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Housing: Community Living (Group Homes/Supported Living)
New Horizons Un-Limited is not affiliated with, nor do we endorse the following residential programs. Please evaluate each program thoroughly. For assistance with this evaluation, visit the NHU Guide to Searching for Appropriate Housing Options.
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Dungarvin offers supported living residences and services in 12 states, including Alabama, California, Colorado, Delaware, Indiana, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon and Wisconsin. For more information, call their National Central Office at (800) 967-2791 or e-mail them at info@dungarvin.com.
Glenwood Autism and Behavioral Health Center provides treatment and education services in a least restrictive setting, through a continuum of care, with the highest respect for individuals and families served. Glenwood leads the state in providing behavioral health care and educational services that are responsive and complimentary to a continuum of care for persons with autism disorders. Glenwood boasts the only service of its kind in Alabama to serve adults with autism. Adults with autism share the common human goals of being respected members of the community, participating in activities of interest, maintaining valuable relationships and living as independently as possible. The services they need to succeed can be as varied as the people themselves. That is why Glenwood offers multi-faceted Adult Services programs to help adults live, work and learn in environments that are best suited for their individual needs. Glenwood’s Adult Services include The Sullivan Center, an Adult Day Program, residential programs and community homes. Adult Programs : Art Therapy Program and Horticulture Therapy Program Adult Residential Services : Blanford House, Donita House, Harper House, Ireland House, Jernigan House, Mitchell House, Mott Webb House, and Parkland House. For more information contact, Glenwood, Autism & Behavioral Health Center, 150 Glenwood Lane, Birmingham, Al 35242, Main Phone: (205)969.2880, Main Fax: (205)795.3383, or send Email to: info@glenwood.org
The ARC of Tuscaloosa County offers the PESE (Palk Enterprises Supported Employment) program. A program funded by the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services that provides community-based assessments, job development, job coaching, and extended support to meet the employment needs of the individuals served. For information, contact Tim Green, Program Coordinator (205)758-1875
Mat-Su Services for Children and Adults, Inc. (MSSCA), based in Wasilla, Alaska, is a non-profit corporation serving adults and children with developmental disabilities. MSSCA offers a Supported Living program which assists individuals with developmental disabilities live in the community as independently as possible. Supported Living offers an array of service choices including supervised apartment living, foster care, companion living, shared care and in-home support. For more information, call (907) 352-1200 or e-mail mssca@mssca.org.
Saguaro Foundation is a non-profit organization located in Yuma, Arizona that offers community living programs for individuals with disabilities and the elderly. They have 8 group homes at which residents participate in day programs aimed at developing a variety of everyday skills. They also offer short-term, emergency respite services, providing an opportunity to reside in a group home for a short time period. Additional services include in-home assistance and adult day care programs. For more information, call (928) 783-6069.
Casa de Amma is a unique apartment community fostering growth and independence in young adults with special needs. Located in San Juan Capistrano, California and licensed by the State of California - staffed 24/7 - the main objective is for increased development of independent living skills and social involvement with others. For more information, please visit their website or contact Andrea Erickson, Executive Director at (949) 496-9001.Cornerstone House is a non-profit corporation providing long-term, 24-hour residential care for developmentally disabled young adults located in Carpinteria, California. For more information, call (805) 684-5840.
California Department of Developmental Services provides an array of residential programs and services to adults with developmental disabilities. Supported Living Services (SLS) are provided to adults who own or lease their own homes/apartments. Community Care Facilities (CCFs) provide 24-hour non-medical residential care to children and adults with developmental disabilities who are in need of personal services, supervision, and/or assistance with activities of daily living. Family Homes provide adults with developmental disabilities an opportunity to reside with a family and share in the interaction and responsibilities of being part of that family. To learn more about these residential services, call (916) 654-1690.
California Supported Living Network is an informational and advocacy organization that works to promote the concept of Supported Living, the idea that that every Californian with a developmental disability has the right to live in a home of their own with the supports needed to live the life that they choose. The Network's website is a great informational source for families and individuals who wish to pursue supported living.
Moving Forward Towards Independence is a Napa, California residential training and transition program for adults with intellectual disabilities. Created by a group of concerned parents, Moving Forward, provides a range of services including independent living training, case management, residential living, educational classes, employment training, and more.
Ability Beyond Disability, serving Fairfield and Litchfield counties in Connecticut, offers Supported Living Alternatives and Group Homes. Adults in the Supported Living program live in apartments, condominiums and houses and often share the rent with one or more roommates or housemates. They receive staff support only as needed, from minimal, weekly support to as much as 24 hours a day. Group Home living is available to adults with disabilities in need of 24-hour support. For more information, call (888) 832-8247 or e-mail info@abilitybeyond.org.Oak Hill provides group home living as well as supported apartment living. Apartments and group homes are located in areas that provide easy access to the community. Oak Hill's residential services provides ample opportunity to learn and grow, providing leisure time to develop interests; skills training to build skills in self-feeding, cooking and social awareness; and community activities to strengthen social interaction capabilities. For more information, call (860) 242-2274.
Angels Unaware, Inc. is a non-profit organization that provides residential care facilities for individuals with severe and profound developmental disabilities in Tampa, Florida. For information, visit their website or call (813) 961-1159.Quest Inc., serving Central Floridians with disabilities, offers a Supported Living program which ranges from providing group home situations to offering support services for consumers living on their own within the Central Florida community. Via their program, each consumer is assessed to determine his or her capabilities, and to identify individual challenges. After this assessment, the consumer and a Quest program manager work together to set realistic short and long-term goals, and to implement a support plan that will help the consumer meet those goals. To learn how Quest can help you on your path to living independently call (407) 889-4530.
Trinity Services, Inc., a non-profit organization located in Joliet, Illinois, provides a Community Living Program, which offers community homes and apartments for 1 to 8 individuals who have developmental disabilities. These homes, or CILAs (Community-Integrated Living Arrangements), are located in residential neighborhoods throughout the Southwest Chicago suburbs. They also offer an Adult Learning Program that provides an opportunity to learn by participating in a number of social and community-based activities. For more information, visit their website or call (815) 485-6197.
Carey Services is a non-profit, assisted living facility offering two different housing options. The Supported Living Program allows people to live in their own apartment or home with the support of an agency staff member. The program also includes housing and services designed to assist individuals with limited mobility. There are also six group homes in which the staff to resident ratio is 1:3. Two of the six homes are wheelchair accessible. Carey Services is located at 2724 S. Carey St., Marion, Indiana 46953. For more information either visit their website or call (765) 668-8961.Jacob's Village, located in Evansville, Indiana, is a residential community that supports adults with Functional Developmental Disabilities in their pursuit of developing life skills, interests and maximum independence. They offer a comprehensive program of residential, vocational, recreational, enrichment and social support services in an environment that fosters lifelong learning, self-sufficiency and dynamic community. To learn more, call (812) 963-5198.
Pathfinder Services, Inc. is a non-profit organization offering Community Group Living services for adults with developmental disabilities in the Northern Indiana counties of Huntington, Wabash, Marshall and Starke. For more information, call (800) 833-1571.
Cedar Lake Residences, "a subsidiary of Cedar Lake, Inc., is a private not-for-profit corporation which provides community-based residential options and support services for adults with [mild to moderate] mental retardation and developmental disabilities." They offer a group home environment as well as supported living services within independent, community-based residences. Residents of the group home are active within the community by working or volunteering 20 or more hours per week. For more information, call (502) 327-7706.
Cadmus LifeSharing Association offers group home living to adults with developmental disabilities. They have eight homes in the Great Barrington area, each offering unique experiences to their residents. For more information, call (413) 528-1307 or e-mail cadmuslifesharing@gmail.com.Leander House, Inc., located in downtown Great Barrington, Massachusetts, offers residential living and day support to adults with developmental disabilities. To learn of admissions, contact Peter and Jennie Stanton at Leander House, Inc., 48 West Avenue, Great Barrington, MA 01230. You may also call them at (413) 528-8491.
Ledges, The is a resident community for developmentally disabled adults, age 18 and older located in Hopedale, Massachusetts. Each resident's options are based upon his or her preferences, special needs, and developmental progress. Each home within the community is designed to offer an optimal level of independence, so residents can grow into a more self-sufficient lifestyle. Additionally, an individualized learning program, to include on and off-campus classes will be developed for each resident. For more information, call (508) 473-6520.
River Brook Residence, located in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, offers community living to women with developmental disabilities. River Brook encourages full community participation and offers life skills training and various educational and recreational activities. For more information, call (413) 298-4926.
Specialized Housing, Inc. works with families seeking supportive independent living situations for adults with developmental disabilities, learning disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, physical disabilities, or psychiatric illness. They offer supportive housing opportunities in condominiums and apartments in Brookline, Cambridge, and Arlington, Massachusetts as well as in Providence, Rhode Island. The individual, family, or a trust owns the unit and the adult occupying the unit is supported in living as independently as he or she is able. Residents are involved in the planning of each new household and meet regularly to discuss household policy, problems and needs, household chores and maintenance, to plan celebrations, and to participate in staff hiring. For more information, call (617) 277-1805.
A.W.A.R.E. Inc., a non-profit human services agency located in Anaconda, Montana, offers supported living services. These services provide adults with developmental disabilities a specialized array of services and supports that promotes individual choices, independence and safety in integrated environments in the community. For more information, call (406) 563-3482.Montana Disability Services Division offers 46 adult community homes in which anywhere from three to eight residents may live. Individuals residing in these homes receive assistance with activities of daily living and individualized skill acquisition training designed to assist them to move towards greater independence and to become a participating member of the community. For more information, visit Developmental Services Division: Adult Community Homes.
New Jersey
Steven Milford Independent Living Experience (SMILE) is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving intellectually and developmentally disabled individuals as they face the challenges of adulthood. SMILE is in the process of establishing community homes in which individuals can receive the support they need from their peers and the guidance they need from loving caretakers. Their desire is to make the residents of a SMILE home part of the community in which they live. For more information contact: 39 Ithanell Road, Hopatcong, New Jersey 07843 or Phone (314) SMILE99 or (314) 764-5399 or send Email to: kim4smilefil@gmail.comNew Mexico
Mandy's Special Farm for Women with Autism is "a long term residential living, schooling, learning and growing center for young women with autism." This center, created and operated by parents of a young woman with autism, offers daily activities such as occupational therapy, aquatic therapy, horseback riding, meal preparation, gardening, computer and vocational training and much more. Each resident will have an individual treatment program designed around their strengths and needs. This is a longterm residential center, inviting women to spend their lifetimes at the center. Admissions are accepted for adult women. For more information, visit their website, call (505) 873-1187.Tobosa Developmental Services, located in Roswell, New Mexico, offers assisted living services and group home living to adults with developmental disabilities. Assisted living is available to adults that do not require 24-hour assistance. Group Homes provide adult participants with 24-hour assistance and support. Participants live in groups of two to four in homes located in safe, clean neighborhoods. Each home reflects the preferences and tastes of the residents, where individuals have the privacy of their own rooms. Residential services incorporate opportunities for active participation in daily routines and preferred activities at home and in the community.For more information, call (505) 624-1025.
New York
Ability Beyond Disability, serving Westchester and Putnam counties in New York, offers Supported Living Alternatives and group home living. Adults in the Supported Living program live in apartments, condominiums and houses and often share the rent with one or more roommates or housemates. They receive staff support only as needed, from minimal, weekly support to as much as 24 hours a day. Group Home living is also available for those who need 24-hour assistance. For more information, call (888) 832-8247 or e-mail info@abilitybeyonddisability.org.Community Access is a non-profit agency providing housing and advocacy for people with psychiatric disabilities. They offer a number of housing programs, which include both transitional and permanent housing environments. Transitional housing focuses on rehabilitation, while permanent housing offers tenants an opportunity to hold leases and to receive services as needed. If you are interested in obtaining more information about either of these housing options, call (212) 780-1400.
Community Living Corporation, a not-for-profit service provider, located in Mount Kisco, New York, provides care for people with developmental disabilities through community based living. They operate a number of group homes and supportive apartments in various communities throughout northern Westchester County. They also offer recreational and vocational programs. For more information, call (914) 241-0032 or e-mail clc@bestweb.net.
Crystal Run Village, Inc., operating in the Orange, Rockland and Sullivan counties of New York, offers several residential options to individuals with developmental disabilities. Via their Supportive Apartment Communities they provide independent living services to people with mild or moderate intellectual disabilities who do not need 24-hour supervision. The supportive apartment program provides a case worker as auxiliary support for the continued success of their independence. They also provide Group Home living. They operate forty-three houses in total, accommodating 4-14 people each. Suburban and rural environments offer easy access to the outdoors, shopping, amusements, neighborhood happenings and religious services. The services provided in these home-like settings include 24-hour staffing, meals, daily program planning, transportation, medical assistance and help in defining personal preferences and individual goal achievement. For more information, call (845) 692-4444.
East End Disability Associates, Inc. offers Individual Residential Alternatives (IRA). Living in an IRA enables individuals to reside in a home like environment with staff support. Individuals residing in an IRA will be full partners with EEDA staff and their Service Coordinator in creating an Individualized Service Plan (ISP), that identifies the hopes and dreams he/she wishes to attain. This alternative living option affords individuals the opportunity to participate in the care of their own home, full community access, and the prospect for socialization, recreation and leisure. For more information, call (631) 369-7345 or e-mail info@eed-a.org.
Independent Group Home Living, Inc. (IGHL), a non-profit agency, offers a number of programs throughout Suffolk County, New York. It has been the mission of IGHL to "enrich the lives of the developmentally disabled population within their communities through education and housing." They offer a number of group homes located within communities and neighborhoods of Suffolk County. For more information, call (631) 878-8900 or e-mail flombardi@ighl.org.
New Hope Community residential housing excels at providing person centered home environments. In such, the agency’s homes adapt to all extents possible to meet on-going changes in lifestyle for persons in their care. Several individuals choose to reside in double occupancy bedrooms while the agency looks to provide independence and single accommodations when possible. Each home is staffed with dedicated and highly trained Direct Care Professionals whose skills and sensibilities have been fine-tuned to meet the needs of the individuals for whom they advocate; Training is a constant. Nurses, clinicians and service coordinators make up an integral part of each home’s team. One will always find compassion, care and advocacy stemming from home. For more information contact New Hope Community at: 5 New Hope Community Drive P.O. Box 289, Route 52 Loch Sheldrake, NY 12759, or by Phone at: (845) 434-8300, or Email them at: info@newhopecommunity.org
Pathfinder Village, located in Edmeston, New York, offers residential living to children and adults with Down Syndrome. The "village" is modeled after Early American communities, with its family homes and buildings situated around two greens. The "village" includes 10 residential homes, a restored 1841 chapel, an art center, a sports and recreation center, a school and the Kennedy-Willis Center on Down Syndrome. For more information, visit their website, call (607) 965-8377 ext. 101 or e-mail info@pathfindervillage.org.
Epilepsy/Pralid is a non-profit agency located in Rochester, NY that provides residential services and community based rehabilitative services to individuals who, due to brain injury or other neurological disorders or developmental disabilities need some supports to enable them to live within the community. PRALID provides a continuum of residential options. Participants have a choice of living arrangements, including private or shared apartments, individual residential alternatives (IRA's), or their own private residences within the community. Residential support services are available and, based on the consumer's needs, might range from a few hours a week to 24-hour-a-day assistance. Individual abilities, needs and interests are considered in determining which residential option is most appropriate for each consumer. For more information, call (585) 442-6420.
North Carolina
Residential Services Inc. is a private, non-profit organization located in Chapel Hill, North Carolina that provides living options and related supports to people of all ages with developmental disabilities. To learn of admission procedures, call (919) 942-7391.
Ardmore Inc. is a non-profit organization that offers housing options to individuals with developmental disabilities living in Summit County Ohio. Ardmore Inc. offers small homes, foster care homes, and temporary, emergency living situations. Each residential facility houses one to four people with a low staff to client ratio. They also offer two accessible housing facilities. Their website offers several links to resources related to developmental disabilities as well. To contact Ardmore Inc. call (330) 535-2601.United Cerebral Palsy of Cleveland assists individuals locate accessible places to live in neighborhoods where they have access to banks, grocery stores, churches and other frequently used services. Through ILP, individuals also receive case management and daily support services to assist them with decision making, financial management, participation in social activities and personal care. For more information, call (216) 791-8363.
Oregon Department of Human Services via their Aging and Disability Resource Connection of Oregon provides services to adults ranging from supports to assist an individual to live in their own home or with family or friends, to 24-hour comprehensive services. For more information, call 1-855-673-2372.
Down Home Ranch, is a working farm and ranch, where about 40 adults and children - including 20 with Down syndrome and other disabilities - live year round, caring for 340 acres of the Post Oak Savannah in Central Texas Built and operated by parents of a daughter with Down Syndrome, the ranch invites those willing and able to work to join their community. For more information, call (888) 926-2253 or e-mail info@downhomeranch.org.
Balance, Inc. is an organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for persons with developmental disabilities. They provide services to individuals that promote and respond to their personal goals, desires, needs and dreams. They strive to empower each individual in determining the direction of his or her life. Services enhance the communities' capacity to understand and embrace persons with developmental disabilities. They are committed to provide services that maximize individual potential, while acting as prudent stewards of our resources. They offer individual services, adult family group homes, adult day services and supported living and children's services, with a summer recreation program for children. To contact Balance Inc. write to 1350 14th Avenue, Grafton, WI 53024, Phone: (262) 268-6811 or Fax: (262) 421-8330. BrotolocNorth provides supported living and specialized services for adults with disabilities and long term care needs. They offer group (Community Based Residential Facilities) residences, as well as supervised and supported apartment living. Residential service are available in the Western Rivers, Eau Claire, and Fox Valley areas. For more information, call their corporate offices in Eau Claire at (715) 832-5085.CommonGround Ministry, Inc, provides physical, spiritual and emotional support to people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS regardless of religious beliefs, race, gender, or sexual orientation. They provide a safe, supportive transitional living environment through their group home, Elena's House which provides the means for residents to move toward independence in the community or to a death with dignity. They provide a wholistic ministry that is both personal and communal. For more information about CommonGround or Elena's House, please call (414) 453-3890 or email them at cgministry@sbcglobal.net.
Have a Heart Inc. home is located in River Falls and is completely handicapped accessible. It is home to adults who are provided 24 hour supervised care. The residents and their guardians are encouraged to be active participants in all decisions. Community activities are supported and encouraged.
Homes for Independent Living (HIL) is a for-profit organization serving 10 Wisconsin counties with over 90 programs for adults with developmental disabilities. HIL offers Adult Family Homes (2-4 persons), Community Based Residential Facilities (5-6 persons), Community Supported Living Arrangements (1-4 persons), Supported Apartment Programs, and Group Homes. Many of the residential and group homes are fully accessible. The residencies are also furnished with specially designed furniture to meet the needs of disabled individuals. Their website offers a number of links to other helpful resources as well. For more information call (262) 334-2284.Inspiration Ministries, serving Walworth County, Wisconsin, offers a variety of assisted living environments. Their Community Based Residential Facility (CBRF) has 16 private and companion rooms offering daily Nursing care, personal services, health care services as well as a meal plan. Assisted Living apartments are available for residents needing increased care services. These apartments offer independence and privacy, while still having assistance close at hand when needed. They also offer Independent Living Apartments. Residents in this type of accommodation live virtually independently, with assistance close at hand in case of emergency. For more information, contact Jill Snyder, Director of Social Services, by phone at (262) 275-6131, extension 244, FAX 262-275-3355, by mail at PO Box 948, Walworth WI, 53184, or by e-mail at jsnyder@inspirationministries.org.
Jean-Owen Adult Family Home, LLC is an adult family home in South Milwaukee which serves developmentally disabled clients. They provide supervised and supportive care as well as recreational activities and teach daily living skills. For more information, call (414) 215-7953.
Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan is a non-profit agency offering group home settings, providing skills training, financial services, recreation and leisure activities and health monitoring. They also offer family home residential settings. For more information, call (414) 281-4400.
Options in Community Living, Inc. is a private, non-profit organization serving Dane County, Wisconsin. They provide residential support services to individuals with developmental disabilities that are 18 years of age or older. Services are tailored to each individuals needs and are designed to assist individuals live as independently as possible within their community. They offer assistance in locating housing, roommates or a home aid and also assist individuals obtain access to community resources. For more information about these and many other services, call (608) 249-1585.
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