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Autism Spectrum Disorder/Neurodiversity Support Groups and Organizations
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Autism Allies is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with autism and their families. They provide grants to financially disadvantaged families, support and conduct education and informational activities to increase public awareness of autism, fund research into the causes and treatments of autism and offer employment services that connect businesses with reliable workers. To learn more, call (612) 384-4265 or e-mail info@autismallies.org.Autism, Asperger's Syndrome and Sleep scroll down to find an informative website for parents of children with Autism Syndrome. This website includes helpful materials on Autism Syndrome, information on diagnosis, and links to other helpful organizations.
Autism Gateway is intended to provide Physicians the information they need to effectively care for patients with autism. While intended for Physicians, the information will also prove very useful to families of children with Autism. The site covers everything from early diagnosis to ongoing treatment options. The website also features video cases of children and young adults with Autism.
Autism Moms Support Group Facebook requires login. This support group was started to help connect moms and families together to help one another, share ideas and make friends. It is a Support Group for parents who have a child on the Spectrum. This is an up beat Facebook group.
Autism Research Institute (ARI), a non-profit organization, was established in 1967. ARI is primarily devoted to conducting research, and to disseminating the results of research, on the causes of autism and on methods of preventing, diagnosing and treating autism and other severe behavioral disorders of childhood. They provide information based on research to parents and professionals throughout the world.
Autism Society of America via their local chapters, works to provide lifelong access and opportunity for all individuals within the autism spectrum, and their families, to be fully participating, included members of their community. Their primary activities include education, advocacy at state and federal levels, active public awareness and the promotion of research. They offer an informative website that can help one better understand Autism, learn about treatment options, as well as information and resources for those living with Autism. To learn how the society can help you, visit their website or call (800) 328-8476. This is an excellent site and resource. You can download their information packages, read through book and tape lists, request membership information (local & national), and more.
Autism Speaks is an advocacy organization dedicated to: funding research into the causes, prevention, treatments and a cure for autism; increasing awareness of autism spectrum disorders; and advocating for the needs of individuals with autism and their families. Via their Family Services web section, you can search for resources by zip code, tap into their resource library to find helpful books, DVDs and software, link to other families via online communities and much more.
Autism Today is an online source for the latest resources and information on Autism and Asperger's Syndrome. This site features a resource directory, event listings, informative articles, a frequently asked questions section, and much more.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) provides information on the diagnosis and treatment of and the latest research on Autism. Online Fact Sheets, Resource Kits, Growth Charts, and more will help parents ensure that their children are receiving the treatments and services they need to lead a productive life.
Carol Gray Social Stories was created by Carol Gray who is the author of Social Stories. A social learning tool that supports the safe and meaningful exchange of information between parents, professionals, and people with autism of all ages.GRASP: The Global and Regional Autism Spectrum Partnership is an educational and advocacy organization that is serving individuals on the autism spectrum, and run BY those individuals. GRASP has many Support Group Networks in operation and offers a list from all over the country. The present focus of the organization is support and education, but they also have an interest in advocacy and monitoring of social services and professionals in the field. The basic philosophy of the GRASP organization is to maximize the positive aspects of Autism Spectrum, and to minimize the negative aspects. They have local support groups in New York City, Long Island, Southern New England and a new group is forming to serve the Philadelphia/Southern Jersey/Delaware area.
Indiana Resource Center for Autism is a great resource for information and support located at Indiana University, Indiana Resource Center for Autism. They offer a wide range of resources and publications. The Indiana Resource Center for Autism staff conduct outreach training and consultations, engage in research, and develop and disseminate information on behalf of individuals across the Autism spectrum, including Autism, Asperger’s syndrome, and other pervasive developmental disorders. Their efforts are focused on providing communities, organizations, agencies, and families with the knowledge and skills to support children and adults in typical early intervention, school, community, work, and home settings. ASPIRES (Asperger Syndrome Partners & Individuals Resources, Encouragement and Support). This is an on-line resource for spouses and family members of adults diagnosed or suspected to be on the Autistic Spectrum. Their approach is directed towards solving problems in relationships.
Interactive Autism Network Community (IAN) research project closed and no is longer accepting research participants. We encourage U.S. residents to join SPARK and others to join a local research registry. Visit this website to find out how.
National Autism Association has a mission to advocate, educate, and empower. They advocate on behalf of those who cannot fight for their own rights, raise public and professional awareness of autism spectrum disorders, and empower those in the autism community to never give up in their search to help their loved ones reach their full potential. Via their website, they offer much helpful information and a listing of resources. Via their Family First Fund, they offer direct financial assistance that can assist with treatment. They also offer computer grants. For more information, visit their website or call (877) 622-2884.National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke includes a national listing of Autism Organizations as well many other autism related resources.
OAR - Organization for Autism Research provides helpful information and tools to educators, parents, and professionals on a range of Autism topics. Via their Life Journey Through Autism Series (scroll down to Guidebook Series) they have written 12 guides to assist parents and educators with such topics as research, transition, and assessments.
Rethink Autism is an Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)-based online service that is designed to put parents in control of their child’s treatment. The service will help parents make assessments, teach basic life skills and track their child's progress. While this service is available for a fee, parents may also sign up for Free Autism Tips via e-mail, which will include: practical daily living advice, and links to autism tip videos and live webinars with autism experts.
TACA - Talk About Curing Autism is a not-for-profit foundation of families helping families affected by autism. Their website features an abundance of information on improving behavior, communication, socialization and learning in children with Autism. TACA can also connect you with local families affected by Autism.
New England States
Association for Autism and Neurodiversity (AANE's) mission is to foster awareness, respect, acceptance, and support for individuals with Asperger Syndrome and related conditions and their families. AANE is made up of individuals with Asperger Syndrome, their families, friends and professionals. They are dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with AS and related conditions. They invite parents, adults with AS, teachers and professionals to call the Asperger's Information Line - 617-393-3824 - for information, support, resources and referrals. Be sure to ask about their three Family Grant Programs, funded by the generosity of the Edwin Philips Foundation, the Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism, and an esteemed private donor. AANE has chapters in New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Western Massachusetts and Vermont. Although technically a regional organization, they have become national leaders in areas such as support, education and advocacy. They sponsor many conferences and workshops. The main chapter is located in 182 Main Street, Watertown, MA 02472. Phone: (617) 393-3824. Fax: (617) 393-3827 and email: info@aane.org.
State Listings

Autism Society of Los Angeles one-third of all people with autism in California live in Los Angeles County. The Autism Society of Los Angeles is a non-profit 501c3 corporation serving millions of people in the L.A. area affected by autism. They are working to make a difference in the lives of people with autism and their families in Los Angeles County by empowering individuals with autism, their families, and professionals through advocacy, education, support, and community collaboration. Contact them at 8939 S Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 110-788 Los Angeles, CA 90045, Ph: 562-804-5556, Fax: 562-425-4940 or by send e-mail to execdirector@autismla.orgCalifornia Autism Foundation provides people with autism and other developmental disabilities the best possible opportunities for lifetime support, training and assistance to help them reach their highest potential for independence, productivity and fulfillment. Programs include ABC Adult Day Program (Age 18+), ABC School (Ages 6-22), Educational & Vocational Programs, Employment Programs, and Residential Program,s Contact them at 4075 Lakeside Drive • Richmond, CA 94806 • (510) 758-0433 Phone • (510) 758-1040 Fax • or sent email to info@calautism.org
Harbor Regional Center is a private, not-for-profit corporation contracting with the State of California for the provision of services to persons with developmental disabilities pursuant to the Lanterman Act. Harbor Center provides quality services: diagnosis and evaluation, information and referral, individual or family service planning, family support, and assistance in finding and using community resources for people with developmental disabilities and their families, to promote their participation as valued neighbors in our communities. Planning and Service Coordination offers many publications for children, adults and their families on support and benefits. Contact the Harbor Regional Center, 21231 Hawthorne Blvd., Torrance, Ca. 90503 or call the Main Phone Number 310-540-1711.
Morgan Autism Center has served as a school and as a resource for families and professional service providers Bay Area-wide. Headquartered in the heart of Silicon Valley, the school program supports students and adults, ages five through 58, who are impacted by autism. The center is a nurturing environment focused on constant program optimization to deliver the greatest opportunities for success as autism rates continue to rise at an alarming rate. Contact Morgan Center at 2280 Kenwood Avenue, San Jose, Calif. 95128 or call the Main Phone(408) 241-8161, the Adult Program at (408) 241-8436 or Fax (408) 241-8231.
Community Services for Autistic Adults and Children (CSAAC) is a private, non-profit agency dedicated to serving persons disabled by Autism, so that they may remain in and fulfilled by their communities. Services include early intervention, a community school, as well as residential and vocational programs. Their website features information on Autism, legislative action alerts, the latest in news and an events calendar. For more information, call (301) 762-1650 or e-mail csaac@csaac.org.
New Jersey
Autism New Jersey is a non-profit agency providing information and advocacy, services, family and professional education, and consultation to New Jersey's Autism community. Parent Services provide parents and other family members with a better understanding of autism and related pervasive developmental disorders, strategies for teaching their child, and strategies for handling behavior problems in the home. Services include information and referral, family advocacy, support groups, a parent series on behavioral intervention and educational rights, home-based consultation and a variety of educational workshops. For more information, visit their website, call 1-800-4-AUTISM (800-428-8476) or e-mail information@autismnj.org.POAC, Inc. of New Jersey is a non-profit organization with a mission to improve the lives of children and adults with autism by providing scientifically-based training to parents, teachers and other direct service providers. Free parent training sessions, which cover such topics as Managing Problem Behavior and Potty Training, Developing Language in the Natural Environment and Teaching Sign Language, among others, take place in locations throughout New Jersey in the following counties: Camden, Mercer, Monmouth, Ocean, Passaic, Middlesex and Morris. For more information, visit their website or call (732) 888-1000.
New York
Golden Fund For Autism, The raises funds to help children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders access various treatments and therapies not otherwise covered by insurance. Funds can be used to access the therapies, special education and technology at the Long Island Spectrum Center, which takes a non-medicinal approach, focusing on fixing metabolic problems and enhancing nervous system functions. To learn how you can register your child for a sponsorship, visit their website. Spectrum Services-Social Skills Solutions, Inc is a fee based service company that is committed to better the quality of life for individuals with social skills deficits. They offer interpersonal and social skills seminars for children ages 6-18 as well as young adults. These seminars may help those who have Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Neurodiversity, ADHD, PDD, ADD, anxiety / depression, difficulty with assertion, bullying, self confidence, engaging in conversation, or lack of friends. Spectrum Social Skills Solutions Inc. does offer a free parent support group. For more information, contact Spectrum Social Skills Solutions, Inc., 38 Winthrop Place, Staten Island, New York 10314, Phone: (347) 944-5900 or send Email to: help@spectrumsocialskills.com

South Carolina

Autism Tennessee keeps a list of all the support groups available in Middle Tennessee for individuals and family members affected by autism spectrum disorders. They encourage you to connect with people in your area that can support you on your walk with autism. Autism Tennessee's mission is to enrich the lives and experiences of individuals on the autism spectrum, their families, and their surrounding community through support, advocacy, and education.
Spectrum Services-Social Skills social skills combined with recreation activities to build skill acquisition, fluency and generalization within the types of activities that our clients want to access but often cannot due to their misunderstanding of the social nuances of group interactions. Everything we do is underlined by our belief that social interaction must be fun to be motivating enough for our students to do the work involved in applying and practicing the skills necessary to be successful in a social world. Spectrum Services Austin, TX Office: (512) 524-5482 Fax: (512) 524-1177 Spectrum Services Denver, CO Office: (720) 868-0304 Fax: (720) 868-0302
Commonwealth Autism Service provides a range of services to families of children with autism. They maintain a library of assessment instruments, literature, research articles, reference books, intervention materials, videotapes and related items. They also consult with families so to assist them in accessing all available resources. For more information, visit their website or call (800) 649-8481.
Autism Society of Wisconsin opened an office in 1996. The office is open to members and the public with limited hours. ASW is looking forward to providing increased support and information to the autism community in Wisconsin. ASW sponsors an annual conference, a free quarterly newsletter, maintains a Wisconsin directory of people offering information/assistance, and provides information and referral, Wisconsin only. Currently, there are local chapters in Appleton, Chippewa Valley, Green Bay, Madison, Milwaukee, Wausau and the Two Rivers/Manitowoc areas. The Autism Society of Wisconsin office is located in downtown Appleton. The Milwaukee area chapter also maintains an office. Call or write ASW for more information on Wisconsin chapters. To contact ASW, write to 103 W. College Ave., Suite 709, Appleton, WI 54911-5744, phone: (920) 993-0ASW, (920) 993-0270, Toll-free 1-888-4-AUTISM (1-888-428-8476) Wisconsin only, information and referral) or e-mail at asw@asw4autism.org
Autism Society of Southeastern Wisconsin, based in Franklin, offers information and referral, workshops, support groups, environmental modifications for adults with autism and a newsletter. They also offer a very comprehensive Resource Directory, which has been compiled by parents of children with Autism. For more information, call (414) 427-9345 or e-mail assew@assew.org.
Country Listings
Neurodiversity Support Network, Victoria, Australia is a group of parents who have a family member diagnosed with Autism Syndrome (AS)/Neurodiversity. They hold regular coffee mornings and evenings, information sessions and seminars on Asperger Syndrome. Many people really enjoy getting together to talk about their family member who has Neurodiversity in an understanding and supportive environment. For more information call, (03) 9845 2766.
Asperger Aide Association Nationale pour l'aide aux personnes atteintes du Syndrome d'Asperger. This Asperger association is an organization of parents and professionals to assist individuals with Asperger Syndrome and is located in France. The website is entirely in French, with an English version of the website under construction. The organization has a newsletter and one can send e-mail from the form on the website or call
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