Guides: Communication
CART in the Courtroom - Setting a Standard
This guide by the American Judges and National Court Reporters Foundation introduces model guidelines or suggestions for Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing People in Court. These guidelines can be modified by any courtroom to meet the communication access needs of people with hearing loss in the courtroom as required by the ADA. These guidelines also explain how a hard-of-hearing or deaf citizen can request the services of a CART provider and the procedures in court.
Does Your Child Have Social Communication Disorder? Your Child's Symptoms May Be Too Mild for Autism By Lisa Jo Rudy | Reviewed by Joel Forman, MD Updated May 18, 2018. This article at Very Well Health explains how Social Communication Disorder, a mild form of Autism, replaces the diagnoses of PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified). The 2013 Diagnostic Manual redefined Autism Spectrum Disorder, Aspergers and PDD-NOS. Social Communication Disorder is not included with Autism Spectrom Disorders. If a child has grown out of Autism behaviors, parents may like this diagnoses instead. There is a downfall to no ASD diagnoses. "A person who has "only" Social Communication Disorder may not receive the same level of services as a person with the same symptoms and an Autism Spectrum diagnosis. So even if your child has outgrown or learned to manage autistic symptoms, it may be worth your while to describe past symptoms in order to help your child qualify for a diagnosis that offers more and better services and support."

Family Reference to American Sign Language (ASL)
U.S. Insurance Agents offers this article with many links to practical resources about ASL. This article explains that ASL is a language unto itself and should not be mistaken as a form of English. People who are learning sign language must familiarize themselves with the proper grammar associated with it, just as they would with any other language. It is the sign language that is used primarily in the United States and in parts of Canada and is only one of many different forms of sign language used around the world. To some degree, ASL may also be used to teach babies to communicate before they are able to speak. Information and resources are included in this article on the following topics: Linguistics of Sign, Learning the Alphabet and Numbers, Forming Sentences, Popular Phrases, and Interpreting.
This Internet Guide by Judith Maginnis Kuster assists people with disabilities on the study of communication and communication disorders.
Wisconsin Guide to Obtaining Augmentative Communication Devices and Accessories Through Wisconsin Medicaid"
Wisconsin Medicaid explains how to obtain augmentative communication devices and accessories through Wisconsin medicaid on this site.