A scene of people with various disabilities gathered around a blue lake, enjoying their home, community, the out-of-doors, health, recreation, housing, transportation and education with an accessible path for them to a high mountain and large yellow sun on the horizon.  New Horizons Un-Limited Inc.

Community and Internet Resources

Community: On-line Disability Communities: Disability Specific:

Hearing Impairment or Deafness

Includes Hearing Impairment, Deafness, Hard of Hearing, Hearing Loss.
Click on this link for Vestibular Disorders, Inner Ear Disorders, Meniere's Syndrome, or Dizziness.
New Horizons Un-Limited Community Forum and Topic Discussion Boards is our on-line disability community forum here at New Horizons Un-Limited. The link above will take you to our NHU Community Forum's Welcome Pages. Our NHU Community Forum enables you to post messages, use instant messaging, Share Your Knowledge, Tell Us What You Think, Review a Resource, post classifieds, and more. The following link will take you to our NHU Community Forum for people experiencing Hearing Impairment or Deafness.
NHU is not affiliated with any of the following disability communities and is not liable for any actions resulting from the visit to the linked resources. New Horizons Un-limited is not endorsing and assumes no responsibility in guaranteeing the products, services, programs or conditions as described. If you are interested in a resource listed below, call or contact the resource to verify the current situation. Evaluate the information, analyze your unique circumstances, use your best judgment and make your own decisions when using the information. Before making any change, consult your health care professional.
Warning! The resources below link to other on-line community forums in which people with disabilities may participate. Please be aware of the safety issues concerning the use of such online communities. It is not wise to share personal information (i.e. last name, address, phone number, social security number, etc.) to strangers you meet in discussion boards, newsgroups, chat rooms, etc. Please use your best judgment while visiting these on-line communities. For more information on using Internet forums, see our NHU Guide to Internet Discussion and Message Boards or Forums.


Bella on line: The Voice of Women Deafness Forum You can view the forum posts as a guest and join later if you wish.

New Sign DeafChat offers an online community of individuals with hearing disabilities via a 24-hour, monitored, multi-roomed chatroom. Individuals from around the globe access the site daily.

Forums: About.com: Deafness is a great on-line forum for people who wish to speak about Hearing Impairment and Deafness issues. You can view the forum posts as a guest and join later if you wish.

Hearing Exchange is an on-line community for the exchange of ideas and information on hearing loss and related issues. No matter what method of communication you have chosen, you'll find interesting and supportive information.

Say What Club is a world wide forum for people with hearing loss, an on-line group of late-deafened, hard of hearing and Deaf adults and other interested folks who provide support and encouragement to each other through e-mail. Their goal is to provide a friendly, good-humored place to exchange conversation, information, advice, deep thoughts, humor, tall tales, and chit chat. Members get to know each other and develop an on-line "community feeling."

For more on the topic of Hearing Impairment or Deafness:
If you have questions or ideas, information and solutions that you would like to share with us, you may contact us by e-mail at: horizons@new-horizons.org or to use our NHU E-Mail Form or NHU Community Discussion Board, click on the links below.

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© Copyright 2008, 2009 New Horizons Un-Limited Inc.
[Originated September 30, 2009]
NHU has no liability for content or goods on the Internet.