Research: Disability Specific Resources: Amputation
New Horizons Un-limited is not endorsing and assumes no responsibility in guaranteeing the products, services, programs or conditions as described. If you are interested in a resource listed below, call or contact the resource to verify the current situation. Evaluate the information, analyze your unique circumstances, use your best judgement and make your own decisions when using the information. Before making any change, consult your health care professional.

Northwestern University Prosthetics-Orthotics Center The research program at Northwestern University Prosthetics-Orthotics Center (NUPOC) was founded in 1956 followed by the education program in 1958. The goal of our research is to improve the quality of life for persons who use prostheses (limb replacements) and orthoses (braces/splints) through creative applications of science and engineering to the field of P&O and to disseminate new knowledge in P&O to the public through publications in professional journals, presentations at symposia, webinars and other media. Research strives to improve quantification and objective scientific evidence that informs P&O clinical decision-making; and to develop new concepts and devices that will improve the quality, cost-effectiveness, and delivery of P&O fittings.