New Horizons Un-Limited Inc. (NHU) is a non-profit organization based in Milwaukee with a mission to make information and life experiences accessible to people with life-long disabilities, their families and caregivers. To learn more about our mission and activities, please visit the New Horizons Un-Limited website at or e-mail
NPR: More young people with disabilities entering nursing homes than ever before
Based on federal data from the Department of Health and Human Services, the NPR reported in their December 9, 2010 story, A New Nursing Home Population: The Young, that "young people ages 31 to 64 now make up 14 percent of the nursing home population. That's up from 10 percent just 10 years ago."
Even more unsettling is that this group, referred to as the "working-age," has been the fastest-growing population in nursing homes over the same 10 year period. While the Health and Human Services report does not speculate as to why this trend is occurring, the NPR story suggests that it may have to do with budget cuts:
"According to a study by the AARP Public Policy Institute, the cost of attendant care is about a third the cost of providing care in a nursing home or institution. But there's an upfront cost to states to hire the case managers and aides, find the housing, and pay for other things that make this home-based care work. So as states face record budget gaps, the programs that help people live at home are cut."
To read more about this issue, check out the online NPR News Investigation, Home or Nursing Home: America’s Empty Promise to Give the Elderly and Disabled a Choice
To learn more about or become involved in advocacy efforts related to this issue, check out ADAPT online.
Find NHU on Facebook
NHU has taken the plunge into the phenomenon that is Facebook!
If you are already on Facebook, become a fan of NHU so that you can stay on top of all the latest disability-related news, events and conversations.
Become a fan of the NHU Facebook Page. Be sure to click “Like” to receive NHU posts on your wall.
If you are not on Facebook, join today, by visiting Facebook. We look forward to seeing you there!
Plans for “Jim’s Cabin” at Harrington Beach underway
Plans are underway to build Wisconsin’s 8th wheelchair accessible cabin at Harrington Beach State Park in Belgium. With existing cabins booked to near capacity, this cabin will be a welcome addition to Wisconsin’s accessible outdoors.
The cabin will be built in memory and honor of Jim Schendel, an active member of Wisconsin’s disability community (and former volunteer of NHU), who unexpectedly passed away in January 2008.
The Friends of HBSP is still in the initial planning and fundraising stage and are working to raise the $150,000 required to make this cabin a reality over the next two years.
You can help make this cabin available to those who might not otherwise be able to experience camping in the great outdoors!
To learn more about this project and how you may be able to assist with their fundraising efforts, call the park at (262) 285-3015.
Contributions can be mailed to:
Friends of Harrington /Accessible Cabin
c/o Neil Kraemer
531 County Road D
Belgium, WI 53004
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Taking Care of You: Powerful Tools for Caregivers
If you are the primary Caregiver for a family member with a disability or chronic illness, you have likely felt overwhelmed and overworked, unable to find the time to take care of your needs.
If this is the case, you should consider attending the FREE*, six-part educational support program, Taking Care of You: Powerful Tools for Caregivers. This nationally recognized program is designed to help family caregivers provide better self care and identify ways to meet the challenges involved with caregiving.
The Family Caregiver Support Network (FCSN) of Interfaith Older Adult Programs will be offering a Saturday, 9:30-11:45am Powerful Tools session, free of charge, starting March 5, 2011 and running through April 16th, 2011 (skipping March 26th) at Parklawn Assembly of God Church, 3725 N Sherman Blvd in Milwaukee.
Call FCSN at (414) 220-8600 for class information and to possibly arrange for care of your loved one in order for you to attend. Donations are graciously accepted.
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9th Annual Benefit Raffle
1st Prize: Two Roundtrip Airfare on Southwest
2nd Prize: Philips 22” LED-LCD HD TV
3rd Prize: LG Blu-ray Player
4th Prize: Apple 2GB iPod Shuffle
Additional Prizes Include Theater Tickets, Restaurant Certificates, Museum Passes, Festival Tickets, Sports Tickets and More
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Need Not Be Present to Win
$2 each, 3 for $5, 7 for $10, 20 for $20
Raffle entrants who purchase multiple tickets are eligible to win multiple prizes.
Download the Raffle Ticket Order Form and return with your payment by Monday, March 21, 2011.