FAQ: Independent Living
Q:Where can I find information about my local Center for Independent Living or about programs that promote greater independence in the lives of those with disabilities?
- A: Visit New Horizons Un-Limited's Centers for Independent Living (CIL) directory from across the United States. This directory is continually updated.
- A: Visit New Horizons Un-Limited's Independent Living Community and Internet Resources page. We offer listings for a variety of resources and programs that assist individuals achieve their highest level of independence.
Q:I am an adult with a disability and would like to move into an apartment of my own. What do I need to consider while preparing for living independently?
- A: There is much to consider and plan for. We have written a Guide to Transitioning to Independent Living to answer this very question. This guide can help you assess your situation, identify your needs and identify helpful resources in your community.
State Specific Questions
Q: We were looking at a Center for Independent Living in the Columbus, Ohio area. Can you tell me if there are any services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in the Columbus, Ohio community?
Thank you for your help.
- A:
The local Center for Independent Living that serves Columbus does offer a Deaf Equipment Program, which provides equipment to assist people who are deaf to ensure their safety and independence. For more information on this program, contact:
690 S. High St.
Columbus, OH 43206
Ph: 614-443-5936
Fax: 614-443-5954
TTY: 614-443-5957
Q: I am not happy with the services provided by my local Center for Independent Living (CIL). With whom may I file a complaint about services provided by CILs in the state of Wisconsin?
- A: For information on filing a complaint about Independent Living Center services in the state of Wisconsin, contact the Wisconsin Client Assistance Program (CAP) at (800) 362-1290 (Voice / TTY).