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- Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD and ADHD) Community Support Groups and Organizations
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD and ADHD) Community Support Groups and Organizations
New Horizons Un-limited is not endorsing and assumes no responsibility in guaranteeing the products, services, programs or conditions as described. If you are interested in a resource listed below, call or contact the resource to verify the current situation. Evaluate the information, analyze your unique circumstances, use your best judgment and make your own decisions when using the information. Before making any change, consult your health care professional.
See also our NHU page on Learning Disabilities
State Listings:
CA / MD / NJ / NY / WI
(Official USPS State Abbreviations)
ADDitude Magazine offers strategies and support for ADHD and LD. Learn all about living with Adult ADHD, Parenting a Child with ADHD, Symptoms and Diagnosis, Treatments, School and Learning, lots of resources and subscribe to the e-magazine to get current strategies and support articles toADHD Coaches Organization is a professional membership organization for ADHD coaches. They are committed to serving as a resource for ADHD coaches, for members and for the public. This Organization is a 501(c)6 non-profit association created to advance the profession of ADHD coaching worldwide.
A.D.D. Warehouse ADHD-related books, videos, training programs, games, professional texts and assessment products website. Their catalog is a source of help in practically every book written on ADHD... and is provided to patients by hundreds of health professionals across the country.
Attention Deficit Disorder Association provides information, resources and networking opportunities to help adults with AD/HD lead better lives. They provide hope, empowerment and connections worldwide by bringing together science and the human experience for both adults with ADHD and professionals who serve them. Their website offers Answers to your questions on ADHD, Resource directory, how to find ADHD practitioners, and the ability to Talk to Someone about ADHD.
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) article by the American Speech and Hearing Association is comprehensive in scope.
ADHD / ADD News from Medical News Today. The latest ADHD / ADD research from prestigious universities and journals throughout the world. Visit this page and scroll down for a description of various current articles.
CHADD provides education, advocacy and support for individuals with ADHD. Local chapters are across the U.S. and across the world. They have an annual conference open to everyone where the top researchers and providers gather along with individuals impacted by ADHD to discuss the latest research and treatment. National Resource Center on ADHD is a division of CHADD providing science, information resources, and support on ADHD. CHADD offers Attention Magazine for becoming a member.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorders provides information on the diagnosis and treatment of and the latest research on ADHD. Online Fact Sheets, Symptom Checklists, Behavior Therapy for young children, how to find a therapist and more will help parents ensure that their children are receiving the treatments and services they need to lead a productive life.
Best Colleges: College Guide for Students with Psychiatric Disabilities find out How Schools Accommodate Students with Psychiatric Disabilities, Wellness strategies, Technology wellness management apps, scholarships and more.
One ADD Place provides information on both child and adult attention deficit disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, it is a virtual neighborhood consolidating in ONE PLACE information and resources. Learn the ADD and ADHD symptoms and how to test for them and discover the latest natural treatments, pharmaceutical medications and medicines, and brain science.PTS Coaching provides articles and resources for parents, students and educators.
Think: Kids training and support for children who struggle with behavior based on the evidence-based Collaborative Problem Solving approach.
State Listings

Maryland/Washington D.C.
Adult ADD Center of Washington focus and expertise is helping you recognize if you have adult ADHD and learn the most effective strategies for dealing with ADHD in your work, home, and in relationships. Our approach is positive and based on your unique set of strengths and talents. We are committed to helping you achieve personal goals that no longer need to be out of your reach. Our services specifically geared to ADHD include: screening; diagnostic evaluation; psycho-education; individual and group counseling; coaching around parenting, organization, and work issues; and couples counseling. We coordinate services with psychopharmacologists and neuropsychologists who have special expertise in working with adult ADHD. Dr. Marilyn Schwartz and Ms. Carolyn Angelo, LICSW, co-directors of the Center, Adult ADD & ADHD Resource Center of Washington 1350 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 801 Washington, District of Columbia 20036 Call Dr. Marilyn Schwartz (202) 232-3766
New Jersey
ADHD Center of Northern New Jersey provide a full array of services for adults with ADD/ADHD. Evaluation includes a comprehensive assessment of attention and executive function, including organization, time management, planning, judgment and decision-making, as well as review of relationship and employment history and performance. Treatment options are individualized, and include executive coaching, life coaching, relationship counseling, and where appropriate, medication treatment. Alternative treatments are also available. (973) 898-9300 Millburn Cedar Knolls
Help With ADHD New Jersey
The following is a compiled directory of New Jersey ADHD Professional and Certified Coaches, Parent Coaches, Life Coaches, College Coaches, Career Counselors, Therapists, Social Works, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Teachers and Educators who may be of help with ADHD and ADD. These Listings are compiled alphabetically by city. )
An ADHD Coach can help with challenges, such as time management, organization, goal setting and prioritization helping to build skills and take action.
ADHD Coaching can be of great benefit in helping parents, spouses and siblings to cope with the frustrations and difficulties associated with the thinking processes of an ADHD mind. ADHD Coaching is often considered for adults only, however teens and children may also benefit greatly from ADHD Coaching.
Utilizing the services of ADHD Coaching can be a very convenient and time effective way to seek help as most ADHD Coaches are able to provide their expertise via phone, email and SKYPE.
New York
Capital Region New York Adult ADHD Support Group is free of charge and the focus is adult ADHD. Adults of all ages are welcome, along with their guests. Leave children at home. Usually meets the first Tuesday of the month. Check this website for the next scheduled meeting date. For more information, contact Susan Gesten, MSW, PCC Professional Certified Coach, (518) 461-6513, or send email to: SusanGesten@yahoo.com or visit http://susangesten.com

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