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- Accessibility and the ADA for Employees with Disabilities and their Employers
Accessibility and the ADA for Employees with Disabilities and their Employers
For information and technical assistance on the Americans with Disabilities Act. (Voice) 1-800-514-0301 or (TTY) 1-800-514-0383
State Listings: NJ / KY (Official USPS State Abbreviations)
The Access Board is an independent Federal agency devoted to accessibility for people with disabilities. It operates with about 30 staff and a governing board of representatives from Federal departments and public members appointed by the President. Key responsibilities of the Board include:- developing and maintaining accessibility requirements for the built environment, transit vehicles, telecommunications equipment, and for electronic and information technology
- providing technical assistance and training on these guidelines and standards
- enforcing accessibility standards for federally funded facilities
a Guide for People with Disabilities Seeking Employment Americans with Disabilities Act, ADA Business Connection brings you the following excerpt from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the U.S. Department of Justice. with questions and answers that apply to employment.
Guide for Job Seekers & Workers with a Disability
Your Rights When Looking for a Job and Getting Reasonable Accommodation Under the ADA by William D. Goren, on MoneyGeek.com. This guide was created to introduce disabled workers and job-seekers to the rights afforded to them by federal and state governments. In addition, it offers What the ADA and Other Laws Mean to Workers, useful tips for finding a job, advice on staying gainfully employed, and guidance that can help you talk with an existing employer about making a reasonable accommodation for you, Ways Employers Discriminate Against the Disabled and more.

State Listings
New Jersey
Northeast ADA & IT Center Information on the ADA and Accessible Information Technology is part of a national network of centers which provide information, referrals, resources, and training on equal opportunity for people with disabilities and on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Employment & Disability Institute at Cornell University serves the Northeast Center which serves businesses, employers, government entities, individuals with disabilities, and the media in New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. They also conduct research to help increase knowledge on best practices for the employment of people with disabilities. Call toll-free: 1.800.949.4232, Email: northeastada@cornell.edu
Kentucky's Office for the Americans with Disabilities Act programs and information on accessible employment, Job Accommodations Network, ADA Standards for Accessibility and other Employment task forces. Their concise article on ADA & Employment Title I provides information about Title I and explains "Essential Job Functions" and "Reasonable Accommodations."