Guides: Education
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New Horizons Un-Limited Publications
Guide to Distance Learning for People with Disabilities
© Copyright New Horizons Un-Limited Inc
This guide was prepared by our NHU staff to assist individuals with disabilities investigate opportunities in higher education via distance learning classes. The guide will assist an individual in determining whether or not distance learning is a feasible option, will discuss accessibility issues concerning each mode of distance learning, will suggest ways in which an individual may obtain financial assistance for tuition, adaptive and computer technology and will discuss the laws relating to an individual's right to accessible distance education. It will further offer a list of "disability friendly" universities that offer distance learning programs.
Links to Publications by Others
Choosing a College in 2019 from Learn How to Become. Prospective students can use this page as a research launch pad to discover and search top schools in each state, get expert financial aid advice, and much more. They can also learn step-by-step how to narrow their options and find colleges that best meet their goals.
College for Students with Disabilities: A Guide for Students, Families and Educators
Maryville University:offers information for students with disabilities and their families to find resources to help with their dream of a college education. There are many pathways to achieve independence through higher education, and Maryville University has created this helpful �Frequently Asked Questions� (FAQ) to give you an idea of what to expect as you research your options. This includes a checklist for college prep for high school students, transition programs, options for college, accessibility and accommodations and detailed suggestions for specific disabilities.
College and Graduate School Guide for Students with Disabilities
Masters this guide which includes qualifications of disabilities, relevant laws and regulations, applications for grad school, and quite a few possible scholarships you could apply for categorized by disability.
Office of Disability Services: Rutgers University
offers information and many resources for students transitioning, older students returning to college and many college resources on the rights, laws, special academic adjustments and accommodations and access technology for students with disabilities.
College Resources for Students with Disabilities
by Affordable Colleges Online organizes information for college bound students by disability. With the advances of adaptive technologies and trend toward progressive legislation, prospective college students with disabilities now have countless resources available to make their transition to postsecondary education less stressful. Find specific information and resources on a variety of different disabilities, learn how to make the transition into the workforce easier, and find out what your legal rights on campus are.
College Resources for Students with Disabilities recently created a guide that offers tips and insights for disabled college students, including legal rights, how to transition to campus life, and online resources and apps to help with specific disabilities.
College Scholarships and Financial Aid for Students with Disabilities
By Affordable Colleges Online, for students with disabilities who are entering college will find that there are selective scholarship opportunities for which they may apply that can help pay for school. Discover scholarships, both for specific disabilities and more broadly-focused, that can help students with disabilities pay for their educations, as well as additional resources for obtaining funding.
Center on Technology and Disability assists organizations and programs that serve families of children with disabilities by providing information and support on accessing and using assistive technology. Their website, is a source full of assistive/instructional technology resources of interest to families of children with disabilities. The link above lists videos and guides that offer help on how to make a successful transition with your assistive technology.
Higher Education for Students with Disabilities
from Accredited Schools Online, This guide provides information on Rights, Choosing the Right School, Accredidation and Accredited School Online, Distance Learning, Financial Aid, and Helpful Resources for the student with disabilities.
11 Homeschooling Tips for Parents of Kids with Special Needs
by Christopher Klicka. This article, by the Home School Legal Defense Assocation, describes the benefits of homeschooling for those with disabilities.
How to Sell Textbooks: The Ultimate Guide from ValoreBooks This guide is a comprehensive 7-chapter resource, providing highly accessible and detailed information on ways for students to sell their textbooks. The guide is written by experts at ValoreBooks, a leading textbook marketplace. It covers how to sell on Amazon, Ebay, in-person and other channels. It compares pros and cons for each channel, allowing students to make the best financial decisions. The guide gives students a tool to save money despite constantly rising textbooks prices.
IEP Resources for Sharing and Training
The Center for Parents Information and Resources are sharing three IEP (Individual Education Program) resources for parents of children with disabilities (1) The Short-and-Sweet IEP Overview, (2) Parental Right to Participate in Meetings, and (3) Special Factors in IEP Development. Check out these informative resources and get the school year started well.
Missouri Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) College Guidebook
Missouri AHEAD has written this guidebook to help students with disabilities achieve access into postsecondary education institutions and find success once they are enrolled. It was also written to help postsecondary institutions establish connections with secondary schools in order to recruit qualified students with disabilities into programs. The guide should also be helpful to secondary special education teachers and parents of students with disabilities. More specifically, the guide offers information on legislation, transition, preparation for college, financial aid and available education resources.
Navigating College A Handbook on Self Advocacy Written for Autistic Students from Autistic Adults
Leaving high school and going to college is complicated for everyone. But if you�re a student on the autism spectrum who is about to enter higher education for the first time, it might be a little bit more complicated for you. The book Navigating College is written for current and future Autistic college students.
Resources for College Students with Visual Impairments
From the Barnet Dulaney Perkins Eye Center, this resource details the facts, resources, tools, tips and school services available to help students with visual impairments adjust to college life.
Show Me the Money! Options for Paying for College
Heath Resource Center has developed this comprehensive web section concerning financial aid for students with disabilities, discussing grants, loans, work-study, and scholarships.

This guide by Western Governors University offers Special Education resources and strategies for teaching students by disability. Additionally the guide takes a look at the history of Special Education in America. From Lyndon Johnson's ESEA in 1966 to the ECSA of 2015 the guide examines what each piece of legislation materially did for those with disabilities as well as explaining what the bureaucratic bodies that enforce them do. The guide also outlines the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and guidelines for 13 disability categories and types of Technology used in Special Education
Teaching Students with Special Needs
Excerpted from The Complete Idiot's Guide to Success as a Teacher � 2005 by Anthony D. Fredericks. You are not alone when you're working with special needs students. Often specialists, clinicians, and other experts are available in the school as part of an educational team. Included on the team may be special education teachers, diagnosticians, parents, social workers, representatives from community agencies, administrators, and other teachers. By working in concert and sharing ideas, you can provide a purposeful education plan for each special needs student. This guide deals with students who have learning disabilities, hearing impairments, visual impairments, physical problems, emotional problems, or ADHD.
The Fully Accessible Guide to Paying for College for Students with Disabilities
"This guide from is optimized to work with a broad range of assistive technologies for students with disabilities. The purpose of this guide is to provide disabled students with comprehensive information about how to pay for college as well as scholarships and other information that is specifically helpful for students with disabilities, including the rights for students with disabilities who are attending college. This guide was built to accommodate the special needs of students with disabilities. The design, formatting and style were developed to be easily interpreted by students with visual, hearing and mobility disabilities. On October 19, 2016 this guide was published in conformance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines."Top 8 Ways to Advocate for a Child with Special Needs
By Robin McClure. Parents of a child with special needs must learn to effectively navigate the maze of special education laws and go to bat for their kids. In a nutshell, this means they must learn to be advocates.