For more information, contact:
New Horizons Un-Limited
P.O. Box 510034
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Phone: (414) 299-0124
If you are looking for an organization that offers people opportunity, yet requires people to commit and invest in one’s self,
then NHU is the kind of organization with which you want to be associated.
We vision the guarantee that our communities’ citizens with disabilities have the same opportunities to participate in the mainstream of American life;
to enjoy employment opportunities, have the opportunity to purchase goods and services and to participate in local and state programs and services.
There are many things we could be doing, now, to ensure a bright future for all of us.
NHU is committed to provide our communities’ members with disabilities the information, tools and experiences that encourage lifelong learning and service,
and enable them with the opportunity to be confident, contributing citizens.
We believe that fulfillment can be achieved in many different ways and at every stage of life.
As such, we offer a range of opportunities for people to invest in themselves and to keep our communities’ citizens with disabilities moving forward in their lives.
They accept the challenge to invest in themselves!
What Can YOU Do?
Be willing to get involved, volunteer to assist in Advocacy, Accessibility Research, or Computer Distribution or Training.
Tell others about our programs.
Purchase gift certificates, join us for our Spring NHU Benefit Event, participate in our June NHU Benefit Golf Outing ,
purchase Fall Flower Bulbs, contribute to our NHU Annual Appeal or make an in-kind donation from our…..
Our communities' members with disabilities are ready and willing to take the challenge! The time to act is today!
Connect with
If you have questions or ideas, information and solutions that you would like to share
with us, contact us by e-mail at:
or to use our NHU E-Mail Form or NHU Community Forum,
click the links below.
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/ NHU Quarterly Newsletter
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© Copyright 2016 New Horizons Un-Limited Inc.
[Updated February 29, 2016]
NHU has no liability for content or goods on the Internet.