FAQ: Legislation and Advocacy
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Models of legislation and executive committees
- We are trying to improve the rights for people with disabilities here in Beirut, Lebanon. Would anyone happen to know if there are any documents with models of legislation around the world, or how to documents in this field when it comes to committees, coundcils, etc.?
- Is there information on developing disability rights legislation for countries around the world?
- Where can I locate a disability advocate or obtain free legal services?
- Where can I obtain information on disability rights and rights advocacy?
- How do I find out about government programs?
Why are there not more people with disabilities in an active role in government?
Legislation and Rights
- I was denied public accommodation at an establishment. What can I do?
- I was denied access to a government program. A government building did not have access for the disabled. What can I do?
- What is the U.S. Department of Justice Mediation Program?
State Listings
In the event that the Wisconsin State legislature changes the law for voting requirements, how do I obtain a Wisconsin state identification card for the purposes of voting?
- Are there any organizations in Wisconsin that have experience working with the ADA?
- How do I find out about government programs in Milwaukee, Wisconsin?
I would like to contact my state senate and assembly representative. Where can I locate contact information?
- I would like to write to my legislators but do not know how to get their attention about the issues I am facing.
Models of legislation and executive committees
Q: We are trying to improve the rights for people with disabilities here in Beirut, Lebanon. Would anyone happen to know if there are any documents with models of legislation around the world, or "how to" documents in this field when it comes to committees, councils, etc.?
- A: Legislation Handbook is in pdf format from the Commonwealth of Australia, 1999.
Q: Is there information on developing disability rights legislation for countries around the world?
- A: See the following guides:
- The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health is a Beginning ICF Guide in pdf format from the World Health Organization. This guide provides a standard language and framework for a description and classification of health and health-related domains for changes in body function and structure, a persons level of capacity(activity) and level of performance (participation). ICF is the conceptual basis for the definition, measurement and policy formulations for the universal classification of health and disability. It is a planning and policy tool for decision-makers. The classification stresses health and functioning rather than on disability.
- Disability rights legislation that has been passed into law by three countries: Australia, United Kingdom and the United States. New Zealand has recently completed the planning process for registration.
Q: Where can I locate a disability advocate or obtain free legal services?
To find your state's protection and advocacy system, visit:
Q: Why are there not more people with disabilities in an active role in government?
Q: How do I find out about government programs?
Q: I was denied public accommodation at an establishment. What can I do?
U.S. Department of Justice offers "How to File a Title III Complaint."
U.S. Department of Justice offers "Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Discrimination Complaint Form."
Q: What is the U.S. Department of Justice Mediation Program?
Q: How can I obtain information on elected officials and legislative issues?
Q: I encountered difficulty when I went to vote. What can I do?
Any Wisconsin resident who does not hold a valid photo license from Wisconsin or another jurisdiction may request a photo ID. There is no age limit to apply for an ID card. When applying, it will be necessary to provide:
More about Wisconsin ID cards:
If you have questions:
Q: Are there any organizations in Wisconsin that have experience
working with the ADA?
Q: How do I find out about government programs in Milwaukee, Wisconsin?
or go to the Wisconsin State Legislators website. Click on the link Who Are My Legislators?. You can search by your address, your municipality or locate by map.
Locate e-mail addresses for your Wisconsin State Legislators by clicking on Senate or Assembly and finding the E-mail Directory for each.
For general information about the Wisconsin Legislature, legislative processes, bill histories, or other inquiries contact: Legislative Reference Bureau Reference Desk: (608) 266-0341.
New Horizons Un-Limited: Legislation: Advocacy
The Child Advocate
Q: Where can I obtain information on disability rights and rights advocacy?
Legislation and Rights
Q: I was denied access to a government program. A government building did not have access for the disabled. What can I do?
Q: I would like to contact my state representative to the U.S. Congress. Where can I locate contact information?
State Listings
Q:What are the new requirements for voting in the state of Wisconsin? Will I need to have a photo ID to vote in the next election?
Q: In the event that the Wisconsin State legislature changes the law for voting requirements, how do I obtain a Wisconsin state identification card for the purposes of voting?
Q: I would like to contact my state senate and assembly representative. Where can I locate contact information?