A scene of people with various disabilities gathered around a blue lake, enjoying their home, community, the out-of-doors, health, recreation, housing, transportation and education with an accessible path for them to a high mountain and large yellow sun on the horizon.  New Horizons Un-Limited Inc.

Community and Internet Resources

Legislation: Activists: Disability Specific Resources: Parkinson Disease

*New Horizons Un-Limited, Inc. does not endorse any particular activist group and is not affiliated with any of the organizations listed. We are providing these links for individual reference and assume no responsibility for the content or information provided by outside sources.


New Sign Parkinson's Action Network (PAN) is a growing national grass roots organization advocating for the Parkinson's community. Their web site is very educational about issues concerning NIH funding, FDA drug approval, Medicare and Social Security, and stem cell research. The site has pages that tell the reader more about PAN, about Parkinson's, and about the legislative impact of their presence in Washington D.C. Readers can sign up for PAN's newsletter, for Action Alerts - which are notices of upcoming votes in Congress affecting PD so that you can call or email your Representative or Senator encouraging their support - and they can also get involved with PAN on a more local or statewide level. This is an excellent source of information of a public policy nature. For more information, go to their website listed above, email them at info@parkinsonsaction.org, telephone: 800-850-4726 or 202-638-4101; fax: 202-638-7257 or send questions to the following address: 1025 Vermont Ave, NW Suite 1120, Washington, DC 20005.

For more on the topic of Parkinson Disease.

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[Created April 30, 2008]
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