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Mental Illness Support Groups and Disability Specific Organizations
TweetIf you are struggling with mental health, support is available. Call the Disaster Distress Helpline at 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746.
If you find you are overwhelmed or having thoughts of self-harm or suicide, reach out for help right away. Text HOPELINE to 741741 or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. It is more than okay to ask for help.
State Listings: MN / NY / WI (Official USPS State Abbreviations)
The Best Online Anxiety Support Groups of 2021:
Getting help and advice is just a few clicks away by Amy Morin, LCSW from verywellmind.com. This guide describes on-line anxiety support groups and how to decide if this will be right for you.
AdaptatHome from Move United. Find a schedule of virtual adaptive sports you can join, like Adaptive Yoga, Whole Body Conditioning, Virtual Functioning Strength. Disabled Sports USA and Adaptive Sports USA are joining forces under the new name, Move United. The merger unifies community-based adaptive sports under one national organization, bringing recreational and competitive adaptive sports together for the first time.
Visit our NHU Blog articleCombating Depression: Exercise Your Mind, Body
Community Access Information Resource Network provides a support network for those with psychiatric disabilities to enable them to have productive lives within the community. They are a non-profit organization that aids in the transition into the community by assisting with housing, education, training, and employment.
Hope to Healing is an online community for people living with Mental Illness with a mission to offer hope to persons who are struggling with their illness. Their website features stories of ordinary people with Mental Illness from every State and background who face the challenges of life with courage and hope enabling them to live very successful and meaningful lives.
The Powerful Link Between Insomnia and Depression Insomnia and depression can lead to other health problems and will not assist your immune system. The article includes discussion on treating Insomnia and Depression.
K12 Academics: Depression is a website devoted to providing resourceful information for a number of topics in education and disabilities. The section for Depression includes: Adaptive Benefits of Depression, Depressed Mood in Literature and Culture, Determinants of Mood, Subjective Experience of Being Depressed, for the disability.
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) is a wonderful site and a non-profit, grassroots, self-help, support and advocacy organization of consumers, families, and friends of people with severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorders. It lists the symptoms, causes, and treatments, and discusses the many types of medications available. There are state and local chapters, walks, newsletters, veterans resources, and informative links for providers. They offer a number of consumer programs including peer support, interactive presentations and a consumer forum. They also offer a helpline, which is staffed Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) and has a 24-hour message line. The HelpLine number is (800) 950-NAMI (6264). For more information, call (703) 524-7600 or write to NAMI, 2107 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 300, Arlington, VA 22201-3042.
National Mental Health Association is the country's oldest and largest nonprofit organization addressing all aspects of mental health and mental illness, with more than 340 affiliates nationwide. Their website features mental health information, news and legislative alerts, advocacy information and tools, a bookstore and much more. Visit their website to locate an affiliate in your area.
National Mental Health Consumers' Self-Help Clearinghouse connects individuals to self-help and advocacy resources, and also offers expertise to self-help groups and other peer-run services for mental health consumers. The Clearinghouse has developed the Freedom Self-Advocacy Curriculum, a complete set of training materials that teaches individuals how to teach mental health consumers self-advocacy skills. They also offer legislative information, tips on how to start a self-help or peer group, and more. Visit this website to learn more.
Project Semicolon is a global non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and love for those who are struggling with mental illness, suicide, addiction and self-injury. Project semicolon exists to encourage, love and inspire. There is a list of resources for people. This websites blog contains personal stories of those who found help and found "Hope is Alive." These stories are very inspiring! The website hopes to bring the struggles of mental illness to society for all to assist people through love and community support.
Children’s Mental Health: What Every Policymaker Should Know"One in ten youth has a serious mental health problem severe enough to impair functioning at home, school, and in the community. African American children in particular often face special circumstances that put them at increased risk for mental health issues. This guide is for parents of African American children who worry their child may be in a mental health crisis, or for those who simply want to be as informed as possible to prevent potential issues. It will discuss why African American children are at increased risk, what issues they’re likely to encounter and symptoms of problems, as well as ways you can help your child overcome what he’s going through. Though this can serve as a helpful starting point, it should never be used to replace professional care."
Support 4 Hope offers a supportive on-line network with a primary focus on mental health and surviving mental illness. Their website features a chat room, a forum, a frequently asked questions section, and an opportunity to subscribe to their newsletter. They also offer information on specific mental illnesses as well as crisis numbers and suicide hotlines.
State Listings
Mental Health Consumer/Survivor Network of Minnesota offers support to Minnesotans with Mental Illness. More specifically they offer an informative newsletter, host support groups and an annual statewide conference. For more information, visit their website.
New York
New York City Voices: A Consumer Journal for Mental Health Advocacy is a statewide on-line news source covering issues related to Mental Illness. Past articles have covered families, recovery stories, self help and stigma. Columns include, Ask the Attorney, Ask the Doctor, Ask the Therapist, Legislative Affairs, Sibling Voice and many others.
Bridges Community Center, Inc. offers peer support, advocacy and empowerment for adults recovering with mental illness. For more information, call (262) 653-0061.Grand Avenue Club, based in Milwaukee, works to provide people who have experienced mental illness with all the ingredients for a satisfying life - opportunities to get ready for work, paid employment, education, housing, as well as recreational and cultural opportunities. Membership to club is free. To learn more, call (414) 276-6474.
Mental Health America of Wisconsin (MHA) is an affiliate of the nation's largest and oldest community-based network dedicated to helping all Americans live mentally healthier lives. For more information, visit the Mental Health America of Wisconsin, 600 W. Virginia St, Suite 502, Milwaukee, WI 53204, (414) 276-3122.
RAVE Drop In Center, located in LaCrosse Wisconsin, is a safe, comfortable place for people with mental illness to meet with their peers. You may meet with staff or simply socialize with others. RAVE offers craft activities, newspapers and magazines, educational opportunities and computer access. They also host a party with a meal on the third Wednesday of each month. To learn more about RAVE's offerings, contact them at (608) 785-9615 or visit the center, located at 1806 State Street, La Crosse, Wisconsin.