Guides: Disability Specific: Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD)
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Links to Publications by Others
Creating the Optimal Living Environment for a Child with ADHD from Home Advisor This article covers much more than creating a decluttered sooting environment for your Child with ADHD, but also discusses, strategies, systems and routines throughout your home, how to holding your child responsible for maintaining their liiving space and making the home environment conducive to learning.
How to Stop Arguing and Start Talking with Your ADHD Child By Dr. Robert Myers, PhD at Empowering "Many experiences of kids with ADHD are amplified or more intense than those of average kids. So when the word No is heard by a child with ADHD, it registers a 10 on their emotional scale while it probably would be a 5 or less for the average kid. Quite a few of them also have a lower-than-average tolerance for any departure from what they consider to be fair, whether its rules for a game or requests for doing something around the house. Added to this is the fact that most of these kids are also not known for their patience or low-volume voices!" Learn 3 basic concepts to help turn arguing around.
Learn the Signs, Act Early
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention encourages parents to get early testing to obtain early intervention through their Learn the Signs, Act Early program.
Parenting Teenagers with ADHD
Healthy provides this guide for parents. The teenager with ADHD, may want to move toward independence, but his or her impulsivity, inattention, and aspects of delayed maturity may mean moving slower toward this goal. This article provides the following topics to assist in the transition: Addressing Concerns Directly, Providing Structure and Support, Establishing and Enforcing Rules, Negotiating with Your Teen, Providing Appropriate Consequences, Fostering a Positive Attitude & Giving Each Other Breaks and Additional Resources for parents and teens.
School Success Kit for Kids with ADHD: Tools and strategies to help manage time, stay focused, and handle homework
This article at is written by Rae Jacobson. Getting set up for the school year, Setting a routine for Homework,Concentration Aids and providing emotional support are some of the topics to help kids succeed.
The Best Sports for Kids with ADHD by the editors of ADDitude Magazine, this article explains active kids are healthy kids, but not all sports play well with ADHD traits. Learn why parents and experts recommend martial arts, swimming, tennis, soccer and 6 other sports to promote health, self-esteem, personal performance and teamwork.

This article by Mathew Cohen (2005) was first published by CHADD and now on LD online. It is written in an FAQ format and covers the how AD/HD is covered under the "Other Health Impaired" catgory of IDEA. There are more eligibility criteria beyond the AD/HD diagnoses such as the child's AD/HD must result in an adverse effect on the child's educational performance and more. For more information see this article and also visit this chart from CHADD IDEA vs. 504 Infographic.