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- Autism Spectrum Disorder/Neurodiversity
- Employment Services: Autism Spectrum Disorder/Neurodiversity
Employment Services: Disability Specific: Autism Spectrum Disorder/Neurodiversity
If you are a Disabled Veteran, please also visit Disabled Veteran Support: Employment.
States: AL / NV
(Official USPS State Abbreviations)
Career Assistance for People with Autism is a guide with information on employment and accommodation rights, Resume Writing, Resume Writing Made Easy Checklist, Dream Job Q&A, Take Advantage of College Financial Assistance, Get Help to Get Hired, and Search for Open Positions.
State Listings
Autism Society of Alabama Community Supports for Adults offers employment resources in this directory.ARC of Tuscaloosa County offers the PESE (Palk Enterprises Supported Employment) program. A program funded by the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services that provides community-based assessments, job development, job coaching, and extended support to meet the employment needs of the individuals served. For information, contact Tim Green, Program Coordinator (205)758-1875.
Autism Speaks Resource Guide - enter your State, life stage and level of support, select Transitions which explains the IEP transition program and offers many transition resources in Alabama. Click on Employment support. There are many kinds of resources listed to assist Aspergers Syndrome in supported employment. Listed are the Alabama Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, Goodwill Industries or Easterseals. These agencies work with employment agencies that work with employers to create jobs for the specific needs of people with disabilities.Autism Strengths: Harnessing Your Child's Abilities This article explains how to put ones strengths forward and how to understand what one may not be able to do as well. This article is by By Yolande Loftus, BA, LLB | June 28, 2021
