A scene of people with various disabilities gathered around a blue lake, enjoying their home, community, the out-of-doors, health, recreation, housing, transportation and education with an accessible path for them to a high mountain and large yellow sun on the horizon.  New Horizons Un-Limited Inc.

Community and Internet Resources

Communication: Augmentative Communication


Callier Center's Augmentative Communication Team has been serving children and adults with severe expressive communication disorders since 1980 and training graduate students at the University of Texas at Dallas since 1981. This program has experienced consistent growth and recognition over the last 22 years. Children and adults served by ACT have severe speech impairments related to cerebral palsy, head injury, stroke, ALS, or other diagnoses. These individuals have been unable to develop or regain functional speech. ACT is a specialized interdisciplinary team which includes speech-language pathologists, a psychologist, and a physical therapist. ACT clinical services include consultations, interdisciplinary evaluations, communication training/therapy, in-service training, and patient/family counseling. This team works with severely speech impaired individuals and their families to identify ways to use technology, such as voice output computers, to help patients communicate. For more information visit their website or contact them at 1966 Inwood Road, Dallas, Tx 75235, or call (214)905-3000.

New sign Communication Service for the Deaf, Inc (CSD) is an nonprofit organization providing services for and increasing awareness of issues affecting the deaf and hard of hearing, areas of interest: public access, videophone, community programs, interpreting services, media. Through global leadership and a continuum of quality communication services and human service programs, CSD provides the tools conducive to a positive and fully integrated life. For more information, contact the CSD at 102 North Krohn Place, Sioux Falls, SD 57103, Voice: (605) 367-5760, TTY: (605) 367-5761, Toll Free Voice: (800) 642-6410, Toll Free TTY: (866) 273-3323, Fax: (605) 367-5958, Videophone: (605) 496-0738, or send e-mail to: inquiry @c-s-d.org

New sign United States Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (USSAAC) promotes alternative communication methods for people with severe speech impairments. They try to offer information, tips, insights and tools for novices, experienced professionals, family members and, of course, the many diverse individuals who use This is the national chapter of ISAAC, the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication. They are also dedicated to answering the needs of individuals who support the AAC community through therapy, special education or the creation and manufacturing of technology. Contact them at info@ussaac.org

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[Updated July 31, 2012]
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