FAQ: Library and Research
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How can I access public library materials from my Android, nook or other device?
- I am a librarian and I am looking for a hardcopy magazine for kids with physical disabilities?
Q: How can I access public library materials from my Android, nook or other device?- A: With Overdrive.com you can borrow eBooks, audiobooks, and more from your public library - anywhere, anytime, All you need is a library card. Download the https://app.overdrive.com for your device, Android, nook, Apple devices, Chromebook, eReader, Kindle, etc or use your Windows or MAC computer. Sign into your library and select the book, magazine, etc. that you wish to read. Need help? Visit Get Help with Overdrive app
Q: I am a librarian and I am looking for a hardcopy magazine for kids with disabilities to read here at the library?
- A: Sorry to say Kids on Wheels by New Mobility is no longer available, however New Mobility Magazine offers their adult version of the magazine which offers many resources for those interested in mobility solutions. The Adults’ Magazine informs and supports parents with features on the latest health treatments, adaptive programs, travel, products, parenting, self-care and more.
- A:We came across a few magazines for parenting kids with physical disabilities. Visit our Library: NHU Magazines page.
- A:If you know of a magazine for kids with disabilities, we would like to hear from you. Please use our Review a Resource form or e-mail us at horizons@new-horizons.org