New Horizons Un-Limited Inc.

Community and Internet Resources

Housing: Programs and Services

State Listings:  CO  /   MA /   NY  /  WA  /  WI   (Official USPS State Abbreviations)


Home Sight offers links to many helpful disability housing-related resources within the United States, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Such resource links include, non-profit organizations, housing agencies, projects, policies, designs, and publications. Many resources offering information on disability issues and assisted living are also featured.


National Resource Center on Supportive Housing and Home Modification offers extensive resources and information regarding home modification. Their website features a list of resources and national programs related to supportive housing and home modification. The site also offers a frequently asked question section, covering such topics as funding, construction, mortgages, etc. In addition to these offerings, there is also an online newsletter, a message board, an event calendar, and a list of helpful publications. For more information, visit their website. Insurance and Financial Services provides insurance quotes for homeowners, rental, condominium and more. They are an insurance shopper, so they obtain quotes from multiple insurance companies to locate the best rate for you. If you do not wish to use the shopper, contact the insurance company direct.

State Listings


HERO (Homeownership Education and Resource Opportunities) Alliance is an ongoing program aimed at increasing home ownership opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities. Members of the HERO Alliance, who include non-profits, lenders and housing organizations, provide home ownership counseling and help coordinate individualized financing plans. For more information about this Alliance, please visit the Developmental Disabilities Resource Center website or call (303) 233-3363.


Specialized Housing Inc. consults with families, individuals, and groups to create the supportive housing of their choice. They offer services to adults with varying levels and types of disabilities. Their focus is on home ownership for individuals with disabilities. For more information about this service, visit their website or e-mail

New York

Snow Belt Housing Company, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to seeing that all Lewis County residents are able to afford a safe and decent place to live. They offer a number of assistance programs, including a home ownership assistance program, which awards grant to individuals for down payment on a home. They also offer low-interest home repair loans and home improvement grants. Income limits do apply. For more information, call (315) 376-2639 (Voice) or 800-662-1220 (TDD).


Community Home Ownership Center (CHOC) is a non-profit housing counseling agency that offers free information and referral services for first time, low to moderate-income homebuyers. They offer an on-line First Time Home Buyer Guide which offers information on fair housing, home buyer education and counseling, debt and credit information, down payment assistance, loan programs, and housing opportunities. They also offer home buyer seminars. For more information, call their hotline at (800) 317-2918.


EBTIDE offers a Homebuyer Grant Program for Homebuyers with disabilities or for those who have a disabled family member. Grants are awarded in the amount of $7500 to be used for down payment, closing costs, and / or home modifications. The grant is forgiven if the home is not sold within the first five years of purchase. To be eligible for this program, family income must not exceed 60% of the county median income. For more information, call (888) 838-9021.

Independence First provides housing services on-line, which include terminology for universal housing, accessible housing, and more. Also, they provide links to housing home pages, such as the National Association of Realtors, Wisconsin Realtors, and more. Independence First provides home purchasing information and programs to aid the residents in the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin in buying a home. The website contains information and links to ramp projects, home and residential care, accessibility resources, apartment search resources, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. A housing list is offered by Independence First and contains all accessible housing offered in the Milwaukee area.

Interfaith offers a comprehensive website on "Living Options in Southeastern Wisconsin." The website features information on skilled care, assisted living facilities, retirement communities (for elderly), apartment living, as well as home ownership. The site reviews options available in Southeastern Wisconsin relative to each living environment.

United Cerebral Palsy of Southeastern Wisconsin has an Independent Living Program (ILP) that assists adults with cerebral palsy and similar disabilities achieve more independent lives.

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