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- Shelter/Homeless/Transition Housing Resources
Housing: Shelter/Homeless/Transition Housing Resources
State Listings: // CT / MS / MT / NY / WI (Official USPS State Abbreviations)
54 Ways You Can Help The Homeless is an entire book online, this site gives information about homelessness, giving to the homeless, ending homelessness, and related resources.ADA checklist for Emergency Shelters from the American Disabilities Act of the U.S. Government.
Department of Housing and Urban Development VA Supportive Housing (HUD-VA SH) VA Homeless Programs HUD-VASH is a collaborative program that pairs HUD’s Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) rental assistance with VA case management and supportive services. These services are designed to help homeless Veterans and their families obtain permanent housing and access the health care, mental health treatment, and other supports necessary to help them improve their quality of life and maintain housing over time. ,p> If you are a Veteran seeking housing support, please contact the National Call Center for Homelessness Among Veterans for immediate housing crisis needs. If you are a Veteran seeking housing support… Please call our National Call Center for Homeless Veterans at 877-424-3838 or chat with the call center. This service is free, confidential, and is staffed 24/7 with trained counselors who can talk with you right now and connect you with your nearest VA for assistance
Homeless Shelter Directory provides Homeless Shelters and Homeless Service Organizations. This includes all resources necessary to help the needy. Find a Homeless Shelter by clicking on your state on the map. Due to the current foreclosure rate and US recession, many shelters have waiting lists. Please call before going to the shelter.
Transitional Housing.org is about providing assistance for persons along with housing. Transitional housing is supportive housing that helps fight the homeless problem in todays society. Transitional housing is generally for a limited time period. Stays can be from two weeks to twenty four months. Transitional housing provides people with help after a crisis such as homelessness or domestic violence. There are over 5276 transitional housing shelters in the database on this website and you just click on the map of the U.S. to find your location. They also provide much information on each housing location.
State Listings

CHESS - or Connecticut Housing Engagement and Support Services -is a new initiative that combines Medicaid health coverage with a range of housing services for state residents struggling with homelessness and chronic health issues. CHESS will pool the efforts of state agencies and non-profit partners to bring coordinated healthcare and housing services to individuals with mental health, substance use and other serious health conditions.
Institute for Disability Studies' Shelter for All (SFA) Program The University Of Southern Mississippi Institute for Disability Studies (IDS) was awarded funds from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) through its Continuum of Care/Supportive Housing Program. Since its inception, The Institute for Disability Studies’ Shelter for All (SFA) Program solicits and assists homeless individuals with disabilities by providing supportive services to locate transitional and/or permanent housing and achieve self-sufficiency and self-determination. Since being awarded funds, SFA, a Supportive Services Only (SSO) Program, has assisted over 3,000 individuals and families with disabilities. Check out the website for who is eligible to participate and what services they provide to all Mississipians. For more information contact the:
The Poverello Center, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that has been helping the homeless in Missoula, Montana for nearly 35 years and has earned local and national recognition for its integrated healthcare, housing, and service programs.. The mission of the Poverello Center is to work collaboratively toward the prevention of homelessness and the creation of lasting solutions for homeless and at-risk families, children, and individuals throughout the State. "The Pov" advocates for and provides a continuum of housing and a variety of services to improve the health, well-being, and stability of those it serves. Clients of all programs represent the homeless, working-poor, disabled, mentally ill, elderly, veterans, families, runaways, children, and folks struggling with substance abuse recovery. The Pov's comprehensive approach addresses the causes of homelessness, as well as the consequences, offering critical assistance to over 5,000 individuals and families each year. The Pov's downtown, Ryman Street shelter, sleeps up to one hundred homeless residents a night and serves 100,000 hot meals, 365 days a year. It is the largest homeless shelter in the State of Montana. Approximately 300-350 impoverished Missoulians utilize the Pov's services each and every day. The Poverello Center operates transitional housing facilities for homeless families, The Joseph Residence, and for homeless veterans, The Valor House, as well as a daytime, drop-in center for the chronically homeless, The Salcido Center. Services provided include mental health referrals, an on-site medical clinic operated by Partnership Health, a food pantry, clothing room, hot showers, agency and job referrals, laundry room, soup kitchen, sack lunch program, and many other services that enable our clients to move into safe, affordable housing and begin a life of integrity back in the work-force. The Pov receives significant support from the community at-large (to give you an idea, the Pov filled 21,000 volunteer shifts in 2008!)New York
Barrier Free Living is nationally recognized as the first fully accessible emergency shelter for disabled victims of domestic violence and their families, helping people with disabilities help themselves. Call (212) 677-6668
The Guest House provides emergency shelter for 86 individuals each night of the year and focuses on the education, training, case management and treatment aspects associated with eradicating homelessness - for the men and women they serve through our 230 scattered-site permanent housing units for people who are homeless with disabilities. Participants in this program have very significant barriers to independence and therefore require long-term support to maintain an apartment in the community. In addition to a fully furnished unit or apartment, each client receives intensive case management, food and transportation subsidies. Clients with income are asked to contribute approximately 30% of their income toward rent. In 2010, 94% of permanent housing program participants maintained their supportive apartment or successfully moved into independent, unsubsidized housing. The Guest House is located at 1216 North 13th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53205 or call 414-345-3240 or Fax (414) 345-3248.
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