- Disability News and Events
- Wisconsin
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Please also check out Legislation: Wisconsin for the latest on important legislative issues that could impact Wisconsin Citizens with Disabilities
Hot Off the Press! Wisconsin News Archives
March 2022 -Inclusion Coffee Co. will have it's Grand Opening
JS online reports, Owner Mackenzie Edinger is looking to hire employees with disability or special needs. Checkout her story at JS Online.
Tuesday, November 30, 2021 - New Horizons Un-Limited participates this Winter in Giving Tuesday a day of giving and a month of giving through the month of December. This year respond to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19 to support communities and nonprofits around the world. Donate to NHU throughout the month of December.
November 1, 2021
Wisconsin DHS Improves Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Services for Medicaid Members
Beginning November 1, a new vendor will make updates to improve the member experience, but the overall process to secure assistance getting to covered appointments will remain the same.
Beginning November 1, 2021, Wisconsin Medicaid members who participate in eligible programs will be working with a new vendor, Veyo, to get transportation to their covered health care appointments. This benefit, referred to as non-emergency medical transportation or NEMT, is available when members lack access to transportation, require assistance because of disabilities, or have their appointments in locations or at times when public transportation is not available. The outgoing vendor, MTM, will continue to provide services through October 31. For more information, visit DHS News Release
October 2021 - Having trouble coping with COVID - Have you checked out the resources at Resilient Wisconsin Initiative?
Disability can make life difficult and cause isolation, but the pandemic has exacerbated the isolation. Finding healthy ways to cope and stay connected is more important than ever. This is what Resilient Wisconsin offers – tools to encourage self-care, maintain social connections, and reduce stress and to provide Wisconsinites with tools to build resiliency for those affected by trauma, toxic stress, and other mental and behavioral health challenges. Check out the resources at Resilient Wisconsin Initiative
June 2021 - The Wisconsin BPDD COVID-19 Vaccine Helpline
Call 608-266-7826Monday- Friday from 10am-4pm
The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities is now providing help for adults and children with disabilities, their families, and caregivers with anything related to the COVID-19 vaccine. You can call their main office phone number to be put in contact with their Vaccine Helpline staff. They will provide help with: 1. Finding and setting up a vaccination appointment in your community. 2. Helping you plan to get to your vaccination appointment including setting up a ride. 3. Getting answers to your questions about the safety of the vaccine. 4. Problem solving whatever might be stopping you from getting vaccinated.
If you reach a voicemail, please leave a message with a good time to call you back and they will call within 24 hours.
Happy Juneteenth Day! - June 19, 2021, Milwaukee County celebrates 50th anniversary of Juneteenth Celebration in support of community, racial equity and black lives.
Milwaukee County employees receive a holiday for the day.
Watch Milwaukee PBS special Black Nouveau Promo Juneteenth 2021 Special
NHU Summer Benefit Golf Outing - June 2nd, 2021, 17th Annual NHU Benefit Golf Outing was a great success!

Our 2021 NHU Benefit Golf Outing was a great time and event! We had a wonderful day at the Hawk's View Golf Course!
Visit our Event Photo Album.
Our Sponsors and Golfers make this event memorable!
Check out our acknowledgement of our generous 2021- Golf Outing Event Sponsors, Donors and Golfers!
April 2021 - 2021 Earth Day - We celebrate Earth Day everyday at New Horizons Un-Limited
We celebrate Earth Day everyday by accepting used computers from individuals and corporate donors like you who generously give. In turn, we provide refurbished computer workstations to people with disabilities throughout Southeastern Wisconsin and the state.
Since our program launch in 2004, as a Microsoft Registered Refurbisher, NHU prides itself on the fact that we have Refurbished or Recycled over 8000 computer components extending their useful life and diverting them from landfills which benefits our natural world for future generations. We take time to ensure each part, upon the end of its useful life, is disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner.
THANK YOU! for YOUR part in NHU’s mission.
For more information: Visit Our Accomplishments
April 2021 - Wisconsin Governor Evers has proclaimed April, "Autism Appreciation Month," instead of “Autism Awareness Month.”
He has expressed the wishes of Autistic children and adults: the need to be treated as equal, to be Appreciated!
People with disabilities are often misunderstood and therefore mistreated at the hands of others. Being treated unequal or unfairly can lead to such trauma in an individual’s life to affect their well-being, their self-esteem, and eventually their ability to find jobs or meaningful lives. To flip the narrative from Awareness to Appreciation everyone has a new outlook and a fresh beginning. See our Summer NHU Outlook Newsletter
March 2021- Wisconsin COVID- 19 Vaccination Information
Here are resources for where you can get vaccinated for COVID-19,now you are eligible. COVID-19: Where Can I Get Vaccinated? Eligible populations are listed in priority order. Every community is different. Some places may be able to start vaccinating your group earlier than others. But everyone will eventually have the opportunity to get vaccinated. Wisconsin State Map of Vaccine Providers.
Questions? Call the Vaccine Call Center 1-(844) 684-1064 for help.
For more information, visit https://www.new-horizons.org/gdecrv.html#wisvac" target="_blank">Wisconsin COVID- 19 Vaccination Information
January 2021 - Wisconsin Board for People with Disabilities (WIBPDD) posted a Plain Language Information sheet on the Vaccine for COVID-19
Plain Language information on COVID-19 Vaccine - Living Well and BPDD have put together a plain language document about what we know about the COVID-19 vaccine. The sheet is written in a way that is easy to understand for everyone and answers many questions you may have about the vaccine. A great guide to the vaccine! Visit Plain Language information on COVID-19 Vaccine
January 10, 2021 - Time to plan to reserve your Wisconsin State Parks Accessible Cabin - Applications will only be accepted postmarked on or after this date.
We want to remind everyone that it is time to start thinking about reserving your Wisconsin State Park Accessible Cabin for the 2021 camping season! Download the application. Check out the cabin you would like to reserve. Mail it on January 10th. If you are eligible, first come, first served.
The accessible cabins in Wisconsin State Parks feature numerous accessible amenities, ensuring that all people with disabilities can freely use the cabin and the park's amenities without fear of hidden barriers. Features include a fully accessible bathroom and kitchen and an accessible sleeping porch. People in wheelchairs can move freely about the cabin from the entrance ramps, doorways, undercounter space and the roll-in shower. All fixtures and controls are accessible, including the faucets, toilet, door and cabinet handles and light switches. The Wisconsin State Parks will take reservations for the 2020 camping season for the Accessible Cabins postmarked on or after January 10th, but not before! Plan now for your camping trip. For more information or a reservation application, or visit the website below. Mail or deliver your completed Cabin Reservation Request Form to the state park/forest where you wish to reserve a cabin. Disabled applicants must identify themselves (or one of their camping party) on the application form. The addresses are listed on the form. Please make sure the envelope is marked "Cabin Reservation".
Cabins are located at:
Buckhorn State Park (Necedah, WI) 608-565-2789
Harrington Beach State Park (Belgium, WI) 262-285-3015
High Cliff State Park on Lake Winnebago, 920-989-1106
Kettle Moraine State Forest - Southern Unit (Eagle, WI) 262-594-6200
Mirror Lake State Park (Baraboo, WI) 608-254-2333
J.M. Kohler-Terry Andrae State Park (Sheboygan, WI) (920) 451-4080
Potawatomi State Park (Sturgeon Bay, WI) 920-746-2890
Richard Bong State Recreation Area Accessible Cabin (Kansasville, WI)(262) 878-5600
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
LIHEAP is a federally funded program to help eligible low income households meet their home heating and/or cooling needs. To learn if you are eligible, you must contact YOUR state LIHEAP Coordinator https://www.acf.hhs.gov/ocs/programs/liheap. Apply early as some states' funds run out. States sometimes use LIHEAP funds for weatherization assistance to reduce a family's energy bills over the long term. Find your state for the National Association of State Community Services Programs weatherization assistance.
New Horizons Un-Limited, with YOUR help, can continue to respond to the needs of individuals with disabilities in Southeastern Wisconsin and across the state with training and computer equipment to counteract the isolation of this pandemic! Please Donate Today!
As a grassroots, non-profit organization, we rely wholly on the support of people like you. You can contribute to the future success of our citizens with disabilities. YOU can make it possible for us to be more productive and continue our efforts to meet the needs for training and computer equipment that will help individuals with disabilities in Southeastern Wisconsin and across the state to feel less isolated and alone especially during this pandemic!Visit our NHU 2020-21 Annual Appeal Letter NOW!
Download our above letter and e-mail to your contacts.
Please visit DONATE TODAY for more information on how to donate!
Clicking on the below "donate" button will bring you to a secure PayPal page through which you may safely contribute to NHU via credit card or your PayPal account.For more information on how you can participate in New Horizons Un-Limited's efforts, you can visit: Get Involved.
Tuesday, December 1, 2020 - New Horizons Un-Limited participates this Winter in Giving Tuesday a day of giving and a month of giving through the month of December. This year respond to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19 to support communities and nonprofits around the world.

We at New Horizons Un-Limited hope you will give time to help those with disabilities, whether it is donating to New Horizons Un-Limited or helping a person with disabilities you know directly. Reach out and check on family, friends or neighbors you know that are facing the coronavirus with a disability, or lend your voice to advocate and tell the story to others about living with disability.
As we postpone or cancel fundraising events, we reach out to our community. It has been because of you, the community, that we can continue to offer important services to the community of individuals with disabilities to lead productive and fulfilling lives. Even the smallest gifts impact lives in realistic ways. Help others through the gift of your donations, time, goods or your voice.
For more information on how you can participate in New Horizons Un-Limited's efforts beyond Giving Tuesday, you can visit: Get Involved.
July through October 8th, 2020 - NHU's Annual Fall Flower Bulb Sale is Underway!
Our organization needs your help. For every purchase made on our Flower Power fundraising site Flower Power Fundraising will give 50% back to New Horizons Un-Limited. Plant fall Flower Bulbs for spring and summer flowers to beautify your yard! Our 2020 NHU Fall Flower Bulb Campaign link . Find Full Color Flower Bulb Catalog and order for delivery to your home. Flower bulb orders are sent to you in time for fall planting. Flowers will grow and bloom in your garden next spring and summer. Order by October 8th, 2020. For more information, visit Fundraising with Flower Bulbs Sale
June 2020 - Wisconsin State Accessible Cabins are open again!
Schedule a stay at an Accessible Camping Cabin at one of the 8 cabins in the Wisconsin State Parks. Find Availability.
May 27th, 2020 - Great News for Wisconsin citizens with disabilities! - Wisconsin Elections Commission votes to send Absentee Ballot Applications to 2.7 million Wisconsin Citizens, however they will need to agree on wording of the letter on June 10th
This is great news for Wisconsin's disabled citizens! If the bi-partisan Commission can agree on the wording of the letter accompanying the application forms on June 10th, they will be mailed out September 1st. You will not receive the application forms if (1) you have on record with the state request for absentee ballot or (2) if you have been flagged as potentially have moved. If you have moved, be sure to register to vote with your new municipality or on-line with the state. After you receive your application, do not procrastinate. Be sure to get your application filled out to ensure you are on the list to receive your ballot in time for November's election.
2020- Our 17th Annual New Horizons Un-Limited Benefit Golf Outing - has been cancelled
It is with great disappointment after 17 consecutive years of great golf outings, we have to cancel our New Horizons Benefit Golf Outing, a day we get to spend with many friends.
Given the unpredictability and recent increase of COVID, we have concluded we would not be able to provide all of you with a safe and enjoyable day. We look forward to next spring, and another favorite day of seeing so many generously supportive friends. This is our major fundraising event of the year for NHU, so it hurts to cancel!
See you June 2nd, 2021. - Stay safe!
To learn more how you or your company can participate next year, contact us via e-mail at horizons@new-horizons.org
April 28, 2020 - Wisconsin State Parks are opening again but the Accessible Camping Cabins are closed until June 1
See Press Release Gov. Evers Directs DNR to Reopen Several State Parks and Forests with Special Conditions for complete information on Wisconsin State Park closures, opens and rules.Here are some of the latest Wisconsin state park property updates:
• An annual park sticker and/or trail pass will be required to visit state parks and trails.
• Annual stickers will be available for purchase with credit card by phone 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. seven days a week by calling toll free: 1-888-305-0398. They thank you in advance for your patience as they may be experiencing heavy call volumes.
• Annual passes are NOT available for purchase at individual properties. Visitors must have an annual admission sticker adhered to their vehicle or proof of purchase for entry.
• Once proof of purchase is shown, visitors must place proof of purchase on the dash of the windshield while parked within the boundary of the property.
• The 2020 annual vehicle admission sticker is valid through Dec. 31, 2020.
• State parks and forests will be open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily, a change from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.
• Properties will be closed to the public every Wednesday for maintenance and upkeep.
April 2, 2020 - We at New Horizons Un-Limited Hope You and Your Family are Safe and Healthy, Let Us Know How You Are Doing!
We at New Horizons Un-Limited hope this greeting finds you and your family members safe and healthy, coping with quarantine and social distancing as best as you can. To all personal care attendants, health professionals, grocery store workers, distributors, truck drivers and everyone keeping essential services going, THANK YOU. To do our small part to contain the virus and protect those most vulnerable, we are taking Safer at Home very seriously while we continue to advocate for our rights as citizens with disabilities, we also see how we can continue to promote safer, smarter, HEALTHIER, policies for people with disabilities.
Let Us Know How YOU are Doing!
We are updating and adding resources for aid and relief of the Coronavirus Pandemic for people with disabilities. There are many who are in dire situations and people who are extremely isolated, as well as caregivers who are extraordinarily stressed.
But we are in this together. New Horizons Un-Limited is advocating for the resources you need.
Please send New Horizons Un-Limited your suggestions and ideas.
- What do you need or what is most challenging for you now?
- Do you have an inspiring story to share?
- What are your thoughts on ways people can stay active or deal with isolation?
April 2020 - New Guide on New Horizons Un-Limited: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: How to Prepare, Prevent Getting Ill and Find Resources for Financial and other Assistance for People with Disabilities
View our New Horizons Un-Limited Guide for People with Disabilities concerning the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic, provides Wisconsin state resources concerning preparation, prevention, what to do if you get ill, financial resiliency and social and mental health.
March 2020 - Wisconsin State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski - is working with community partners to find solutions during the coronavirus pandemic, and shares resources for everyone!
For homeowners and renters, small businesses, and students and resources for childcare, unemployment, mental health, volunteering and food security-Homeowners and Renters
There are protections for Wisconsinites who are worried about evictions and foreclosures. The Governor banned these for 60 days, to learn more click here.
Fannie Mae is offering homeowners, with their loans, a wide range of disaster assistance. Check out the options here.
Resources for Small Businesses
The US Small Business Administration is now offering Express Disaster Bridge loans to small businesses who have an urgent need for cash to help address the COVID-19 pandemic. Find more information on the program here.
Longterm financial assistance for businesses is offered through the Small Business Administration's Economic Injury loan. Apply here.
Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation is providing grants for microbusinesses of fewer than twenty people. Learn more about it here.
The Ethnic & Diverse Business Coalition is offering grants to businesses affected by COVID-19. Before filling out this application, please note that you must be a member in good standing.
Small and midsize businesses can take advantage of two new payroll tax credits from the US Department of Labor to reimburse the cost of providing Coronavirus-related leave for workers.
If you have been put out of work as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic and the Safer at Home Executive Order, apply for unemployment here. The job search requirements and one week waiting period before receiving benefits have both been waived. For more information on Coronavirus and unemployment check out the Department of Workforce Development’s FAQ.
Mental Health
If you are struggling with mental health, support is available. Call the Disaster Distress Helpline at 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746.
Childcare and Resources for Students
The Wisconsin Department of Children and Families has information for child care, including requests for assistance. PBS Wisconsin, in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, is dedicating their weekday schedule to educational programming for students learning at home.
Volunteer Opportunities
No matter where you live in Wisconsin, there are opportunities for people looking to help out. Check out Volunteer Wisconsin for ways to support your community.
Food Security
Stores across the state have implemented Senior Shopping Hours, so that those most at risk can shop safely.
Hunger Task Force is offering Stock Boxes, featuring cereal, milk, canned veggies and fruits, pasta or rice, protein, fruit juice, canned meats and 2 pounds of cheese, to low income Wisconsinites. If you want to help, donate here.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020 - Wisconsin DHS under the direction of Governor Tony Evers issues COVID-19 -Safer At Home Order- Learn more and read Frequently Asked Questions.
Governor Tony Evers has been working hard to ensure the health and safety of the people of our state as we have responded to COVID-19. Read the DHS order COVID-19 -You Are Safer At Home and find FAQ on the right side panel of this article.
2020- COVID-19 virus- Wisconsin Volunteer Opportunities - Volunteer from Home
Hi Everyone, Want to help make a difference in the war on COVID-19 virus? - Wisconsinites can Volunteer from home and help across the state! There are some virtual from home opportunities in this list. Volunteer Wisconsin
Postponed- will update when we can hold our NHU Benefit Raffle- 2020- NHU Benefit Raffle and Silent Auction, US Bank Galleria, Milwaukee, WI

Check out our 2020 Raffle and Silent Auction Prize List!
US Bank Center Galleria, Downtown Milwaukee
Need Not Be Present To Win
Raffle Tickets:
$2 each, 3 for $5, 7 for $10 or 20 for $20
Other prizes include restaurant certificates, festival and museum tickets, sporting event tickets and more. . Check back often as we update our complete list of prizes.
Stop by the day of our event to bid in the Silent Auction or purchase your Raffle tickets.
January 2020 - Time to reserve your Wisconsin State Parks Accessible Cabin
We want to remind everyone that it is time to reserve your Wisconsin State Park Accessible Cabin for the 2020 camping season!The accessible cabins in Wisconsin State Parks feature numerous accessible amenities, ensuring that all people with disabilities can freely use the cabin and the park's amenities without fear of hidden barriers. Features include a fully accessible bathroom and kitchen and an accessible sleeping porch. People in wheelchairs can move freely about the cabin from the entrance ramps, doorways, undercounter space and the roll-in shower. All fixtures and controls are accessible, including the faucets, toilet, door and cabinet handles and light switches. The Wisconsin State Parks will take reservations for the 2020 camping season for the Accessible Cabins postmarked on or after January 10th, but not before! Plan now for your camping trip. For more information or a reservation application, or visit the website below. Mail or deliver your completed Cabin Reservation Request Form to the state park/forest where you wish to reserve a cabin. Disabled applicants must identify themselves (or one of their camping party) on the application form. The addresses are listed on the form. Please make sure the envelope is marked "Cabin Reservation".
Cabins are located at:
Buckhorn State Park (Necedah, WI) 608-565-2789
Harrington Beach State Park (Belgium, WI) 262-285-3015
High Cliff State Park on Lake Winnebago, 920-989-1106
Kettle Moraine State Forest - Southern Unit (Eagle, WI) 262-594-6200
Mirror Lake State Park (Baraboo, WI) 608-254-2333
J.M. Kohler-Terry Andrae State Park (Sheboygan, WI) (920) 451-4080
Potawatomi State Park (Sturgeon Bay, WI) 920-746-2890
Richard Bong State Recreation Area Accessible Cabin (Kansasville, WI)(262) 878-5600
For more information, visit http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/camping/cabin.html
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
LIHEAP is a federally funded program to help eligible low income households meet their home heating and/or cooling needs. To learn if you are eligible, you must contact YOUR state LIHEAP Coordinator https://www.acf.hhs.gov/ocs/programs/liheap. Apply early as some states' funds run out. States sometimes use LIHEAP funds for weatherization assistance to reduce a family's energy bills over the long term. Find your state for the National Association of State Community Services Programs weatherization assistance.
October 19-24, 2019 - See the Milwaukee Film Festival inspiring documentary film, "The Weight of Water," about determined kayaker, Erik Weihenmayer, who is blind.
The Milwaukee Film Festival will feature documentary film, "The Weight of Water," produced and directed by Michael Brown. See this inspiring film about determined Erik Weihenmayer, who is blind, as he kayaks on one of the most dangerous whitewater rapids of the world, those of the Colorado River thru the Grand Canyon, proving "disability can never disable the human spirit." Stunning vistas and death-defying thrills featured in this film from Canada/2018/79 min./English.
Showings are: Saturday, Oct 19, 2019 - 5:45pm - Jan Serr Studio Cinema, 2155 N. Prospect Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53202, Located in the UWM Kenilworth Building,
Monday, Oct 21, 2019 - 6:15pm - Avalon Theater, 2473 S Kinnickinnic Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53207, Phone: (414) 539-6678
Thursday, October, 24, 2019 - 4pm - Oriental Theater, West, 2230 North Farwell Avenue, on Milwaukee's East Side. Phone: 414-276-5140.
September 2019- Friendship Circle expands Bakery Program, Coffee Shop and Art Studio to Fox Point location
Friendship Bakery is a project of The Friendship Circle of Wisconsin, a division of Lubavitch of Wisconsin. This program is tailored for independent adults with special needs who do not require one-on-one assistance with a staff member or volunteer. Three times a week, adults eighteen and older with special needs have the opportunity to learn the important skills needed to operate a bakery. From mixing ingredients, decorating desserts, to packaging finished products and delivering the delicious pastries and challah to your door, our students are involved in it all. Friendship Bakery was started to address a vocational education gap that occurs for high school graduates with disabilities. Many of these graduates have limited employment options consisting of a narrow range of tasks or community participation programs. Friendship Bakery provides an outstanding alternative. Participants receive the opportunity to meaningfully contribute to a business in a challenging, safe, supervised environment. Most importantly, it builds independence and self-esteem giving each individual a sense of purpose and ownership for their work, while also giving these trainees the opportunity to earn from sales. In their new location in Fox Point, Wisconsin there will also be a coffee shop and art studio. Artwork will decorate the Coffee Shop. Participants may be able to transition to employment with Collectivo Coffee.
August 2019- Bublr Bikes will be the First in the Country when 17 Adaptive Bikes are added to Milwaukee's Public Bike Share Program
Adaptive Bikes were not included until now and the city's Equal Rights Commission decided to do something about it after city disability rights groups filed a grievance with the city for not accommodating people with disabilities which was dismissed. The new program is a pilot program to run through the end of the year. Bublr Bikes is happy to introduce a new fleet of adaptive cycles to their system. This fleet is a first in the country integrated adaptive bike program. The new trikes, side by sides, and hand cycles will be able to be checked into to and out of any and all Bublr Bike Stations in the Greater Milwaukee Area. Bublr is adding 9 side-by-side tricycles, 9 upright tricycles and 4 hand cycles. Side-by-side bikes, handcycles, and tricycles can be used by people with disabilities but can also assist others in the community such as older people or students or others going to the grocery store. Bublr Bike’s adaptive cycles were funded by the City of Milwaukee, City of Wauwatosa and Bublr Bikes. The Bublr Bikes program serves Milwaukee as well as some neighboring towns and the bikes cost 15 cents a minute to ride. You need a smartphone for the application and to pay for the ride. Until they find a way to implement the locations on the app map, please use their table at Bublr Bikes Adaptive to find the type of bike you want to check out and the station it is located, or call their service line at 414-931-1121.
August 2019 - Richard Bong State Recreation Area near Burlington, 26313 Burlington Road, Kansasville, Wisconsin Nature Explore Classroom - be is now open - Now open to the public, be sure to visit this first of its kind in Wisconsin. Eleven "classrooms" dedicated to nature, movement and exploring. Pictured to the left is the wonderful new gate to the NEC!
August 24th, 2019 - Richard Bong State Recreation Area near Burlington, 26313 Burlington Road, Kansasville, Wisconsin invites you to the Grand Opening of the Nature Explore Classroom - be sure to RSVP -
Naturalist, Beth Goeppinger, invites you to the Nature Explore Classroom and it will be the first of its kind in the state! There will be eleven “classrooms” dedicated to nature, movement and exploring, including a dig area, a water feature, a living Willow tunnel, a sensory garden and other gardens, a climbing area, and a sunflower fort.
If you plan to attend, be sure to RSVP: Maureen Potter, BNA President, Potters5@att.net (262)497-3252 or Beth Goeppinger, DNR Naturalist, Elizabeth.Goeppinger@wi.gov (262 878-5607.
July through October 4th, 2019 - NHU's Annual Flower Bulb Sale is Underway!
Our organization needs your help. For every purchase made on our Flower Power fundraising site Flower Power Fundraising will give 50% back to New Horizons Un-Limited. Plant fall Flower Bulbs for spring and summer flowers to beautify your yard! Our 2019 NHU Flower Bulb Campaign link . Find Full Color Flower Bulb Catalog and order for delivery to your home. Flower bulb orders are sent to you in time for fall planting. Flowers will gro and bloom in your gardent Next spring and summer. Order by October 4th, 2019 For more information, visit Fundraising with Flower Bulbs SaleJune 5, 2019 - We want to Thank our Sponsors, Donors, and Golfers for Making Our 16th Annual New Horizons Un-Limited Benefit Golf Outing a Great Success!
We had a wonderful day at the Hawk's View Golf Course! Our Sponsors and Golfers make this event memorable. Visit our 2019 NHU Benefit Golf Outing Photo Album
Thank you to our NHU Golf Outing Sponsors and Donors, who help to make our programs possible!
To learn more how you or your company can participate next year, contact us today via e-mail at horizons@new-horizons.org
-June 2019 - The Activity Center of Wauwatosa WI
shows a remarkable video of how to get people with mobility issues to Bradford Beach Milwaukee, and to get others to help thru their Ramp Up Milwaukee Project. They are sponsoring a GoFundMe page to get 2 ramps and 2 seasonal walk ways to get people on the beach and to the water. They now have the opportunity to make this a lifelong reality through the construction of permanent ramps – and you can help!
Wednesday, June 5, 2019 - 16th Annual New Horizons Un-Limited Benefit Golf Outing- See our Golf Registration below.
Our Annual New Horizons Un-Limited Benefit Golf Outing, will be held Wednesday, June 5, 2019 at Hawk's View Golf Club in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.
With a best ball format and our unique Mulligan Package, you need not be an expert golfer to enjoy our outing. Plus, our after-round banquet offers a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and network with colleagues.
Our outing offers a number of terrific promotional sponsorship opportunities in a variety of price ranges. Our golf outing draws more than 100 golfers from the Greater Milwaukee and Greater Chicago areas, offering an excellent opportunity to reach this audience.
Visit our NHU Benefit Golf Outing Registration
To learn more how you or your company can participate this year, contact us today via e-mail at horizons@new-horizons.org
Recently we visited with the organization, Victory Garden - Milwaukee, whose objective is to get people eating healthy food while enjoying growing their own vegetables and fruits in their own backyard. Find a Victory Garden organization near you!
- Victory Garden - Milwaukee - will build a four by eight foot raised garden bed; you add some seeds and a couple hot house plants and you are feeding family and friends. (Go to Buy a Blitz Garden) If you live in the following Milwaukee county Zip Codes: 53204 - 53206 - 53208 - 53218 you can purchase a garden for only $25. If you live in certain other neighborhoods you can pay just $50, otherwise gardens cost from $175-200.
- If you will require an accessible garden bed, these can be more costly.
- All gardens are built by volunteers during the Blitz, May 11-25, 2019.
- Volunteer at the Victory Garden Urban Farm and take home some produce. Call (414) 431-0888 for more information on volunteering.
Press Release 2019 Summer- New Horizons Un-Limited - 2019 - Celebrating 25 Years of Progress- Accessible Opportunities in the Outdoors!
You and your family should free yourselves from life's stresses and take in the physical and mental healing that nature offers. When we can look far out to a horizon our eyes can relax, when we breath in fresh air and discover trees and beauty in nature, we can allow ourselves to think, problem solve and focus on other abilities or sensitivities.Visit the link above for ideas of opportunities to respite in the outdoors
April 2019 - Social Security: Inspector General Warns Public About Caller ID “Spoofing” of Social Security Fraud Hotline Phone Number
"The Inspector General of Social Security, Gail S. Ennis, is warning citizens about a caller-ID “spoofing” scheme misusing the Social Security Administration (SSA) Office of the Inspector General’s (OIG) Fraud Hotline phone number. The OIG has received recent reports of phone calls displaying the Fraud Hotline number on a caller-ID screen. This is a scam; OIG employees do not place outgoing calls from the Fraud Hotline 800 number. Citizens should not engage with these calls, or provide personal information." This article tells you to hang up and how you can report the scam. Visit Social Security Matters
April 1, 2019 - Thanks to Everyone! who participated in our 17th Annual NHU Benefit Raffle and Silent Auction, March, 2019 at the US Bank Center, Milwaukee, WI
- Check out our Raffle Donor Appreciation
March 27 & 28, 2019- NHU Benefit Raffle and Silent Auction

to purchase raffle tickets and contribute donations.
March 28, 2019
US Bank Center Galleria, Downtown Milwaukee
Need Not Be Present To Win
Raffle Tickets:
$2 each, 3 for $5, 7 for $10 or 20 for $20
Other prizes include restaurant certificates, hotel stays, festival and museum tickets, sporting event tickets and more. . Check back often as we update our complete list of prizes.
Stop by the day of our event to bid in the Silent Auction or purchase your Raffle tickets
February 3, 2019 - NHU Congratulates Microsoft on their Super Bowl Commercial 2019: We All Win, (When technology empowers each of us, it empowers all of us) announcement for their inclusion and respect for people with disabilities
Microsoft has officially announced their new Xbox Adaptive Controller. If you missed the commercial, check it out at We All Win The story illustrates Microsoft’s commitment to building accessible technology that levels the playing field and creates opportunity for all of us.
January 2019 - Wisconsin State Parks accept Accessible Cabin reservations
Wisconsin State Parks will begin accepting Accessible Cabin reservations on January 10, 2019 for the 2019 camping season. There are eight accessible cabins and two rustic accessible cabins currently available in the Wisconsin State Park System. The cabins are available for use exclusively by people whose physical disability makes use of traditional camping facilities very difficult or unlikely.
Accessible modern cabins are available at Wisconsin's Harrington Beach, Kohler-Andrae, Mirror Lake, Buckhorn, High Cliff, and Potowatami state parks, Richard Bong State Recreation Area and Kettle Moraine State Forest-Southern Unit. Rustic accessible cabins are available at Copper Falls and Blue Mound state park. View the power point in pdf format The Accessible Cabins 2018 by NHU and BStrom
For more information visit: January 2019 - Wisconsin State Parks accept Accessible Cabin reservations
January 1, 2019 - NHU is a Microsoft Certified Computer Refurbisher and we grant refurbished computers to people with physical disabilities in Southeastern, Wisconsin.
If you have a physical disability and live in Southeastern, Wisconsin and are in need of a computer, check out our computer grant application for further eligibility and program requirements. Computer Grant Application
October 2018 - - Read this article by Film Journal: Marcus Corporation is awarded Wisconsin "Exemplary Employer Award"
Marcus Corporation was awarded Wisconsin Exemplary Employer Award this month in honor of National Disability Employment Awareness for the month of October. "The Marcus Corporation was nominated as a result of its active engagement with key programs that assist individuals with disabilities in gaining employment. Through its cinemas, hotels and restaurant operations, The Marcus Corporation supports Project SEARCH, which assists young adults with disabilities to gain and maintain employment, and actively recruits through the DWD’s Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. In addition, The Marcus Corporation supports programming efforts of organizations that serve individuals with disabilities, including Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin, Easter Seals Southeast Wisconsin, Pantheon Industries and Variety—The Children’s Charity of Wisconsin."
August 2018 - - Take charge of your child's education: NHU's Special Education Series
Getting ready for your child with Special Needs to go back to school. Visit our new Education Series: Expect more for your child than the 3r's - Teach independence, self-esteem, resourcefulness, creativity, collaboration, and more! For Parents and Teachers -- written by a Parent and Teacher. Follow these innovative ways to reach today's youth with special needs!
Check out our NHU Flower Power Sale!
Visit our 2018 NHU Benefit Fundraising with Flowerbulbs Full Color Catalog.Printable order forms are now available. The Flower bulbs are via Flower Power, we keep 50% of all sales!
August 2018 - Studio 84 - A Creative Focus on Abilities through the Arts
Studio 84 is a non profit art studio in downtown Whitewater, Wisconsin that provides experiences in the arts for the community. They specialize in the creative and vocational development of people with disabilities including those with Autism, physical disabilities, cognitive limitations and mental illness. They have created an environment of inclusion, open to all ages and all abilities. They offer a Visual Arts Program, an Art Gift Shop and Art Gallery for their students. This Studio shows the example of how the arts can give people with disabilities the opportunity to learn new things and learn the skills to take on life's challenges with confidence. The students become artists. The studio was started by executive director, Deborah Blackwell. For more information, visit Studio 84
July 14 and 15, 2018 - Join the Fishing Has No Boundaries Event- Madison Chapter
The Madison Chapter of Fishing Has No Boundaries Event was started in July of 1995. Since that time, the event has been held annually on the 2nd full weekend in July at Governor Nelson State Park. The park is located off County Highway M on the southwest shore of beautiful Lake Mendota. 70 boats and pontoons and approximately 300 volunteers are available to provide a quality on-the-water fishing experience for anglers with disabilities. All food and beverages are provided for the two day event, including a fish fry on Saturday night provided by Yahara Fishing Club. Entertainment is provided by a seven piece band for dancing, toe tapping, and listening. Please register early because a strict 100 participant limit is imposed. They have ample fishing equipment for disabled anglers and welcome any and all disabilities. Email: fhnbmadison@gmail.com

June 2018 - This Summer Take an Adventure Hike at Horicon Marsh
Horicon Marsh is the largest fresh water cattail marsh in the U.S. and has been formally recognized as a Wetland of International Importance by the Ramsar Convention of the United Nations. The marsh is home to great flocks of migrant Canadian Geese as well as 305 other kinds of birds, and many different kinds of mammals, fish, frogs, snakes, turtles, insects and plants. The Wildlife Education Program focuses on the abundant wildlife resources of the marsh, and their ecology to develop a wide range of educational programs aimed at introducing and sharing our native wildlife. Horicon Marsh Education and Visitor Center is fully accessible and provides an explorium offering a hands on experience with audio throughout. The Center is located at N7725 Highway 28, Horicon, Wisconsin 53032. For more information about the center Phone: 920-387-7889 or visit Friends of Horicon MarshInterested in hiking the trails at Horicon Marsh? The boardwalk is accessible by wheelchair or stroller and is a 1/4 mile hike from the Center to Indermuehle Island. There are five miles of trails at the Horicon Marsh State Wildlife Area that offer hiking through woodlots, planted prairies and onto the marsh. Trails are all of easy grade, and relatively flat, but are unsurfaced. Surface material is mowed grass and gravel and is not readily accessible by wheelchair or stroller. Visit the Hiking Map[PDF] to find these locations.
June, 2018 - This summer, take a trip if you wish, but outdoor adventure awaits right here in Milwaukee.
Milwaukee Community Sailing Center Adaptive Sailing ProgramFishing Has No Boundaries, Great Lakes Milwaukee Chapter
See this article by Outside online 6 Adventure Trips You Can Do in a Wheelchair
Wednesday, June 6, 2018 - 15th Annual New Horizons Un-Limited Benefit Golf Outing- See our Golf Registration below.
Our Annual New Horizons Un-Limited Benefit Golf Outing, will be held Wednesday, June 6, 2018 at Hawk's View Golf Club in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.
With a best ball format and our unique Mulligan Package, you need not be an expert golfer to enjoy our outing. Plus, our after-round banquet offers a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and network with colleagues.
Our outing offers a number of terrific promotional sponsorship opportunities in a variety of price ranges. Our golf outing draws more than 100 golfers from the Greater Milwaukee and Greater Chicago areas, offering an excellent opportunity to reach this audience.
Visit our NHU Benefit Golf Outing Registration
To learn more how you or your company can participate this year, contact us today via e-mail at horizons@new-horizons.org
Sunday, June 3, 2018 - Harrington Beach State Park, Wisconsin State Parks
Support the Friends of Harrington Beach who support the Harrington Beach Accessible Camping Cabin and other accessible features in this state park.
Enjoy a FREE Pancake Breakfast at the Ansay Center from 8am until Noon. Donations are appreciated! This year a vehicle admission fee is required.
After breakfast enjoy the accessible trails around the quarry, and accessible fishing and beach amenities!
Directions: Take Interstate 43 from Milwaukee 40 miles north to the Belgium, Wisconsin exit.
Sign up a family member with a disability to experience the outdoors this season at: dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/camping/cabin.html.
April 14, 2018 - Bong Wisconsin State Recreation Area Celebrated Ground Breaking for the Accessible Nature Explore Classroom
We are excited to announce this week's groundbreaking for the Richard Bong (Wisconsin) State Recreation Area and their Friends group, the Bong Naturalist Association, who are raising funds and installing a Nature Explore Classroom. Hoping to disconnect kids from their electronics and grant opportunities that may not otherwise be available, the Nature Explore Classroom will allow kids to develop an appreciation of nature, science, art and music and a lifelong passion for nature activities.The project has been the dream of Beth Goeppinger, Naturalist at the park. (See photo) Known for the Accessible Cabin at Bong, our NHU President, Art Miller (See photo) of Miller Engineering was asked and volunteered services to create the construction plan. Along with Lavern Nall, Strass Maguire Architects, they implemented the layout of accessible grading and walkways. With eleven "classroom" areas dedicated to nature, movement and explore areas, the meandering trail takes one through woods, by rocks and bushes, and up and down gentle slopes, which will now be entirely ADA accessible. The Bong Naturalist Association is still looking for donations - cash or in-kind. Work days will be held this spring and a fundraising Open House will be on Saturday, June 2 from 10am-12noon at the park.
YOU can get involved with this exciting project!
For more information, visit the bongnaturalistassociation.org or call (262) 878-5607.
Read more at Accessible Opportunites in the Outdoors

April 19, 2018 - Take a Break! Celebrate Earth Day Exposition
New Horizons Un-Limited (NHU) is an exhibitor at the 2018 Earth Day Exposition on Thursday, April 19th from 10am-1pm at the US Bank (Downtown Tower), Galleria Level.
Join us to find out how to recycle your used computer or laptop to NHU to be refurbished and regranted to people with disabilities in our community.
Recycle your computer through NHU and give a great gift of opportunity!
Win a raffle prize from one of the exhibitors. About 30 green exhibitors from various organizations and endeavors in Milwaukee and Southeastern Wisconsin will participate in the event. You will also be able to find out how to stay safe bicycling, grow a garden using natural compost, learn more about conservation of land and water endeavors throughout Southeastern Wisconsin and much more.
Hope to see you there!
April 14, 2018 - Bong Wisconsin State Recreation Area Invites You to be Their Guest at the Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Nature Explore Classroom
Saturday, April 14, 2018 from 10-11AM Bong Wisconsin State Recreation Area, outside Burlington, Wisconsin invites you to the Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Nature Explore Classroom at the Visitor Center.There is growing evidence that children's mental and emotional health is enhanced through regular contact with the outdoors, particularly in natural settings. Unstructured outdoor play helps children develop gross and fine motor skills, spatial reasoning, logical thinking and problem-solving skills. Children with disabilities will find the space accessible and helpful in focus. The Natural Explore Classroom plans to have eleven "classroom" areas dedicated to movement and music, open play, dirt and sand digging, building, gardening, messy materials, climbing and crawling, water exploration and nature art.
Our President, Art Miller, of Miller Engineering and New Horizons Un-Limited volunteered the construction plans with accessible walkways and grading for the NEC and will participate at the event.
March 31, 2018 - Milwaukee is home of a gold medal hockey team.
Paraplegic Veterans who train at the Zablocki VA in Milwaukee have brought back a gold medal from Korea. The team physician, Dr. Michael Ulhien in a news article on WISN TV said there is no other clinic like it in the country.
Paraplegic Hockey is a dangerous sport. The veterans skate on sleds and have picks on the end of their sticks to help propel them along. They also take hits of speeds of up to 30 miles per hour, or basically a car wreck. The veterans drive up from as far away as Illinois to be part of the program. The US team beat the favored Canadians by a score of 2 to 1.

March 2018 - Thanks to everyone who participated in our 16th Annual NHU Benefit Raffle & Silent Auction
Our 2018 event was held at the US Bank Center, downtown Milwaukee, March 21 and 22nd. NHU Salutes Our
2018 Raffle and Auction Donors and to you, our supporters, our NHU Benefit Spring fundraiser was a great success!
&Silent Auction

to purchase raffle tickets and contribute donations.
March 22, 2018
US Bank Center Galleria, Downtown Milwaukee
Need Not Be Present To Win
Raffle Tickets:
$2 each, 3 for $5, 7 for $10 or 20 for $20
Other prizes include restaurant certificates, hotel stays, festival and museum tickets, sporting event tickets and more. Check out our 2018 Raffle and Silent Auction Prize List. Check back often as we update our complete list of prizes.
Stop by the day of our event to bid in the Silent Auction or purchase your Raffle tickets.
January 2018 - Wisconsin State Parks accept Accessible Cabin reservations
Wisconsin State Parks will begin accepting Accessible Cabin reservations on January 10, 2018 for the 2018 camping season. There are eight accessible cabins and two rustic accessible cabins currently available in the Wisconsin State Park System. The cabins are available for use exclusively by people whose physical disability makes use of traditional camping facilities very difficult or unlikely.
Accessible modern cabins are available at Wisconsin's Harrington Beach, Kohler-Andrae, Mirror Lake, Buckhorn, High Cliff, and Potowatami state parks, Richard Bong State Recreation Area and Kettle Moraine State Forest-Southern Unit. Rustic accessible cabins are available at Copper Falls and Blue Mound state park.
For more information visit: January 2018 - Wisconsin State Parks accept Accessible Cabin reservations
November 30, 2017 - U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) Report States-Private School Choice: Federal Actions Needed to Ensure Parents Are Notified About Changes in Rights for Students with Disabilities
In the above Report GAO estimates that no more than half of all schools participating in any type of voucher program mention students with disabilities anywhere on their websites, according to GAO's review of a nationally generalizable sample of websites of private schools in voucher programs. Further, GAO estimates that no more than 53 percent of private schools in voucher programs designed for students with disabilities provide disability-related information on their websites.
Private schools funded through the taxpayer-financed voucher program may lack accountability for employee background checks, student performance transparency and no academic or standardized testing. Still parents may feel their student will thrive better in the private school. When a student with a disability transfers from a public school to a private school, parents and students need to be aware that disability rights and protections are not required of the private school possibly putting students with disabilities at risk. The GAO is recommending federal actions to ensure parents are notified of the changing rights when a student with disabilities transfers from public to private school. Read this report from the Racine Education Assosciation Voucher Schools lack accountability and put students with disabilities at risk federal study findsNovember 6, 2017- Read our new blog: "Combating Depression: Exercise Your Mind, Body"
Read our new blog. "I know it’s common for people to not fully respond to medication regimens for curing their anxiety and depression. Therapy can and does help, but if you are like me, you have done almost everything you can think of to adjust your medications, with the help of your doctor. Going through medication adjustments are bad enough, but going through medication changes can alter life plans and leave you in a worse place than where you started. At least until the medication settles in. I’ve recently found however that there are alternative methods that could help me combat my depression, anxiety, and paranoia. If I gave you some alternatives to try, would you give them a chance? There are both physical and mental alternatives that can be used with the standard regimen of medication and counseling."
July, 2017 -Celebrate the 27th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
How has the ADA helped you!
We must not be complacent, we must continue to be actively educating, training and building accessible awareness in our communities!>
Share your ADA experience with us at NHU!
At New Horizons Un-Limited we celebrate the ADA by honoring the activism and effort of the committee and volunteers:
Who Designed and Built the First Accessible
Camping Cabins in the Wisconsin State Parks! 1990-1991!
Wisconsin was given a great gift in 1991, Mirror Lake Accessible Camping Cabin for people with disabilities and their famlies to be able to enjoy the Wisconsin State Park.
We must appreciate today the amount of time and commitment that the members of the committee, the efforts of Anthonette Gilpatrick, Accessiblity Coordinator for the Wisconsin DNR, the Wisconsin DNR, Paul Quick II, architect and Art Miller, engineer and the Telephone Pioneers. This was just before the ADA was brought to law, yet the accessible ideas and decisions they made are the basis for the design and the accessible priorities and implementation of the seven additional cabins that have been built since 1991 in the Wisconsin State Parks.

June - July, 2017 - A Story of Being Human
New Horizons Un-Limited has embarked on a creative awareness endeavor in A Story of Being Human. In this storytelling photography series, we capture the unique lives and stories of humans. These humans also happen to have disabilities. Through photos and words, we are sharing the lives of humans throughout social media. We have learned that everyone has a perspective worth sharing, and these perspectives help us relate to one another in a day and age where it can be difficult to see eye-to-eye. Oftentimes, people with disabilities are categorized as ´taboo´ or ´other´, when in reality, their stories do not always focus on disability they focus on life. We invite you to follow along as we share the stories of humans, and we hope it encourages you to share your story as well.June 21, 2017 - Wauwatosa Now Reports First Town in Wisconsin to Install Adaptive Bike-Sharing Station
Visit this article on Wauwatosa Now Link no longer available. Wauwatosa Mayor Kathy Ehley cut the ribbon for an adaptive bike sharing station in Hart Park with Alderman John Dubinski, Wisconsin 5th District and Deb Falk Palec, Chair of the Milwaukee County Commission for Persons with Disabilities who were instrumental in bringing the adaptive bikes to Tosa. Zagster Company agreed to rent the bike station on a one year trial; including two tricycles, a side-by-side and a hand cycle. The bikes are available through the Zagster app or by text message.June 8,2017 - We want to Thank our Sponsors, Donors, and Golfers for Making Our 14th Annual New Horizons Un-Limited Benefit Golf Outing a Great Success!
We had a wonderful day at the Hawk's View Golf Course! Our Sponsors and Golfers make this event memorable. Visit our Facebook Photo Album of this year's exciting event!
Thank you to our NHU Golf Outing Sponsors and Donors, who help to make our programs possible!
To learn more how you or your company can participate next year, contact us today via e-mail at horizons@new-horizons.org

April 13, 2017 - Take a Break! Celebrate Earth Day Exposition
New Horizons Un-Limited (NHU) is an exhibitor at the 2017 Earth Day Exposition on Thursday, April 13th from 10am-2pm at the US Bank (Downtown Tower), Galleria Level.
Join us to find out how to recycle your used computer or laptop to NHU to be refurbished and regranted to people with disabilities in our community. Recycle your computer through NHU and give a great gift of opportunity!
Win a raffle prize from one of the exhibitors. About 30 green exhibitors from various organizations and endeavors in Milwaukee and Southeastern Wisconsin attended last year's event. You will also be able to find out how to stay safe bicycling, grow a garden using natural compost, learn more about conservation of land and water endeavors throughout Southeastern Wisconsin and much more.
Hope to see you there!
March 2017 - Thanks to everyone who participated in our 15th Annual NHU Benefit Raffle & Silent Auction
Our 2017 event was held at the US Bank Center, downtown Milwaukee, March 29 and 30th. NHU Salutes Our
2017 Raffle and Auction Donors and to you, our supporters, our NHU Benefit Spring fundraiser was a great success!
March 29-30, 2017 - 15th Annual NHU Benefit Raffle & Silent Auction

to purchase raffle tickets and contribute donations.
March 30, 2017
US Bank Center Galleria, Downtown Milwaukee
Need Not Be Present To Win
Raffle Tickets:
$2 each, 3 for $5, 7 for $10 or 20 for $20
Other prizes include restaurant certificates, hotel stays, festival and museum tickets, sporting event tickets and more. Our 2017 Raffle List is in development. Check back often as we update our complete list of prizes before the drawing.
February 2017 - This year plan a day or two away at Welcome H.O.M.E. in Newburg, Wisconsin!
The state parks only allow each visitor a 4 night stay so if you are looking to fill your week at another accessible venue consider this vacation alternative just a few miles from J.M. Kohler-Terry Andrae State Park near Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Welcome H.O.M.E (House of Modification Examples) is a Bed and Breakfast located in Newburg, Wisconsin, but it is not your ordinary B and B. Welcome H.O.M.E. was built to be visited and enjoyed by everyone, regardless of ability or disability. Equipped with varied adaptive devices and designed with accessibility in mind, all are encouraged to "come as you are." All public rooms, private guestrooms, bathrooms, and hiking trails throughout the 17 acre woodland are accessible. Experience the beauty of the great outdoors, leisurely explore numerous and varied accessible home design ideas and adaptive equipment and visit Riveredge Nature Center just a mile down the road. To arrange a visit to this unique wheelchair accessible country home, contact Welcome, H.O.M.E. at P.O. Box 333, 4260 West Hawthorne Drive (Hwy. Y), Newburg, Wisconsin 53060, call (262) 675-2525, or visit their website.
January 2017 - Wisconsin State Parks accept Accessible Cabin reservations
Wisconsin State Parks will begin accepting Accessible Cabin reservations on January 10, 2017 for the 2017 camping season. There are eight accessible cabins currently available in the Wisconsin State Park System. The cabins are available for use exclusively by people whose physical disability makes use of traditional camping facilities very difficult or unlikely.
Accessible modern cabins are available at Wisconsin's Harrington Beach, Kohler-Andrae, Mirror Lake, Buckhorn, High Cliff, and Potowatami state parks, Richard Bong State Recreation Area and Kettle Moraine State Forest-Southern Unit. Rustic accessible cabins are available at Copper Falls and Blue Mound state park. For more information visit: January 2017 - Wisconsin State Parks accept Accessible Cabin reservations
December 18, 2016 - Check out the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Watchdog Update: "Deadly Delays: States fail to meet newborn screening goals" by Ellen Gabler
Check out this article online as the author updates this issue through the new report released by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAB). From the report in 2013 by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel investigating infant death and permanent disability from screening delays by hospitals and state labs, President Barack Obama signed a bill in 2014 which authorized $20 million to support newborn screening systems across the states. Find out how the GAO arrived at their 2016 results that the states still fail to meet newborn screening goals, the progress that has been made and the work that must still be done to properly screen newborns, how screening varies from state to state and how the advisory committee has little authority to improve the performance of state public health labs.December 2016 - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Special Report, "The Price of Being Wrong" about who will pay for boy's care when state lab and doctor have missed a birth defect
Visit the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel Special Report by Ellen Gabler, "The Price of Being Wrong" The report found that the lab "science can be flawed."
In this case, the parents sued the pediatrician and lost the suit. The lawyer pointed out the great cost of a life unable to be lived. The cost will be to the parents, the child and the state.
"$3 million. Mel’s lost earning capacity. $7 million. The cost for him to live in a group home from 18 until he dies in old age. $6 million. His care if he lives at home with his parents, and then with one of his two little sisters after their parents die. "
October 2016 - New Horizons Un-Limited Press Release - Supporting Personal Journeys Toward a Brighter Future
New Horizons Un-Limited is proud to work towards a future in which all the doors are open to equal opportunity, full participation, independence, inclusion and economic self-sufficiency for persons with disabilities, guaranteeing the same opportunities as everyone to participate in the mainstream of American life. NHU holds a spotlight on our efforts to open gateways to full participation and opportunity with two personal journeys from our programs. Learn what your contributions to NHU have meant to affect change toward a brighter future for each of these individuals, Emily and Charlotte. For more information on What YOU Can Do? as an Employer or as a potential Employee with a disability, visit our NHU Press Release: Commitment to Provide Opportunities for People with Disabilities to Participate in Employment
Advocacy Alert! November 2016: Get Out and Vote!
LIving in a democracy is a great privilege.
True independence can only be achieved in a democracy where you have choice.
Making a choice requires access to information.
Access to information is not possible without freedom of information.
Ultimately, our right to independence is only achievable
if we all make our voices heard
by exercising our right to VOTE!
Get Out and VOTE!
August 2016 - Mirror Lake State Park Celebrates 25 Year Anniversary of the First Accessible Camping Cabin in Wisconsin State Parks
It is hard to imagine that it has been 25 years since our founder was the designer on the first Accessible Camping Cabin in the Wisconsin State Parks. We at NHU have been involved with several of the parks' accessible cabins built since then, including High Cliff, Richard Bong, Koehler- Andrae and Harrington Beach State Recreation Area and Parks. For more information on the cabins, visit our page on Recreation: Parks and Forests.August 2016 - New Gardetto Family Community Dental Clinic for Adults with cognitive and physical disabilities
New Gardetto Family Community Dental Clinic for Adults with cognitive and physical disabilities opens at St. Ann Centre for Intergenerational Care - Bucyrus Campus at 2450 W. North Avenue, Milwaukee, WIsconsin. For people with Parkinson's, or Cerebral Palsy getting dental care requires some form of sedation or assistance to hold his or her head steady. This clinic is funded through the Gardetto Family, WDHS, Delta Dental and Ziemann Foundation. For more information call (414) 210-2440 or email lcherek@stanncenter.orgJuly through October 15th, 2016 - NHU's Annual Flower Bulb Sale is Underway!
Our organization needs your help. For every purchase made on our Flower Power fundraising site Flower Power Fundraising will give 50% back to New Horizons Un-Limited. Plant fall Flower Bulbs for spring and summer flowers to beautify your yard! Our 2016 NHU Flower Bulb Campaign link is no longer available.June 2016 - We want to Thank our Sponsors, Donors, and Golfers for Making Our 13th Annual New Horizons Un-Limited Benefit Golf Outing a Great Success!
We had a wonderful day at the Hawk's View Golf Course! Our Sponsors and Golfers make this event memorable. Visit our Facebook Photo Album of this year's exciting event!
Thank you to our NHU Golf Outing Sponsors and Donors, who help to make our programs possible!
To learn more how you or your company can participate next year, contact us today via e-mail at horizons@new-horizons.org
June 5, 2016 - Come Celebrate and Support the efforts of The Friends of Harrington Beach State Park Accessible Camping Cabin construction at their FREE Pancake Breakfast!
Come celebrate and support this accessible cabin in the Wisconsin State Parks!
Sunday, June 5, 2016 - Wisconsin State Parks - FREE WISCONSIN PARKS ADMISSION DAY
Enjoy a FREE Pancake Breakfast at the Welcome Center from 8am until Noon.
Pancakes, sausages, applesauce and beverages will be available without charge. (Donations are welcome to support the Harrington Beach Accessible Cabin) After breakfast enjoy the beach, pond, hiking trails at this natural treasure. Directions: Take Interstate 43 from Milwaukee 40 miles north to the Belgium, Wisconsin exit and follow the signs to Harrington Beach State Park.
Visit Friends of Harrington Beach Accessible Cabin Project
Wednesday, June 1, 2016 - Save the Date! 13th Annual New Horizons Un-Limited Benefit Golf Outing- See our Golf Registration below.
Our 13th Annual New Horizons Un-Limited Benefit Golf Outing, will be held Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at Hawk's View Golf Club in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.
With a best ball format and our unique Mulligan Package, you need not be an expert golfer to enjoy our outing. Plus, our after-round banquet offers a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and network with colleagues.
Our outing offers a number of terrific promotional sponsorship opportunities in a variety of price ranges. Our golf outing draws more than 100 golfers from the Greater Milwaukee and Greater Chicago areas, offering an excellent opportunity to reach this audience.
Visit our NHU Benefit Golf Outing Registration
To learn more how you or your company can participate this year, contact us today via e-mail at horizons@new-horizons.org
May 28th, Milwaukee Lakefront - Summer Kickoff with the Sailing Vessel - Denis Sullivan - from 10am-4pm
Need a change of scenery? Visit Milwaukee's own re-creation of a typical 19th century 3-masted Great Lakes schooner, the Sailing Vessel - Denis Sullivan, for FREE deck tours for the whole family. Explore the S/V Denis Sullivan without leaving the dock! Go to the outdoor Dock on Saturday, May 28th for a chance to hop aboard Wisconsin’s flagship. Meet the incredible crew, learn how the ship works, explore changes in sailing technology, and experience Milwaukee’s rich maritime history. Deck Tours are great for all ages!
For more information, visit Sailing Vessel -Denis Sullivan
March 2016 - Thanks to everyone who participated in our 14th Annual NHU Benefit Raffle & Silent Auction
Our 2016 event was held at the US Bank Center, downtown Milwaukee, March 23 and 24th. Thanks to our Raffle and Silent Auction Donors and to you, our supporters, our NHU Benefit Spring fundraiser was a great success!
March 23-24, 2016 - 14th Annual NHU Benefit Raffle & Silent Auction

To purchase raffle tickets and contribute donations,
14th Annual Benefit Raffle and Silent Auction Ticket Order Form no longer available.
Grand Prize :
March 24, 2016
US Bank Center Galleria, Downtown Milwaukee
Need Not Be Present To Win
Raffle Tickets:
$2 each, 3 for $5, 7 for $10 or 20 for $20
Other prizes include restaurant certificates, hotel stays, festival and museum tickets, sporting event tickets and more. Our 2016 Raffle List is in development. Check back often as we update our complete list of prizes before the drawing.
January 2016 - Wisconsin State Parks accept Accessible Cabin reservations
Wisconsin State Parks will begin accepting Accessible Cabin reservations on January 10, 2016 for the 2016 camping season. There are eight accessible cabins currently available in the Wisconsin State Park System. The cabins are available for use exclusively by people whose physical disability makes use of traditional camping facilities very difficult or unlikely.
Accessible modern cabins are available at Wisconsin's Harrington Beach, Kohler-Andrae, Mirror Lake, Buckhorn, High Cliff, and Potowatami state parks, Richard Bong State Recreation Area and Kettle Moraine State Forest-Southern Unit. Rustic accessible cabins are available at Copper Falls and Blue Mound state park. For more information visit: January 2016 - Wisconsin State Parks accept Accessible Cabin reservations
2016: A New Behavioral Treatment Benefit to be Provided Under Wisconsin Medicaid and Other FowardHealth Programs
There will be a new behavioral treatment benefit under Wisconsin Medicaid and the other Foward Health Programs. The New behavioral treatment benefit will be available beginning January 1, 2016, for the following groups:
Children currently receiving autism treatment services under the CLTS Waiver Program;Children who have been diagnosed and are waiting for autism treatment services; and
Children who receive health care coverage through BadgerCare Plus, Medicaid, or the Katie Beckett Program and who have a need for behavioral treatment.
If you have a child with Autism and have not heard from the Wisconsin DHS, visit the Behavioral Treatment Benefit and Other Support Services for Children with Autism FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQs) BY FAMILIES
October 2015 - As we look at the past 25 years of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), we can imagine a bright future!
Twenty-five years ago, through the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), our nation committed itself to eliminating discrimination against people with disabilities; guaranteeing that people with disabilities have the same opportunities as everyone to participate in the mainstream of American life -- to enjoy employment opportunities, to purchase goods and services, and to participate in State and local government programs and services. New Horizons Un-Limited is proud to work towards a future in which all the doors are open to equal opportunity, full participation, independent living, integration and economic self-sufficiency for persons with disabilities. In honor of the 25th anniversary of the ADA, NHU holds a spotlight on our efforts that are opening gateways to full participation and opportunity for people with disabilities. We should all be concerned with the future, because we will have to spend the rest of our lives there. - ------ Charles F. Kettering, Inventor What are we doing NOW, to ensure a bright future for all of us? Visit our NHU press release.October 2015 - Dream Playground at Petzke Park in Kenosha, Wisconsin, an accessible playground, will open this Saturday, October 10th
Dream Playground at Petzke Park in Kenosha, Wisconsin, an accessible playground, will open this Saturday, October 10th with a ribbon cutting ceremonty at 1p.m. This playground wa inspired by Amity Forsythe who has spina bifida and Amity's mom, Jaime Forsythe and Tammy Conforti, a special needs teacher, have been working to make this playground a reality. For more information, visit thekac.com/playground
October 2015 - Kayla's Playground at Franklin Woods, Franklin, Wisconsin, an accessible playground, will open Saturday, October 10th
Kayla's Playground at Franklin Woods, Franklin, Wisconsin is the mission of Kayla's Krew--the Krew that worked wholeheartedly with the City of Franklin in hopes to build an all-accessible, all-inclusive playground in Franklin to be inspiring and truly all-accessible for all children and families of any age and ability, in honor of Kayla Runte. This new accessible playground will open tonight at the ribbon cutting ceremony at 5:30 and stay open until 8:30. For more information about Kayla's story and how to park and shuttle, visit www.franklinwi.gov/Home/Departments/ParksRecreation/KaylasPlaygroundatFranklinWoods.htmAugust 2015 - Harrington Beach State Park, Belgium Wisconsin Accepting Reservations Now
Harrington Beach State Park, Belgium, Wisconsin is accepting reservations for the new accessible cabin for the remainder of the 2015 camping season beginning August 1, 2015, with occupancy beginning August 10, 2015. Fax or mail your reservation to (FAX 262-285-7821) or Harrington Beach State Park, 531 County Road D, Belgium, WI 53004, ATTN Cabin Reservation.
The Campsite Reservation Request for People with Disabilities form can be obtained at the park or on-line at http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/camping/cabin.html. For more information, contact Harrington Beach State Park office at (262) 285-3015. Please check back on this website often for updates on the accessible cabin.
July 8, 2015 - Art Miller, Founder of New Horizons Un-Limited spoke at the Dedication Ceremony for the Opening of the Harrington Beach State Park Accessible Camping Cabin
Friends of the Friends of Group of Harrington Beach State Park, Belgium, Wisconsin, representatives from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, including the regional and park rangers and engineers, construction volunteers, workers, contractors, engineers, and donors including family members of Jim Schendel (who in memoriam inspired the construction of this cabin) were on site at the dedication ceremony of the opening of the Harrington Beach State Park Accessible Camping Cabin, July 8th, 2015.
The cabin was built in one of the campground sites and views Puckett's pond and surrounding prairie woodlands. Art Miller founder of New Horizons Un-Limited and an engineer who designed the first accessible cabin for the Wisconsin State parks in 1990 as well as this cabin, spoke at the ceremony, explaining to everyone how much the cabin can mean to people with disabilities," You have no idea what this means to the families who face each day with the challenge of disability and how much the respite in the out of doors can mean to a family and the family member with disabilities. It gives them Hope for tomorrow to begin again!" Read more...
2015 - July through October 15th - NHU's Annual Flower Bulb Sale is Underway!
If you count down the days until your spring garden is in full bloom, our Fundraising with Flowers Sale has your name written all over it! There is a superb selection of Tulips, Daffodils, Irises and more available!
We are now accepting orders online.
Orders will be shipped to your door in time for fall planting.NHU'S Fundraising with Flowers Webpage no longer available
to check out this year's selection of bulbs
and to support NHU with your order.
July 8, 2015 - Come Celebrate and Support the Dedication and Open House of the Harrington Beach State Park Accessible Camping Cabin! -Belgium, Wisconsin
NHU Announces the Dedication and Open House of the Harrington Beach State Park Accessible Camping Cabin.
The Department of Natural Resources, Southeast Region, Harrington Beach State Park and the Friends of Harrington Beach State Park will dedicate the Accessible Cabin, Wednesday, July 8 at 1:00pm, with an Open House and Public Tours, Social, Snacks, and Refreshments at Puckett's Pond Shelter to follow.
Harrington Beach State Park, 531 County Road D, Belgium, Wisconsin. Park at the Puckett’s Park Shelter lot and walk the trail to the cabin. Contact the office for accessible details 262-285-3015.
A Park Sticker is required. See DNR fees at Parks Admission Fees
Directions: Harrington Beach is about 35 miles north of Milwaukee and 21 miles south of Sheboygan, WI via Interstate Highway 43. From I-43, take exit 107 (Belgium/Lake Church) and go east on County Highway D about one mile. The park entrance will be on your right. Geographic coordinates are 43° 29' 37.81" N, 87° 48' 8.13" W.
June 7, 2015 - Come Celebrate and Support the efforts of The Friends of Harrington Beach State Park Accessible Camping Cabin construction at their FREE Pancake Breakfast!
Come celebrate, support and help realize this next accessible cabin in the Wisconsin State Parks!
Sunday, June 7, 2014 - Wisconsin State Parks - FREE WISCONSIN PARKS ADMISSION DAY
Enjoy a FREE Pancake Breakfast at the Welcome Center from 8am until Noon.
Pancakes, sausages, applesauce and beverages will be available without charge. (Donations are welcome to support the Harrington Beach Accessible Cabin) After breakfast enjoy the beach, pond, hiking trails at this natural treasure. Directions: Take Interstate 43 from Milwaukee 40 miles north to the Belgium, Wisconsin exit and follow the signs to Harrington Beach State Park.
Visit Friends of Harrington Beach Accessible Cabin Project
Summer 2015 - NHU Announces The Friends of Harrington Beach State Park are finalizing construction of the 8th Wisconsin State Park Accessible Camping Cabin this summer!
The Friends Group of Harrington Beach State Park will complete construction:
Wisconsin’s 8th wheelchair accessible cabin for people with disabilities
at the family campground of Harrington Beach State Park near Belgium, Wisconsin this summer! Congratulations to the Friends Group and their project manager, Neil Kraemer, for all the effort to make this next cabin a reality!
Visit our NHU announcement for all the information about this exciting project at
8th Wisconsin State Park Accessible Camping Cabin
Hey Milwaukee County residents, did you know that you might be eligible for FREE bus rides in Milwaukee County?!
If you have a "physical or mental impairment" or are 65 years of age or older you could qualify for a MCTS GO Pass. The application is linked below, check it out. MCTS Go Pass information
Wednesday, June 3, 2015 - 12th Annual New Horizons Un-Limited Benefit Golf Outing- See our Golf Brochure
Our 12th Annual New Horizons Un-Limited Benefit Golf Outing, will be held Wednesday, June 3, 2015 at Hawk's View Golf Club in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.
With a best ball format and our unique Mulligan Package, you need not be an expert golfer to enjoy our outing. Plus, our after-round banquet offers a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and network with colleagues.
Our outing offers a number of terrific promotional sponsorship opportunities in a variety of price ranges. Our golf outing draws more than 100 golfers from the Greater Milwaukee and Greater Chicago areas, offering an excellent opportunity to reach this audience.
Download the 2015 Golf Outing BrochureTo learn more how you or your company can participate this year, contact us today via e-mail at horizons@new-horizons.org
May 23rd, Milwaukee - Summer Kickoff with the Sailing Vessel - Denis Sullivan
Visit the Sailing Vessel Denis Sullivan at the lake front, for FREE deck tours from 10am-4pm, on May 23rd and enjoy FREE nauticle inspired fastival games for the whole family. Also get a chance to win 1 of 9 great nautical themed prizes in their raffle. For more information, visit the Sailing Vessel -Denis SullivanApril 2015 - Disability movement loses advocate
This past weekend the disability movement lost a dedicated advocate. In the early 1970s, Alberta Lessard challenged the system on mental health commitment laws and changed, through the US Supreme Court, the laws across the country to provide more protection for individual patients such as rights to legal representation, a timely hearing, a jury trial and cross-examination of witnesses. Alberta is absolute proof that one person can make a difference. She was an awesome, loving, caring, forgiving, special friend of one of the active members of New Horizons Un-Limited. She will be missed.
April 16th - Join us for Earth Day 2015! U.S. Bank downtown Milwaukee.
We will be at Earth Day -2015 at the U.S. Bank Galleria Leve,l downtown Milwaukee from 10 - 2. Recycle your computer equipment through NHU. We refurbish used computer equipment and grant workstations with Windows 7 to community members with disabilities. Come join us and many other Earth Day exhibitors.
March 25, 26 - 13th Annual Benefit Raffle & Silent Auction was a Great Success!
Thanks to our Raffle and Silent Auction Donors and to you, our supporters, our NHU Benefit Spring fundraiser was a great success. Check out our generous 2015 NHU Benefit Spring Raffle and Silent Auction Donors.
March 25-26, 2015 - 13th Annual Benefit Raffle & Silent Auction
To purchase raffle tickets and contribute donations,
13th Annual Benefit Raffle and Silent Auction Ticket Order Form
Grand Prize :
March 26, 2015
US Bank Center Galleria, Downtown Milwaukee
Need Not Be Present To Win
Raffle Tickets:
$3 each, 2 for $5, 5 for $10 or 15 for $20
Other prizes include restaurant certificates, hotel stays, festival and museum tickets, sporting event tickets and more. Our 2015 Raffle List is in development. Check back often as we update our complete list of prizes before the drawing.
March 2015 - The Brain Injury Alliance of Wisconsin has proclaimed March, Brain Injury Awareness Month
See the proclamation from the Governor's office from the State of Wisconsin at Brain Injury Awareness Month The organization is advocating for the prevention of brain injury and the full participation in life of individuals with brain injury. For more information on the prevention of brain injury, visit the Brain Injury Alliance of WisconsinJanuary 2015 - This year plan a day or two away at Welcome H.O.M.E. in Newburg, Wisconsin!
The state parks only allow each visitor a 4 night stay so if you are looking to fill your week at another accessible venue consider this vacation alternative just a few miles from J.M. Kohler-Terry Andrae State Park near Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Welcome H.O.M.E (House of Modification Examples) is a Bed and Breakfast located in Newburg, Wisconsin, but it is not your ordinary B and B. Welcome H.O.M.E. was built to be visited and enjoyed by everyone, regardless of ability or disability. Equipped with varied adaptive devices and designed with accessibility in mind, all are encouraged to "come as you are." All public rooms, private guestrooms, bathrooms, and hiking trails throughout the 17 acre woodland are accessible. Experience the beauty of the great outdoors, leisurely explore numerous and varied accessible home design ideas and adaptive equipment and visit Riveredge Nature Center just a mile down the road. To arrange a visit to this unique wheelchair accessible country home, contact Welcome, H.O.M.E. at P.O. Box 333, 4260 West Hawthorne Drive (Hwy. Y), Newburg, Wisconsin 53060, call (262) 675-2525, or visit their website.
2015 Camping Season - Register now at the beginning of the year for the Wisconsin State Parks Accessible Cabins!
J.M. Kohler-Terry Andrae State Parks Accessible Cabin!
Richard Bong State Recreation Area Accessible Cabin
New Horizons Un-Limited collaborated with Miller Engineering Inc., Strass-Maguire and Associates Inc., architects, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and various Friends of Wisconsin State Parks groups to coordinate accessibility issues and the design with the State of Wisconsin for the Wisconsin State Parks accessible camping cabins for people with disabilities.
The accessible cabins feature numerous accessible amenities, ensuring that all people with disabilities can freely use the cabin and the park's amenities without fear of hidden barriers. Features include a fully accessible bathroom and kitchen and an accessible sleeping porch. All rooms are large enough to allow for people in wheelchairs to move freely about the cabin from the entrance ramps, doorways, undercounter space and the roll-in shower. Furthermore, all fixtures and controls are accessible, including the faucets, toilet, door and cabinet handles and light switches. The Wisconsin State Parks are now taking reservations for the 2015 camping season for the Accessible Cabins! Plan now for your camping trip.For more information or a reservation application, call the individual parks that provide accessible cabins:
- High Cliff State Park on Lake Winnebago
- Kettle Moraine State Forest - Southern Unit (Eagle, WI)
- Mirror Lake State Park (Baraboo, WI)
- J.M. Kohler-Terry Andrae State Park (Sheboygan, WI) at (920) 451-4080
- Richard Bong State Recreation Area Accessible Cabin(262) 878-5600
Or go to the Wisconsin DNR Accessible Cabins
December 2014 - New Horizons Un-Limited Celebrates Our 20th Anniversary!
Since 1994 we have been providing our community members with disabilities the information, tools, and experiences that enable them to become confident contributing citizens!
Thank you for being part of our 20 year journey!
You have helped us to grow beyond our humble beginnings into a full service organization that has trained and supported hundreds of motivated individuals. We have seen our clients become advocates, earn their GEDs, graduate for college, find jobs, start businesses, all because they were given the tools and the ongoning support they needed to succeed.
Your support made that possible! Join us for the next 20! See our Winter NHU Outlook Newsletter
December 2014 - Harrington State Park Accessible Cabin - progress on the construction of the 8th Cabin for Wisconsin State Parks!
In December, construction is progressing to build Wisconsin's 8th wheelchair accessible cabin at Harrington Beach State Park in Belgium, Wisconsin. The Friends Group is finishing the systems inside so they can insulate the new accessible cabin at campground site #114 at Harrington Beach State Park to get it closed ready for interior finishing work.
If you haven't had a chance to contribute to this new cabin, contact Friends of Harrington Beach Accessible Cabin Project. The Friends Group of Harrington Beach State Park is planning a 2015 opening of the cabin. We will keep you posted when this new cabin will be ready for season reservations.