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Education: Financial Assistance Informational Websites

FinAid is one of the most comprehensive collections of information about student financial aid on the web. The site offers information on student loans, scholarships, saving options, military aid and much more.
Paying for College from MoneyGeek includes an overview of the various types of resources for funding a College Education that may be helpful to parents and students.
National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) is an association of 3,000 colleges, universities, career schools, and others with an interest in the effective administration of student financial aid. Via their website, they provide information on the financial aid process and directs students to some of the more important and helpful financial aid guidance on the Web.
ValoreBooks: How to Sell Textbooks: The Ultimate Guide is a comprehensive 7-chapter resource, providing highly accessible and detailed information on ways for students to sell their textbooks. The guide is written by experts at ValoreBooks, a leading textbook marketplace. It covers how to sell on Amazon, Ebay, in-person and other channels. It compares pros and cons for each channel, allowing students to make the best financial decisions. The guide gives students a tool to save money despite constantly rising textbooks prices.
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