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Disability Specific Organizations and Support Groups: Visual Disability
New Horizons Un-limited is not endorsing and assumes no responsibility in guaranteeing the products, services, programs or conditions as described. If you are interested in a resource listed below, call or contact the resource to verify the current situation. Evaluate the information, analyze your unique circumstances, use your best judgment and make your own decisions when using the information. Before making any change, consult your health care professional.
State Listings: CA / MA / MI / NV / NY / WI (Official USPS State Abbreviations)
American Foundation for the Blind addresses critical issues facing Americans who are blind inlcuding independent living, literacy, employment, and technology. The foundation is a one-stop information and referral resource for people who are blind or visually impaired, the organizations and individuals that serve them, and the general public. For more information, call (800) AFB-LINE (232-5463).Association of Blind Citizens Assistive Technology Fund provides funds to cover 50% of the retail price of adaptive devices or software that will have a significant impact on improving employment opportunities, increase the level of independence and enhance the overall quality of life of persons who are blind. Applicants must be legally blind and a resident of the United States to qualify for this program. Applications must be submitted by June 30th, September 30th and December 31st for each grant period (three per year). Applicants may submit one request per calendar year. All applications must be submitted via e-mail. You will be notified by ABC within 45 days after the application deadline. For more information, visit the Assistive Technology Fund Webpage.
Foundation Fighting Blindness (FFB) has a primary mission to find the causes, treatments, preventions, and cures for retinitis pigmentosa (RP), macular degeneration, Usher syndrome and the entire spectrum of retinal degenerative diseases. They have a very informative website, offering information on degenerative eye diseases including risk factors, treatments and clinical trials, the latest in research concerning the disease, coping resources and much more. For more information, visit their website, call (888) 394-3937 (Voice) or (800) 683-5551 (TDD) or e-mail info@blindness.org.
Helen Keller Services for the Blind National Center provides orientation, mobility and job training as well as education programs and adaptive technology for legally blind people.
Lighthouse Guild is a not-for-profit organization and a leading resource worldwide on vision impairment and vision rehabilitation. Technology can go a long way in helping people with impaired vision be independent at home, in school and in the workplace. They offer resources for patients and families, health professionals, for vision impairment and vision rehabilitation. They also offer e-learning.
National Federation of the Blind (NFB) is a non-profit membership organization for blind persons, with a mission to "help blind persons achieve self-confidence and self-respect and to act as a vehicle for collective self-expression by the blind." They offer public education about blindness, information and referral services, scholarships, literature and publications about blindness, adaptive equipment, advocacy and protection services, employment services and much more. For more information, call (410) 659-9314, e-mail nfb@nfb.org or write to NFB, 1800 Johnson Street, Baltimore, MD 21230.
Prevent Blindness is an organization that has been the patient advocate for healthy vision. This website is an amazing resource for vision, explaining everything about sight, about children's sight and the prevention of blindness, eye problems and resources for professionals.
Resources for the Blind and Vision Impaired is compiled a list of resources based on specific needs and situations by lasereyesurgeryhub of the UK that includes US resources. From help adapting to life with low or no vision, to financial assistance for the vision-impaired, these resources can provide assistance and helpful insights for easier daily living and a higher quality of life.
State Listings
Braille Institute is a private, non-profit organization whose mission is to eliminate blindness and severe sight loss as a barrier to the fulfillment of life. They have six regional centers throughout Southern California serving people with vision loss. They offer a library of talking and Braille books, a Braille transcription service, independent living skills training, counseling services and much more. For more information, call (800) 272-4553 or e-mail Info@BrailleInstitute.org.Rose Resnick Lighthouse strives to promote social equality and economic independence by providing educational, recreational, and technological opportunities for blind and visually impaired individuals in San Francisco. Consumer services include information referral, computer training, education programs, recreation programs, employment services, orientation and mobility training, and rehabilitation services. They also offer specialized services for those who are both blind and deaf. For more information, call (415) 431-1481 (Voice) or (415) 431-4572 (TTY).
Association of Blind Citizens, located in Holbrook, Massachusets, is a non-profit organization working to increase opportunities in education, employment, cultural, recreational and other life activities, as well as enhance the social, political, and economic well-being for all persons who are blind or visually impaired. To learn more about what they offer, visit their website or call their News and Activities line at (781) 654-2000.

Blindconnect, Inc. is an information, referral and peer support organization for blind and visually impaired adults in Clark County, Nevada. A local grassroots non-profit organization, their mission is "to connect blind people to other blind persons, to available services and resources, and to their community-at-large." For more information, e-mail lander718@aol.com.Blind Center of Nevada assists blind and visually impaired persons of all ages in reaching their highest physical, social, intellectual, and economic potential. The Center provides a gathering place to meet and make new friends and an opportunity to interact with others who face similar challenges. They offer the following services: independent living skills training, computer training, low vision aids demonstration and sales, Braille instruction, information referrals, arts and crafts, socials and day trips, games and recreation and exercise classes, among others. For more information, call (702) 642-6000 or e-mail contact@blindcenter.org.
New York

Vision Forward Association offers programs and services to help people at all stages of visual impairment achieve their highest level of self-sufficiency. More specifically the association offers a comprehensive resource center, rehabilitation services, recreational activities, residential options, including independent apartments, and much more. To learn more, visit their website or call (414) 615-0100.
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