Guides: Safety
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New Horizons Un-Limited Publications

© Copyright New Horizons Un-Limited Inc View our New Horizons Un-Limited Guide for People with Disabilities concerning the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic, covers various national and state resources for Wisconsin concerning preparation, prevention, what to do if you get ill, financial resiliency and social and mental health.
How to Prepare for an Emergency or Disaster for People with Disabilities and How to Get Help in the Aftermath
Published by New Horizons Un-Limited
This guide, written by New Horizons Un-Limited staff, provides information on how to prepare for an emergency or natural disaster for people with disabilities, safety during the disaster, how to get help and who to turn to during and in the aftermath of the disaster. Many of the resources are general disaster resources.
How to Donate or Provide Disaster Relief Assistance for People with Disabilities
Published by New Horizons Un-Limited,
This guide, written by New Horizons Un-Limited staff, provides information on how to assist in an emergency or disaster concerning people with disabilities, including providing assistance through disaster relief organizations serving people with disabilities, safe ways to give, tax exemtion on giving and tips on giving for national or international disaster relief
Guide to Internet Safety and Security
Published by New Horizons Un-Limited
This guide is written by NHU staff as part of the curriculum for our Access Technology Initiative Computer Training and Workshops.
Safety Guide on Preventing Falls in the Home
© Copyright New Horizons Un-Limited Inc.
This guide is written by our staff at New Horizons Un-Limited. Practicing safety begins in the home. People with disabilities often face challenges in balance, mobility, hearing, vision, and endurance that can affect their ability to live independently in the home. Keeping your home safe becomes even more important when faced with these challenges. Falls can cause broken bones or have an effect on your health that can lead to losing your ability to live independently. As there are many people and caregivers that face this issue, we are including this guide in the hope it will benefit our readers.
Winter Safety Tips for People with Disabilities
Published by New Horizons Un-Limited,
This guide is written by our staff at New Horizons Un-Limited. Stay safe and warm this winter with these tips.
Links to Publications by Others
12 Tips to Prepare the Elderly for Disaster
This guide by provides How to learn about Potential Threats, Locate Community Resources, Plan Escape Routes, Establish a Communication Plan, Make an Emergency Kit and a great checklist, Make Emergency Contact Cards and copies of important papers, Learn CPR, Check Fire Extinguishers, and consider your special needs.
This article is written by Douglas Lathrop, Mainstream Magazine, November, 1994. Although some individuals with disabilities may be better prepared in an emergency, others may not. The article discusses some of the challenges people with disabilities may face in an emergency such as failure of electrical power, which has serious and possibly dangerous repercussions for those dependant on motorized wheelchairs, respirators, and other pieces of equipment, the inaccessibility of shelters, and how to best help oneself in a disastor.
Disaster Mitigation for Persons with Disabilties: Fostering a New Dialogue
An Annenberg Washington Program short report from 1995 by Professor Peter Blanck of the University of Iowa which outlines seven points of focus for improving disster relief strategies for people with disabilities. To view the report in more depth, visit Disaster Mitigation for Persons with DisabilitiesEarth Quake
This article is written by Jim Hammitt, Mainstream Magazine in 1994 and describes the experiences of people with disabiliites during and after the Northridge, California earthquake in January, 1994. "The quake would force local volunteer agencies to face unique challenges to meet the needs of persons with disabilities. Evacuation, communication, and loss of power are just a few of the problems people faced. ... people with disabilities, through agencies like independent living centers, and on our own must take the initiative to work with disaster agencies to develop emergency plans."Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Evacuation Preparedness: Taking Responsibility For Your Safety A Guide For People with Disabilities and Other Activity Limitations
This guide is by June Isaacson Kailes and is developed at the Center for Disability Issues and the Health Professions (CDIHP) at Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, California, announces a 36 page guide to help people with disabilities be better prepared for large or small-scale emergencies. The guide's focus helps people with disabilities take responsibility for their own safety during emergencies and evacuations and work effectively with first responders.
Emergency Planning for People with Disabilities and Other Special Needs
by Carl T. Cameron, Ph.D. (1999) Inclusion Incorporated (Microsoft Word Document) this article includes suggestions for personnel involved in emergency planning for people with disabilities and identifying them, what is required to meet their needs in an emergency and what to do.
Emergency Preparedness AT HOME for People with Disabiltiies
by the Disability Preparedness Center, Washington, DC, this guide is for the individual with disabilities to get started on protecting oneself in ones own home. This guide includes a checklist of getting information, planning and preparing for an emergency at home.
Emergency Resources from Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA)
This guide on the Muscular Dystrophy Association website provides Emergency Preparedness and Checklist for persons with neuromuscular disease. It includes general resources from FEMA, Red Cross and other agencies as well as help from MDA.
How to Communicate Before, During and After a Major Disaster
FCC and FEMA: Have constructed an article "How to Communicate Before, During and After a Major Disaster" that gives some precautions to use before a disaster. They list precautions and how to prepare your home phone and or cell phone. They list precautions and suggestions on how to reach family members, friends, and emergency services.
Preparing for Disaster for People with Disabilities and Special Needs
This brochure is compiled by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA and the American Red Cross for people with disabilities and special needs on what to do before, during and after disasters, power outages, fires, floods, hurricanes, nuclear power plan accidents, tornados, tsunamis, volcanoes, winter storms and very cold or very hot weather. The guide provides information and checklists on getting prepared, evacuation, communication, making a plan and what to do during the disaster.

Ultimate Guide to Disaster Preparedness on a Budget is the ultimate guide. It describes the risks of a natural disaster in your area of the country, possible scenarios, creating a disaster preparedness plan, extra steps for seniors and disabled people, taking care of pets, easy survival skills and things you can do right now, what to put in your vehicle and links to resources for assistance or to get involved.
Fall Prevention Facts & Tips for Preventing Falls
This guide from CNA Free Training includes Fall Injury Statistics, Risk Factors, Fear of Falling, How to Prevent Falls, and What To Do If You Fall. It includes information about prevention tips, environmental dangers, and additional fall prevention resources. It also has an infographic and a fall prevention exercises video.
Fire Safety and Disabilities Guide explores the unique challenges that people with disabilities face in fire emergencies. FEMA notes that people with disabilities have more difficulty escaping during a fire. This is a resource guide created specifically for people with disabilities, with recommendations on how to prevent, prepare and recover from fire. Remember your local firefighters are good resources for information. The guide provides notes for Blindness, Low Vision, Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing, Physical Disabilities and Cognitive Impairments with a listing of helpful resources.
Fire Safety Checklist for Older Adults is divided into areas of your home that require attention regarding fire safety. Although this pamphlet is geared toward seniors, it pertains to people with disabilities who also may have difficulty maintaining safety in the home and in time of emergency. This checklist covers assessing Your Safety Risks, Installing Smoke Alarms, Planning Your Escape, and Smoking, Candle, Cooking, Electrical and Heating your home safely. The checklist is printable so it will be easy to assess your home for fire safety.
Fire Safety for Elders with Special Health Needs
Decreased mobility, sight, hearing or cognitive capabilities may limit a person's ability to take the quick action necessary to escape during a fire emergency. This guide will give you ideas on how to prepare with these disabilities. People over the age of 65 are twice as likely to suffer injuries or lose their lives in fires compared to the population-at-large, according to the U.S. Fire Administration, part of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

This guide by Anne Reagan on covers everything from creating a home inventory, to installing a sump pump, to having an emergency bag packed for yourself and/or your family members. Filled with good general information to be prepared for a flood.
Tips for the Elderly and Disabled During and After a Hurricane is a guide from the in a guide on How to Drive Safe before, During and After a Natural Disaster. You will need to scroll down to these tips because those who are elderly or who suffer from a disability are going to need some extra help to get around during and after a hurricane.
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention
This guide is published by the American Redcross and offers specific advice for people with disabilities on the prevention of carbon monoxide poison.
Self-Defense and Safety Tips for Disabled is an article on Hub pages and gives some practical tips for people with disabilities in the use of self defense equipment and self defense as a wheelchair user.
Senior Safety
Guide to Senior Safety at Home
This resource guide is by, the official site of the National Council for Home Safety and Security. The guide reviews the steps that can be taken to create a safe living area for seniors, but can be applied for people with disabilities as well, discusses how technology can assist, and how to gauge the warning signs that indicate an entirely different approach may be necessary. It concludes with a list of resources for additional information on safety at home.
Country Listings
Fire Safety TipsThe British Columbia, Canada, publishes tips on fire safety.
United Kingdom
Fire Safety for people with Sight, Hearing or Mobility IssuesThe United Kingdom offers a guide on fire safety for people with disabilities. Be sure to translate information, if you are viewing from another country.