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Accessible Recreation Resource Directories
New Horizons Un-limited is not endorsing and assumes no responsibility in guaranteeing the products, services, programs or conditions as described. If you are interested in a resource listed below, call or contact the resource to verify the current situation. Evaluate the information, analyze your unique circumstances, use your best judgment and make your own decisions when using the information. Before making any change, consult your health care professional.
Sports Abilities, a resource for people with physical disabilities to find recreational, advocacy, support, and adaptive sporting activities in the nation. They have calendars for every state and 26 different activities ranging from Team Sports to Social Gatherings. They believe that having one online location for people to visit to see all that is happening will help increase program participation, promote awareness, and help improve people's lives.
Wheelchair Sports USA is very comprehensive resource for individuals interested in participating in wheelchair sports leagues. Their website features a directory of national governing bodies as well as regional sports organizations for varying wheelchair sports.
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