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Magazines for People with Disabilities
Disability International is published quarterly by Disabled Peoples' International, a cross-disability coalition of organizations of disabled people consisting of over 120 national affiliates. For subscription information contact DPI at 101-7 Evergreen Place, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 2T3 Canada, Phone: 800-749-7773, 204-287-8010 or 204-453-1367 or e-mail: dpi@dpi.org.
Ability Magazine is published bi-monthly and features a wide range of disability issues including travel. For subscription information contact, Ability Magazine at 1001 W. 17th Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92627, Phone: (949) 854-8700 or (949)548-5966 or use their form.ADDitude magazine has articles for adults with ADD or learning disabilities and parents of children with these disabilities. To subscribe fill out their on-line form or call 1-888-762-8475.
Audacity Magazine is an on-line magazine published monthly for people with disabilities. This magazine offers a range of articles on range of lifestyle topics. Past articles have focused on travel, sports on the cultural portrayal of disability, among other topics. The magazine also feature opinions and editorials, creative writings, jokes, and much, much more.Careers and the Disabled, published by Equal Opportunity Publications, Inc., is the nation's first and only career-guidance and recruitment magazine for people with disabilities who are at undergraduate, graduate, or professional levels. The magazine is published digitally and can be viewed on the EOP website.
CHADD: Attention Magazine by CHADD, a national resource on ADHD, contains strategies, research, and success stories in specific focus areas related to persons with Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) To access this magazine, you must be a member. Membership costs about $53 for an individual. There are many articles available on-line and apply on line to receive the newsletter via e-mail or mail.
Challenge Magazine is a publication of Disabled Sports USA, providing adaptive sports information to adults and children with disabilities, including those who are visually impaired, amputees, spinal cord injured (paraplegic and quadriplegic), and those who have multiple sclerosis, head injury, cerebral palsy, autism and other related intellectual disabilities. From those learning adaptive sports for the first time to disabled athletes on the US Paralympic team, Challenge Magazine encourages anyone with a disability to participate in sports!
Disabled Dealer Magazine is an online magazine offering Transportation Items For Sale, Mobility Eauipment Dealers, How to Place an Ad, and Wheelchair Vans.
Emerging Horizons - Accessible Travel News is a quarterly magazine that exclusively covers travel options available to persons with disabilities. Emerging Horizons is a consumer oriented magazine about accessible travel. Emerging Horizons' primary focus is travel for people with mobility disabilities; everybody from wheelchair-users to slow walkers. This magazine includes lots of access information, resources, news and travel tips, available in print and online. Read selected articles and columns from past issues. To subscribe contact Candy & Charles at Creative Concepts, P.O. Box 278, Ripon, CA 95366, or call (209) 599-9409 voice, fax (209) 599-9482 or e-mail horizons@EmergingHorizons.com .
Exceptional Parent is a great resource for parents of people with disabilities regardless of their age. A subscription to this magazine includes the 2003 Annual Resource Guide, with comprehensive directories of organizations, associations, products and services. It is the single largest and most widely-referred to directory in the entire disability field. To subscribe, contact Exceptional Parent at 555 Kinderkamack Road, Oradell, NJ 07649 or call (877) 372-7368.
Hearing Health Magazine is a quarterly publication that covers all aspects of the deaf community including technology, new equipment, lifestyle and travel. In November 2002, Paula Bonillas founder, editor and sole owner of Hearing Health sold the publication to the Hearing Health Foundation, a long-time supporter of the magazine and a leader in the field of hearing health. Founded in 1958, DRF is a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C., charged with a mission of making a lifetime of hearing health possible for all people through quality research, education and advocacy. In addition, DRF sponsors the National Campaign for Hearing Health. Hearing Health will continue to be a quarterly publication with the next issue appearing in March 2003. Readers will notice a few changes to design and content to reflect DRF's mission for the magazine: to increase awareness of real-world applications of hearing research, technology and trends and to educate people about the effects of hearing loss on health and quality of life. New contact information for Hearing Health: 1050 17th Street, NW, Suite 701, Washington, DC 20036, call: (202)289-5850, Fax: (202)293-1805 or e-mail: editor@hhf.org..
Hearing Loss is the major publication of the organization (SHHH) Self Help for Hard of Hearing People. If you are a member of SHHH, you receive the Journal with its high-interest editorial coverage, attractive and readable format, broad audience appeal, and combination of personal narratives by hard of hearing people themselves and articles by professionals in the hearing health care field. Published bimonthly, the magazine is for people with hearing loss looking for the latest information on technology, research, products, services, national legislation, and coping. For a subscription write to 7910 Woodmont Ave., Suite 1200, Bethesda, MD 20814, call (301) 657-2248 Voice, or e-mail info@hearingloss.org
inMotion magazine is published bimonthly for Amputee Coalition of America members for amputees, caregivers and healthcare professionals, providing timely and comprehensive information. The magazine is now available online as an interactive, page-flipping pubication. Free access is available to users that have registered to Amputee Coalition. Registration is quick, easy and free. If you have already registered, you just need to be logged in to view and Friends are notified via email when each new issue is available. If you choose to receive the print version of inMotion magazine, you can do so for only $24 a year ($48 for international subscriptions) To subscribe to a print copy of inMotion, follow the link above or call toll-free (888/267-5669). Amputee Coalition of America, 900 East Hill Avenue, Suite 290, Knoxville, Tennessee 37915-2566 • •Toll-Free: 888/267-5669 • TTY: 865/525-4512
Kids on Wheels is no longer available. The Adults’ Magazine informs and supports parents with features on the latest health treatments, adaptive programs, travel, products, parenting, self-care and more. Visit New Mobility to learn more.
MDA/Quest is the official bimonthly national magazine (circulation 115,000) of the Muscular Dystrophy Association containing news and features on all aspects of living with a neuromuscular disease, along with updates on the latest findings in the field. Quest is free to U.S. residents with any of the 40 neuromuscular diseases in MDA's program who are registered with the Association. On the website, you'll find featured articles from the current issue as well as a library of Quest back issues. You may also browse a list of stories by topic, or narrow your selections to stories pertaining to science, health and research. Contact Quest at: 3300 E. Sunrise Drive Tucson, Arizona 85718, call: (520)529-2000 or email: publications@mdausa.org.
Mainstream Magazine Online covers news and current affairs, new products and technology, profiles of movers and shakers, education, employment, sexuality and relationships, housing, transportation, travel and recreation.
Mouth Magazine is a bi-monthly magazine offering editorial comment and opinion on the many issues affecting people with lifelong disability. Subscriptions cost as little as $2.00 for those with limited income. To read sample articles or to subscribe, visit their website.
New Mobility is written by and for wheelchair user. New Mobility focuses on strategies for living fully with a disability, with participation in education, work, love, sex, parenting, sports, recreation, travel and everything in between. A priority is helping readers make informed health choices. To that end, NM publishes in-depth health articles on pain management, bowel and bladder concerns, spasticity, pressure sores, fitness and more. Other topics include legal rights, products and technology. By giving readers the right tools, New Mobility strives to create infinite options for a life on wheels. Please e-mail, fax or mail new subscription orders and address changes to: New Mobility, P.O. Box 220, Horsham, PA 19044, phone: (215) 675-9133, ext. 108, Fax: (215) 675-9376 or e-mail: kim@newmobility.com.
Open World is the official publication of SATH, Society for the Advancement of Travelers with Handicaps. Their mission is two-fold: to inform and to inspire. Their readers are persons with disabilities, including seniors, and the travel and health professionals who serve them. In each issue there are travel accounts written by individuals with disabilities, as well as updates on exciting tours, the latest accessible cruise ships, new regulations affecting disability travel, and travel advice from the experts. To subscribe contact Open World Magazine at 347 Fifth Ave., Suite. 610, New York, NY 10016, call (212)447-7284 or (212)725-8253 or e-mail: sathtravel@aol.com
Paraplegia News is circulated monthly and is published by the Paralyzed Veterans of America. It covers the news of the organization but has many articles of general interest including articles on travel as well as sports and recreation. To subscribe write to 2111 E. Highland Ave., Ste. 180, Phoenix, AZ 85016, call (888) 888-2201 ext. 19, fax (602) 224-0500, (602)224-0507 or e-mail pvapub@aol.com.
Ragged Edge Magazine write's about "society's "ragged edge" issues: medical rationing, genetic discrimination, assisted suicide, long-term care, attendant services, etc. [They] cover the disability experience in America."
SpeciaLiving Magazine is a magazine published quarterly. They cover most disability issues, including some travel in each issue. To subscribe to Special Living write to PO Box 1000, Bloomington, IL 61702, call (309) 820-9277 or e-mail at gareeb@aol.com.
Sports 'n Spokes is published eight times a year by the Paralyzed Veterans of America. It has interesting articles on sports and recreation opportunities including information on competitions, but you don't have to be a serious athlete to enjoy the magazine. To subscribe write to 2111 E. Highland Ave., Ste. 180, Phoenix, AZ 85016, call (888) 888-2201 ext. 19, fax (602) 224-0507 or e-mail at snsmagaz@aol.com.
Travel with a Challenge Be sure to visit the magazine's entire Travel Article Library and the handy Theme Pages to browse our growing collection of richly-illustrated features. In addition, we invite you to check out the latest TravelWatch column for fast-breaking travel news ... always food for intriguing thought. Finally, their innovative Travel Advertiser Directory is a treat not to miss. See why for yourself!
WebABLE Get the latest Accessibility news from WebABLE. Grouped by current and by categories such as Accessible Technology and Housing.
Country Listings
Abilities Magazine is Canada's foremost cross-disability lifestyle magazine. It is widely read by people with disabilities, their families, friends and professionals. The publication is available in print, on audio cassette and on computer disk. For subscription information contact the Canadian Abilities Foundation, #501 - 489 College St., Toronto ON M6G 1A5, Phone: (416) 923-1885, Fax: (416) 923-9829, e-mail: able@interlog.com or visit their website. All past issues can be accessed in the ABILITIES Archives section of their website.Active Living is the cross-disability "how-to, where-to, and what-to" magazine for people who want to attain or maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. Active Living is published by Disability Today Publishing Group Inc. For subscription information contact Active Living at P.O. Box 237, Grimsby, Ontario L3M 4G3 Canada, Phone: (905)309-1639, Fax: (905)309-1640 or e-mail: activelive@aol.com.
United Kingdom
Kids Blog A place for feedback and stories from KIDS services all around the country, giving disabled children a future.