A scene of people with various disabilities gathered around a blue lake, enjoying their home, community, the out-of-doors, health, recreation, housing, transportation and education with an accessible path for them to a high mountain and large yellow sun on the horizon.  New Horizons Un-Limited Inc.


Legislation and the Law

Guide to Voting for Citizens with Disabilities in the State of Wisconsin

June 30, 2011 [Updated April 30, 2012]
The Wisconsin Legislature has passed the 2011 Wisconsin Act 23 which has provisions which could be the most restrictive voter legislation in the nation for people with physical disabilities and mobility and transportation issues.

We would like to see every eligible voter exercise their right to vote in Wisconsin!

For more information on voting in the state of Wisconsin and voting accessibility, visit the Voting in WI A Guide for People with Disabilities from the Disability Vote Coalition

New Sign Advocacy Alert! The Photo ID requirement of the Wisconsin Voter ID Law is not in effect for the November 6th elections

After its passage last year, four different groups brought lawsuits against Wisconsin's new Voter ID legislation. Two of these cases were filed in state court by the League of Women Voters and the NAACP, and were ruled on this past month.

Wisconsin judges have issued injunctions that prevent the state from enacting the photo ID requirement in the Wisconsin Voter ID Law and have stated the law to be unconstitutional. According to the Government Accountability Board (GAB), for the November 6th election you will not be required to present a photo ID. The state Constitution guarantees every resident 18 or older the right to vote, the government may not prevent a person from voting on the grounds that they do not satisfy additional requirements such as having a photo ID.

In addition the Wisconsin Disability Rights organization has sent notice that states a "Judge extended the injunction that prevents the photo ID requirements from being enforced during the November 6th elections. This means that you will not need to present a current and valid identification card in order to vote November 6th."

While the photo ID requirement is not in effect, please remember that other pieces of the Voter ID law will still be implemented. These include the following requirements:

 - voters must sign the poll list  

 - voters must live in Wisconsin for 28 days prior to the election in order to vote

 - corroboration is no longer an option - all voters must have proof of residence


Because of the uncertain nature of these court cases, whether you have to bring a photo ID to vote can still change pending court review.


For up to date information about the status of Voter ID, you can visit the GAB website at gab.wi.gov.

What do you need to vote in Wisconsin for the 2012 Wisconsin State elections

How to Register to Vote


Ways to register in Wisconsin:

You can:

1) Register in person at your city, town or village clerk’s office before 5pm or the close of business, whichever is later on the Friday before Election Day. You may also be able to register in person at other designated places in your community. Check with your town, village or city clerk’s office, particularly in larger municipalities for other registration sites such as a fire station, public library, community center, Independent Living Center or another agency that provides services to people with disabilities.

2) Register by mail. You can download and print an Application for Voter Registration Form (Form GAB-131) or you can contact (write or call) your city, town or village clerk’s office and ask them to send you an Application for Voter Registration Form (Form GAB-131) in the mail. Follow each instruction carefully and mail it back before the deadline. (It must be postmarked or received in the clerk’s office 20 days before the election.)

3) On election day: at your local poll.

4) Special Registration Deputy (SRD), trained by the municipal clerk in your municipality to register voters. You may also be able to register at voter registration drives that may be held during community events.

You will need to show proof of residence to register, such as a Utility bill, Lease, Tax Bill, Bank Statement or Wisconsin State issued ID card or Driver's License with the current address.

You must have been a resident for the past 28 days (ina row). If you have recently moved and do not meet that requirement you must vote at the poll designated as if you have lived at your previous address.

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[Updated October 31, 2012]
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