Guides: Caregivers
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New Horizons Un-Limited Publications
Guide for Caregivers of People with Disabilities
© Copyright New Horizons Un-Limited Inc.
This guide for caregivers is written by our staff and many volunteer parents. One usually does not begin to look for something until one is at need. Becoming a caregiver may be something that just happened to you as a parent, a sister, brother, neighbor or friend. It is important however, to consider and investigate how to be a good caregiver and how to take care of yourself as a caregiver before you assume the role as caregiver of a person with special needs or disabilities. Being informed may assist you in avoiding stress and burnout, both hazards of caregiving. When you take care of yourself, you insure your caregiving for the person in need. The guide offers many resources on training, caregiver tips, how to find someone for respite care and financial resources for caregiving.
Alzheimer's from a Caregiver's Perspective: 10 Tips for Caregivers
[Published by New Horizons Un-Limited, ]
A new guide for caregivers of loved ones with Alzheimer's Disease submitted to NHU from Marvin, a caregiver whose wife has been experiencing Alzheimer's Disease for several years.
Guide to Searching for and Selecting a Home Health Aide
[Created January 30, 1998 [Updated March 31, 2009]
Links to Publications by Others
Choosing a Caregiver: A Guide for Individuals and Families with Special Needs
This guide, published by the South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs offers hiring tips for consumers and families, an interview checklist, safety tips, information on developing an emergency plan, as well as a number of helpful checklists and worksheets.
Guide for Family Caregivers
From this guide provides a list of weblinks for finding out information about finding and using family caregivers, Medicare, Help for Caregivers, Caregiving Tips, Caregiver Support for the caregiver of Veterans, State Respite Coalitions, Local Aging and Disability Resource Centers, Managing Medications and much more.
How to Care for the Disabled
by Jerry Shaw. This article is on the Our Everyday Life website. This article gives tips for caregiving. The following is the introduction: Caring for the disabled can be a monumental task, especially if you are handling a loved one or close friend. Not only are you watching over the person to avoid further complications, but you also have feelings yourself.
Lessons Learned: Coordinating Physicians and Providers
Family Caregiver Alliance has an article that acts as a guide in giving caregivers a better understanding of the difference between �Physicians and Providers.� Many times the number of appointments anyone person has, is more than they need, or can make. Family Caregiver Alliance is explaining the differences in Physicians and Providers to ensure caregivers have a better understanding of who has a medical degree, and what different ptoviders are used for.
Overdose Response Guide: Awareness, Prevention, and Preparedness for Caregivers of Addicts
A caregiver’s responsibilities can cover a variety of duties, from assisting with daily tasks to transportation to administering medical care. When your patient is a recovering addict, a caregiver must make additional considerations for well-rounded care and be prepared for anything, including an overdose. Even those who have been sober for many years can face temptation and lingering impulses, and in the case of an overdose, mere seconds can be the difference between life and death. It’s crucial that caregivers not only take active steps to keep their charge on the sober path, but that they will be able to respond to an overdose situation instantly. This guide helps us understand dealing with Overdoses and the caregivers responsibilities dealing with the duties with regulating drug use.
Practical Oral Care for People with Developmental Disabilities
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research National Institutes of Health offers Practical Oral Care for People with Developmental Disabilities for health care professionals and caregivers in the Overview. Scroll down to find Oral Care.
Scoop Essentials: How to Get the Break You Need
This is an article on the Disability Scoop website, a premier source for disability news. This article offers good advice to the caregiver of a person with a disability on why caregivers should not be afraid or feel guilty about asking for help for respite care but accepting the need for help as a strength as to recognize the importance for the cared and caregiver. The article briefly explains what to do to find respite care, the many types of respite providers and what to do when you find one.

Helping a loved one as their caregiver is a selfless responsibility that many people take on at some point during their lives. But with this compassion can come significant challenges. From financial hardships to lack of sleep and privacy to feelings of isolation and even burnout, caregiving takes its toll. To help caregivers understand and find solutions to these and other challenges, created an online guidebook packed with actionable advice and tips for success.
Top 10 Tips for Caregivers
This guide is on the American Heart Association website from the National Family Caregivers Association and written with the health of the caregiver in mind.
Transition to Adult Care: A Training Guide
This guide, published by The Waisman Center at the University of Wisconsin, serves as a reference for anyone interested in helping young people with special health care needs and their parents prepare for transition to adult health care.
The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Improve the Health and Wellness of Persons with Disabilities
While issued in 2005, this call to action is still very relevant today. The Call to Action calls on health care service providers, community leaders, advocates, and the public to work together to address the challenges facing people with disabilities in accessing health care and wellness services so that all people live long, healthy, productive lives.