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Guides: Disability Specific Resources: Autism Spectrum Disorder/Neurodiversity
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Information: Autism Spectrum Disorder/Neurodiversity
© Copyright 2018, New Horizons Un-Limited Inc.
This information guide is written by New Horizons Un-Limited. The guide provides information about this disability including Definition, Types, Causes, Characteristics, and Statistics. We envision a world with the inclusion and participation of individuals with disabilities in our communities, our workplaces and our lives so we also include information on Awareness, Viewpoint, Needs and Solutions, Therapy and Rehabilitation, On-line Discussion Forum, and where to go on the Internet to Learn More about this disability.
Links to Publications by Others
A Guide to Autism Awareness Through Wristbands
Wristband Express is a company that sells wristbands, however they offer a nice guide about Autism including links to many current Autism resources. They explain the puzzle logo for Autism awareness that was first designed by the Autism Society. They hope that with increased awareness of autism, comes access to appropriate support and services, allowing those with autism to lead full lives.
Asperger's Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals
This guide is written by Tony Attwood and Lorna Wing (Preface) Sept. l997, 176 pages, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, ISBN 1 853025777 1. This book is available at the link above. UK visitors may order through Amazon.co.uk.
Autism Fact Sheet
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke publishes an Autism Fact Sheet which offers resources and comprehensive definition on what is autism, common signs of autism, how autism is diagnosed, causes of autism, heredity, treatments as well many other clinical researched resources.
Autism Information
This comprehensive guide on Autism Information is from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services including General Information, Signs and Symptoms, Screening and Diagnosis, Treatments, Causes, Risk Factors, and Prevalence, Research and Clinical Trials, Publications, and Organizations.
Autism's parent trap: When false hope can be fatal
See this article that was printed in the The New York Times, TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 2006. Despite the title of this article, this article encourages a more practical approach for parents. Parents of autistic children have been sometimes led to believe that their child can be cured. The author encourages parents to hear a more realistic message: "Children are not cured, but they do get better." They are also encouraged to set goals, and enjoy the journey.
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Strategies
This is an article from Do 2 Learn.com. It is important to implement strategies that address the needs of the individual. They recommend that you apply these strategies across home, school, and community contexts. They have a comprehensive list of strategies on the following subjects: Communication, Socialization, Restrictive, Repetitive, and Stereotyped Behavior, Daily Living and Academics and Organization

Communicating with a Child with Autism: A Parent's Guide This guide is on the website Wise Old Sayings.com and offers several resources on General Resources on Autism, Parenting a Child with Autism, and Communicating with a Child with Autism.
Disabilities: Guide to Autism
This guide is offered by the series, Know-the-ADA, from the Arizona Office for Americans with Disabilities. This guide offers a comprehensive article on Autism including definition, characteristics, discussion of possible causes, therapies and treatments, suggestions for parents, and misconceptions of Autism. The article includes a great list of resources to learn more about the Autism Spectrum and how you can seek treatment for a child with Autism.

Guide to Living with Sensory Overload
From Household Quotes Co. United Kingdom, this guide will talk you through how to cope with sensory overload while out and about, and offer some advice on potential home improvements that could provide you with a little more peace within your own four walls.
Helping Your Child with Autism Thrive
This guide is on HelpGuide.org and offers Parenting Tips for Treating and Supporting an Autistic Child including helping children with Autism thrive and a list of resources and Free U.S. government services for children with Autism.
Helping Children with Autism & ADHD Fall Asleep: Guide to helping your child fall asleep naturally
This is a terrific, comprehensive guide to help your child fall asleep from Sleep Cupid.com "Problems with sleeping are common in children with ADHD and autism. If you are the parent of a child with ADHD or autism then you will know how a good night’s sleep will make a big difference to how your child is able to cope with the day after that sleep. If they don’t get all of the sleep that they need then they can end up- Wanting to fall asleep during the day, Being unable to pay full attention at school, Heightening behavioral issues, Being more prone to hyperactivity or aggression. getting the full sleep that is required for their age is an essential part of helping your child manage their condition, get on with others and lead a normal healthy life."
Learn the Signs, Act Early
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention encourages parents to get early testing to obtain early intervention through their Learn the Signs, Act Early program.
Obama Administration’s Commitment to Supporting Individuals on the Autism Spectrum and their Families
This is a very comprehensive article on what the Obama Administration is supporting to support individuals and their families with Autism is on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website.. The article includes information on the Acts: Combating Autism Act and the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC), investment in Autism Spectrum Research, state efforts, Department of Education, Department of Labor, Medicare and Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act as well as how to get help if you need it.
Practical Oral Care for People with Autism
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research National Institutes of Health offers Practical Oral Care for People with Autism for health care professionals and caregivers. This is a very practical and comprehensive guide on oral care for people with Autism and special needs.
Physician's Information on Autism Disability
This article is a comprehensive listing of Autism related resources from Doctor Disability.com. Includes links to resources with information on Autism symptoms, genetics, research, diagnosis, treatments and information on related disabilities such as Aspergers's Syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Disorders and Rett Syndrome.
Routines and Children with Disabilities
By Raising Children Network. Routines for children with disabilities can be a big help. They can be even more important for children who find it hard to understand or cope with change. Routines can help family life run more smoothly and they can also be a way to help your child with disability develop skills. The best routines are the ones that suit you, your child and your situation. Headings in this guide include: About routines, Why routines are good for children with disability,Getting the most out of your routines, and Helping your child follow routines. Maintaining normal daily routines as much as possible can make it easier for children to deal with stressful events, such as the birth of a new child, a divorce, the illness or death of a family member, or a move to a new city or country.
Simple Ways to Help Kids with Autism Develop Hand Skills from Autism Parenting Magazine by Barbara Smith, an occupational therapist. This article describes how many children on the autism spectrum respond to sensations "what they see and feel" in ways that interfere with learning functional hand skills, such as closing buttons, cutting on a line, and writing. She offers ways in which you can adapt the environment and use recycled materials to get children engaged in motor skill activities.
Should Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders Be Exempted From Homework
This paper is written by Tony Attwood, PhD. This paper is located on Dr. Attwood's Homepage.
Up, Up, and Away: The Ultimate Guide to Flying with Autistic Children This guide is provided by Jaco Aerospace and offers extensive information on an Overview, Before, During, and After the Flight Checklist, Items to Pack in Your Carry On, How to Handle Sensory Issues and an Ask the Expert Q&A for traveling with your Autistic children. When they say "Ultimate Guide" they do mean it.