FAQ: Recreation and Sports
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- A: Visit our NHU directory of Recreation: Camps (Overnight) for camps for children, adults and families. Included are more directories for camps for people with disabilities.
- Visit our NHU directory of Camps (Overnight) for people with Learning Disabilities
- A: Your local Center for Independent Living (CIL) often offers recreational and social opportunities for individuals with varying disabilities. Activities may include sporting activities, outdoor activities (i.e. fishing, boating, camping, etc.), and more. If the local CIL does not offer opportunities, it may offer a database of organizations, school programs, or recreational activities in your area that do. To find a CIL in your area, click on NHU's Find Resources: Independent Living.
- A: If after trying your local CIL, (see above) you are unable to locate any opportunities, community organizations, churches or veteran organizations often have social or recreational activities. Municipalities often offer recreation or social programs for people in the community through the local school system. Many communities have websites that will list their community recreation and social programs, community organizations, churches or veteran organizations. Call your local municipality for a listing in your community or search the Internet for your municipalities website if available. Be sure to ask about accessibility.
- National Arts and Disability Center website offers a link of several organizations and state agencies by state that may be of interest or of assistance to you, some are in the interest of the arts. Click on your state from the map and review the listings for disability organizations.
- NY State Recreation Resources for Children and Youth with Physical Disabilities From Rochester, Utica, Syracuse, Buffalo, and NYC region offers a listing of resources state wide.
- A: Some community social groups or recreational activities are formed through municipal programs through the local school system, community organizations, churches or veteran organizations. If you are interested in a particular organization, you may be able to join or volunteer for that organization to start some activities in your community. Talk to your municipality to see if you can start a social group at the local town hall.
- A: E-mail: comments@yosemite.com

Q: I live in a rural community where there are not many social activities for people with disabilities. Where can I find information on social or recreational activities for people with disabilities?
Q: How can we have a needed activities fund for people with disabilities in my community?
Q: Yosemite National Forest offers access to people with disabilities. How can I send for a brochure on their facilities and programs?