary election. Other states may use a combination of both caucuses and primaries for delegate selection.
January 13th, 2004
District of Columbia Presidential Primary (Closed)
January 19th, 2004
Iowa Democratic Caucuses
Iowa Republican Caucuses
January 27th, 2004
New Hampshire Presidential Primary (Closed)
February 3rd, 2004
Arizona Presidential Preference Election (Closed)
Delaware Democratic Presidential Primary (Closed)
Missouri Presidential Primary (Open)
New Mexico Democratic Caucuses
North Dakota Democratic Caucuses
North Dakota Republican Caucuses
Oklahoma Presidential Primary (Closed)
South Carolina Democratic Presidential Preference Primary
February 7th, 2004
Michigan Democratic Presidential Caucuses
Washington Democratic Caucuses
February 8th, 2004
Maine Democratic Caucuses
February 10th, 2004
District of Columbia Republican Presidential Preference Caucuses
Tennessee Presidential Primary (Open)
Virginia Democratic Presidential Primary (Open)
February 14th, 2004
District of Columbia Democratic Caucuses
February 17th, 2004
Wisconsin Presidential Primary (Open)
February 24th, 2004
Hawaii Democratic Caucuses
Idaho Democratic Caucuses
Utah Democratic Presidential Primary
March 2nd, 2004
California Presidential Primary (Modified Closed)
Connecticut Presidential Primary (Closed)
Georgia Presidential Preference Primary (Open)
Maryland Presidential Primary (Closed)
Massachusetts Presidential Primary
Minnesota Democratic Caucuses
Minnesota Republican Caucuses
New York Presidential Primary (Closed)
Ohio Presidential Primary (Open)
Rhode Island Presidential Preference Primary
Vermont Presidential Primary (Open)
March 9th, 2004
Florida Presidential Primary (Closed)
Louisiana Presidential Preference Election (Open)
Mississippi Presidential Primary (Open)
Texas Presidential Primary (Open)
Washington Republican Caucuses
March 13th, 2004
Kansas Democratic Caucuses
March 16th, 2004
Illinois Presidential Primary (Open)
March 20th, 2004
Alaska Democratic Caucuses
Wyoming Democratic County Caucuses
March 23rd, 2004
Utah Republican Caucuses
April 13th, 2004
Colorado Democratic Caucuses
Colorado Republican Caucuses
April 27th, 2004
Pennsylvania Presidential Primary (Closed)
May 4th, 2004
Indiana Presidential Primary (Open)
North Carolina Presidential Primary (Closed)
May 11th, 2004
Nebraska Presidential Primary (Open)
West Virginia Presidential Primary (Closed)
May 15th, 2004
Wyoming Democratic State Caucus
May 18th, 2004
Arkansas Presidential Primary (Open)
Kentucky Presidential Primary (Closed)
Oregon Presidential Primary (Closed)
May 25th, 2004
Idaho Presidential Primary (Open)
June 1st, 2004
Alabama Presidential Primary (Open)
New Mexico Republican Primary
South Dakota Presidential Primary (Closed)
June 8th, 2004
Montana Presidential Primary (Open)
New Jersey Presidential Primary
September 7th, 2004
Nevada Presidential Primary
January 1-March 19, 2004
Maine Republican Caucuses
January 25-February 7, 2004
Hawaii Republican Caucuses
June 4-6, 2004
Virginia Republican State Convention
No Caucus/Primary
Kansas Republican Party
Michigan Republican Party
South Carolina Republican Party
Wyoming Republican Party
If you have any questions, please call the Project Vote Smart Voter's Research Hotline at 1-888-VOTE-SMART (1-888-868-3762).
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[Updated December 31, 2003]
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