A scene of people with various disabilities gathered around a blue lake, enjoying their home, community, the out-of-doors, health, recreation, housing, transportation and education with an accessible path for them to a high mountain and large yellow sun on the horizon.  New Horizons Un-Limited Inc.

Community and Internet Resources

Recreation: Sports: Wheelchair Sports


American Wheelchair Bowling Association promotes and facilitates wheelchair bowling throughout the United States. The Association sponsors bowling tournaments for expert and novice bowlers alike in 12 cities throughout the year.

BlazeSports Clubs of America, through partnerships with local recreation providers in 16 states, offers community-based, year round sports programs for youth and adults with physical disabilities. Programs offer introduction and instruction in a variety of adaptive sports, such as wheelchair basketball, wheelchair tennis, wheelchair rugby, swimming and track and field. For more information, or to find a program in your area, visit their website, call (770) 850-8199 or e-mail blazesports@blazesports.com.

Wheelin' Sportsman NWTF is dedicated to providing people with disabilities, including disabled hunters, disabled anglers and other outdoor enthusiasts, the opportunity to participate in outdoor activities. Its magazine, Wheelin' Sportsmen, and its Web site are dedicated to the education and entertainment of these enthusiasts and their able-bodied outdoor partners.

National Wheelchair Basketball Association (NWBA) is a non-profit organization which serves as the national governing body for men's, women's and youth wheelchair basketball in the United States. Their website features a team directory and a schedule of games.

US Electric Wheelchair Hockey Association has "Power Hockey" leagues and teams active in Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Baltimore, Maryland, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. To learn more about this sport and how you can get involved, check out their website or call (763) 535-4736.

Wheelchair Sports Federation is a national non-profit that provides opportunities for the disabled and wheelchair-bound adults and youth to play sports recreationally and competitively. They sponsor events throughout the United States and provide information on adaptations for just about any sport. For more information, call (917) 519-2622 or e-mail info@wheelchairsportsfederation.org.

Wheelchair Sports and Recreation Association has a goal to enhance the rehabilitation of people with spinal cord injuries or other disabilities through sports and recreation activities. Their website provides links to a variety of resources for those interested in Wheelchair sports.

Wheelchair and Ambulatory Sports, USA is a membership organization for individuals with physical disabilities in and out of wheelchairs. Members may participate in such sports as Archery, Track and Field, Swimming, Weight Lifting and more. To learn how you can get involved, contact Wheelchair Sports via phone at (636) 614-6784 or via email at office@wsusa.org.

State Listings


Colorado Wheelchair Sports (CWS), a Project of the Colorado Non-Profit Development Center provides a year-round sports program to athletes and coaches, and access to the best equipment, training, and facilities.


Illinois Wheelchair Athletics provides summer camps for Basketball and Track for the serious wheelchair athlete. For more information contact The Wheelchair Athletics Office at sportscamp@uiuc.edu or call (217) 333-4606.


Maryland Ravens, Inc. is dedicated to promoting inclusion of individuals with disabilities. With this dedication in mind, they offer sporting events and community outreach programs. They offer both wheelchair softball and basketball leagues for individuals residing in the Baltimore area. In addition to providing a recreational outlet for physically challenged youths and adults, the Maryland Ravens also participates in a disability awareness program (DAP). The DAP visits schools throughout Maryland to promote awareness and acceptance of individuals with varying abilities. For more information, call (410) 679-9264.


Ohio Wheelchair Sports Association is a statewide organization offering a wide range of sporting activities to persons who use wheelchairs. Sports include, basketball, rugby, softball, tennis, archery, hand cycling and many others. They also host an annual Wheelchair Games at which athletes can compete in their individuals sports. For more information, call (614) 885-4273.



Canadian Wheelchair Sports Association (CWSA) founded in 1967, is a national sport organization representing wheelchair athletes. Their mission is to promote excellence and develop opportunities for Canadians in wheelchair sport. CWSA also provides a national link for the development of wheelchair athletes and sports, at all levels and in all areas of the country. CWSA works to ensure that wheelchair athletes in the able-bodied sport system continue to receive fair and equitable access to high quality sport programs and services. For complete information on how to get involved in sport in your area, contact your provincial or territorial member organization. Canadian Wheelchair Sports Association is located at 2255 St-Laurent Blvd., Suite 108, Ottawa, Ontario, K1G 4K3, CANADA. Tel: (613) 523-000o, Fax: (613) 523-0149 or E-mail: info@cwsa.ca.

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