Health Care, Therapy and Rehabilitation Services: Vestibular Disorders
Includes Balance, Dizziness, Inner Ear Disorders and Meniere's Syndrome. Although the following listings are listed by the location of the clinic, many of the clinics accept patients from all over the world. For more information on patient referral and acceptance, consult or contact the individual clinic. To find a specialist near you, see the Needs and Solutions section on our About Vestibular Disorders Page.
New Horizons Un-limited is not endorsing and assumes no responsibility in guaranteeing the products, services, programs or conditions as described. If you are interested in a resource listed below, call or contact the resource to verify the current situation. Evaluate the information, analyze your unique circumstances, use your best judgment and make your own decisions when using the information. Before making any change, consult your health care professional.
State Listings: CA / GA / IL / IN / IA / MI / MO / NV / NJ / NY / OR / PA / TN / TX / WA / (Official USPS State Abbreviations)
Country Listings:
Canada: Quebec
National is the website of Dr. Timothy C. Hain, MD. On this site is an article, Balance and Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy which is written about vestibular rehabilitation therapy by Dr. Hain. The article covers the indications for using this kind of therapy, why it might be useful, and information about different kinds of therapy including "dynamic balancing exercises", "gaze stabilization exercises", "habituation exercises", and several others. Dr. Hain also covers the question of the proven effectiveness of these various kinds of therapy. For more information, send e-mail to cdb@dizziness-and-balance.comLaboratory of Vestibular Neurophysiology at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine is a research facility that studies the physiology and function of the vestibular system. The lab�s website includes information about two vestibular disorders that have been recently discovered by the lab�s research. These are Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome and Vertigo due to a hole in the bone above the Superior Semicircular Canal. Both of these conditions cause a person to become dizzy around loud noises. Information about these conditions can be accessed by clicking on �Recent Findings� on the lab�s home page. With Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome, a tear occurs in the superior canal because the bony part of the canal did not develop to a proper thickness. In the case of the hole in the bone above the superior canal, the balance canal responds to unusual stimuli such as loud noises or pressure in the inner ear from pushing on the outer ear or heavy lifting. Click on the link �For Our Patients� for more information about the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome. The website encourages people who think they might have this condition to print this information out and take it with them when they see a doctor.
This lab�s website also has a good description of the anatomy of the vestibular system and information about treating Meniere�s Disease with gentamicin. The lab's research has found that a lower dose of gentamicin can treat Meniere�s Disease effectively without as much hearing loss as a higher dose. The �For Our Patients� section also has more information on the symptoms and treatment of Meniere�s Disease. For more information, contact the Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 6th floor Johns Hopkins Outpatient Center, 601 N Caroline St., Baltimore, MD 21287, Phone: 410-955-1080, or Fax: 410-955-6526. Research articles by members of the lab faculty are included on this site under "Recent Findings."
VEDA (Vestibular Disorders Association) has an article about vestibular rehabilitation therapy. This short article Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT)covers the reasons for needing VRT, the purpose of VRT, what the therapist and patient do during VRT, and how this kind of therapy will help a vestibular patient. VEDA offers three publications about VRT which can be ordered from their website. Therapists that provide VRT can be found by state or world region in VEDA's list of health professionals that treat vestibular disorders. Vestibular Disorders Association, PO Box 13305, Portland, Oregon 97213-0305, phone: 800-837-8428 (voice mail), fax: 503-229-8064, or send e-mail to More publications on vestibular disorders are offered in VEDA's online store. A list of health professionals are found by state or world region that offer VRT services.
MedStar Medical Group Washington ENT Group is a medical clinic in Washington, DC specializing in the treatment of conditions of the ear, nose, and throat. This clinic�s website provides information about its location, hours, staff, treatment methods, accepted insurance plans, and other general patient information. This website also provides general information in a patient library on the conditions the clinic specializes in treating. To access information on vestibular disorders, click on �Common Ailments� on the drop down menu under �Patient Library.� Articles on Meniere�s Disease, BPPV, acoustic neuroma, dizziness, and vertigo can be found on a drop down menu under �Dizziness & the Vestibular System� on the Patient Library page. There is a list of general medical resources under �Patient Library� or �Links.� The Washington ENT Group is located at the LaSalle Medical Building, 2440 M Street, NW, Suite 620, Washington, DC 20037, Phone: 202-785-5000, or Fax: 202-785-5040.
State Listings
California Ear Institute is a highly rated medical center that specializes in medical and surgical procedures for treating hearing and balance disorders. Articles containing information about the conditions treated are listed under �Medical Services.� Several vestibular disorders are listed including Meniere�s Disease, BPPV, and Endolymphatic Hydrops. Articles about possible surgical treatments are listed under �Surgical Services.� Surgical treatments of the vestibular system listed include Endolymphatic Mastoid Shunt, Intratympanic Gentamycin, and Perilymphatic Fistula. The articles on surgical treatment include information about the procedure including the time it takes, whether it is inpatient or outpatient, and the type of anesthesia used. The lists of medical and surgical services are not divided into hearing and vestibular categories. A person needs to know what conditions or procedures he/she wants information about to find information easily on this website.
The Institute can be contacted for appointments (a form to submit) through the website. Information about insurance coverage is included on the website. This institute describes itself as �Northern California�s premier site for treatment of ear related disorders and is highly ranked among the world�s Centers of Excellence specializing in hearing and balance related disorders.� They mention that their patients are people who have had unsuccessful treatments elsewhere. E-newsletters written by the Institute and its divisions are available under �News�, �Newsletters�. The California Ear Institute, Palo Alto Office Headquarters are located at 1900 University Ave., Suite 101, E. Palo Alto, CA 94303. Phone: 650-494-1000, Fax: 650-322-8228, or e-mail The California Ear Institute, San Ramon Office is located at 5801 Norris Canyon Road, Suite 200, San Ramon, CA 94583, Phone:925-830-9116, or Fax: 925-866-1699.
The Let Them Hear Foundation is sponsored by this Institute. It provides services to people with hearing disorders around the world whether they can pay or not. The emphasis of this foundation is on hearing. There is a list of hearing related resources under �Links� on the Foundation pages.
Vestibular Atlanta Ear Clinic treats a variety of vestibular disorders including Meniere's Disease, endolymphatic hydrops, BPPV, and acoustic neuroma. (See the list at bottom of the clinic's home page.) They also treat tinnitus in conjunction with the Georgia Tinnitus Clinic, and conditions involving the facial nerves like Bell's palsy. Click on "Vestibular Rehabilitation," then "About Vestibular Disorder" to find information about vestibular disorders and the use of vestibular rehabilitation to treat them. Click on "Vestibular Disorders Support Grp." on the Rehabilitation page to learn about The Atlanta Vestibular Disorders Support Group. For more information, write the Atlanta Ear Clinic at 980 Johnson Ferry Road, Suite 470, Atlanta, GA 30342, Phone: 404-851-9093, Fax: 404-851-9097 or use their Contact Form.
Publications by Dr. Steenerson are listed at the link "Curriculum Vitae" under "Dr. Ronald Steenerson, M. D."
Chicago Dizziness and Hearing is the clinical practice of Timothy C. Hain, M.D., and Marcello Cherchi, Ph.D., M.D.. who are "otoneurologists", specializing in diagnosis and treatment of dizziness and hearing disorders. The clinic�s website offers information about the clinic, tests and treatment, making appointments, location, transportation, parking, a list of hotels near the clinic, and information about insurance. The website also offers a link to information about dizziness and balance disorders at (Click on �Information about Dizziness and Balance�.) This website lists a numbers of articles written by Dr. Hain. Chicago Dizziness and Balance, 645 N. Michigan, Suite 410, Chicago, IL 60611 or phone: 312-274-0197 or Fax: 312-376-8707 or send e-mail to
Midwest Ear Institute is a medical facility headquartered in Indianapolis that specializes in treating a variety of ear conditions including vestibular disorders. The Institute has offices in Indianapolis, Carmel, Mooresville, and Kokomo. The Institute's website includes information about Meniere's Disease, patient information, and The Balance Center at the Institute. There are also pages about office locations and financial information.
The article about Meniere's Disease covers the nature of the disease, procedures for diagnosing Meniere's Disease at the Institute, treatments available at the Institute, and information about lifestyle changes for coping with Meniere's Disease. This article includes links to information about the "Sodium Content of Your Food", "Dietary Considerations in the Treatment of Meniere's Disease" and the treatment called "chemical perfusion".
The Balance Center is a facility for diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of patients with vestibular disorders and other causes of balance problems. The facility uses special equipment, such as the rotational chair, for diagnosing balance problems. This article includes links to information about several tests available at the Balance Center including computerized dynamic posturography and rotational chair testing. It also includes links to information about vestibular therapy and canalith repositioning for the treatment of BPPV.
The patient information page offers links to a variety of articles on vestibular disorders and other ear-related subjects. The Midwest Ear Institute is located at 7440 N. Shadeland Ave., Suite 150, Indianapolis, IN 46250, Phone: 317-842-4901, 1-800-818-3277 (Indiana only), TDD: 317-842-4901, or Fax: 317-842-4393.
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery-University Of Iowa Health Care, Iowa City, Iowa, treats diseases and conditions of the ear, nose, and throat including conditions that cause dizziness and balance problems. To find a list of conditions treated, click on "Services" on the left side of the home page. The vestibular disorders listed include acoustic neuroma, balance disorders, and tinnitus. The article about balance disorders describes the Balance Disorders Clinic at the University Of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. This clinic is a combined effort of the Departments of Otolaryngology and Neurology. The purpose of the clinic is to diagnose and treat dizziness and balance disorders and to do research. There are two articles linked at the bottom of this page entitled "Comprehensive management of vestibular disorders" and "Balanced care." These articles explain more about the approach used at the Balance Disorders Clinic to diagnose and treat vestibular disorders. The Department of Otolaryngology of the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics is located at 200 Hawkins Drive, Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1078, Phone:319-356-3574(reception) or 319-356-2201 (scheduling) or use their contact us form under Patients and Visitors.
Michigan Ear Institute is a medical practice specializing "in the diagnosis and treatment of numerous conditions affecting the ear and related structures." The Institute has clinics in Farmington Hills and other suburban Detroit locations. The Institute's facilities include a dizziness and balance center for diagnosing and treating balance disorders. Information about the clinic, its specialties and doctors can be found on its website. The website also includes a comprehensive online library about ear-related disorders, including vestibular disorders; and stories about patients who have had surgery at the Institute for acoustic neuroma. The Michigan Ear Institute is located at Providence Medical Building, 30055 Northwestern Highway #101, Farmington Hills, MI 48334, Phone: 248-865-4444 and Fax: 248-865-6161.
Department of Otolaryngology--Clinical Services at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri treats a variety of ear, nose, and throat conditions including vestibular disorders. The conditions treated include Meniere�s Disease, vertigo, and acoustic neuroma. The Department also has several research projects that study various aspects of the vestibular system. The clinic information includes phone numbers for making appointments and an e-mail link. There are also e-mail links for patients outside the St. Louis area and international patients. Contact the Department of Otolaryngology at Campus Box 8115, Washington University School of Medicine, 660 South Euclid Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110. Phone: adult appointments: 314-362-7509 or 800-437-5430 or children�s appointments: 314-454-6162. Send e-mail to STEINHOFFL@MSNOTES.WUSTL.EDU
Werner Institute of Balance and Dizziness is a physical therapy clinic in Las Vegas that specializes in treating dizziness and balance disorders. The clinic treats both patients referred by physicians and those who contact the clinic without a physician's referral. This clinic treats people with a variety of balance problems including patients with vestibular disorders, head injuries, vascular problems, and amputees (See "For Physicians" page for a complete list.) The clinic also uses the same treatment methods to develop individualized programs for people that want to enhance their athletic skills. This website includes information about the balance system and how it works, what a balance disorder is, and what vertigo is. For more information contact the Werner Institute Of Balance and Dizziness, Inc. at 7660 W. Cheyenne Ave. - Suite 114, Las Vegas, Nevada 89129, phone: 702-880-1515, fax: 702-880-1511, or send e-mail to
New Jersey
Balance Disorder Center of New Jersey is a clinic located in Elizabeth, New Jersey specializing in the treatment of balance and hearing disorders. Information about how they evaluate and diagnose a patient will be found at "First Visit". Contact with this clinic can be made by filling out and submitting the form at "Contact Us." This form asks questions about your symptoms, etc. If you submit the form, you will be contacted for an appointment. The director and various other staff members are fluent in Spanish, as well as English. The patients treated at this clinic come from New Jersey (85%), New York City (10%), Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula (5%). Insurance information can be found under "Insurance Plans". Balance Disorder Center of New Jersey is located at 219 S. Broad St., Elizabeth, NJ 07202, Phone: 905-527-1717 or use their Contact us form.
New York
Ear Surgery Information Center-Meniere's Disease is an article that provides information about several surgical procedures that are available for treating Meniere's Disease when more conservative treatments and lifestyle changes are not successful. This article describes Meniere's Disease including its symptoms, diagnosis, and standard treatments. Then, the article describes the following surgical procedures: endolymphatic sac decompression, labyrinthectomy, vestibular neurectomy, and chemical labyrinthectomy. This article, written by Dr. Mark J. Levenson, MD of the Saratoga Ear & Sinus Surgery Center in Saratoga Springs, NY, will interest anyone that would like to learn more about these procedures. The Saratoga Ear & Sinus Surgery Center, PC is located at 195 Church St. Saratoga Springs, NY 12866, Phone: 518-587-2300 or send e-mail to
Balance Disorders Laboratory -OHSU Health is the introductory page to information about balance disorders on the Oregon Health Sciences University Healthcare website in Portland, Oregon. The page has links to information about Meniere's Disease and acoustic neuroma (listed as neurinoma). The site offers a basic overview of these two conditions covering the nature of the condition, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. To find information about treatment at OHSU, click on "Find related Doctors" or "Find related Clinics". Oregon Health & Science University, 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd, Portland, OR 97239, phone: 503-494-7772, or e-mail F. Owen Black, MD is the Director of Neurotology Research for Legacy Health Systems in Portland. He also sees patients at his clinic, Balance and Hearing Center NW. Dr. Black worked with physical therapists at Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland in the 1980�s to develop the physical therapy program that is now commonly used to help rehabilitate vestibular patients. He also developed a surgical procedure for treating perilymph fistulas. He is also known for being a consultant to NASA. His work with NASA has helped him to develop better methods for treating inner ear disorders. A group of Dr. Black�s patients started VEDA (Vestibular Disorders Association) in 1983 as the Dizziness and Balance Disorders Association of America. Today, VEDA is an international organization furnishing information and support for people around the world who suffer from a vestibular disorder.
Vesticon is a medical technology company focused on helping physicians and their patients achieve Victory Over Vertigo. Dr. John Epley, MD is most famous for having developed the Epley Maneuver for treating BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. Dr. Epley is known worldwide for developing the Canalith Repositioning Maneuvers, also known as the Epley Maneuvers, for treating Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). There is also information about the Omniax Positioning System which is a special chair that allows a physician to put a patient in any position necessary to help diagnose or treat positional vertigo (such as BPPV). The Epley Omniax System is available at clinics in the U.S.A., India and Australia. The link above will take you to a list of these clinics offered to anyone interested in becoming a patient.
Pittsburgh Ear Associates provides diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss and balance disorders. To learn about the clinic�s services for balance disorders, click on �Services�; then either �Acoustic Neuroma� or �Hearing and Balance Center�. The Acoustic Neuroma section covers what an acoustic neuroma is and three treatment options. The Hearing and Balance Center section covers information about the center and its treatment and diagnostic methods. The diagnostic methods used include a rotating chair and moving platform, testing equipment that is not available in the average ear doctor�s office. Click on �FAQ�s� to find out general information about the clinic such as hours of operation, insurance coverage, fees charged, etc. Office locations in Pittsburgh and Monroeville can be found by clicking on �Locations�. The Pittsburgh Ear Associates (located at Allegheny General Hospital) is located at 420 E. North Ave., Suite 402 East Wing, Pittsburgh, PA 15212, Phone: 412-321-2480 or Fax: 412-321-3229.
UPMC Center for Balance Disorders is a clinic at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that diagnoses and treats balance disorders. The conditions treated at this center are listed under "Conditions We Treat" pages on Meniere's Disease and Vertigo can be accessed from the Conditions page. The Meniere's page covers causes, risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. The Vertigo page covers the same topics for vertigo including specific causes for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. The Conditions page also has links to information about non-vestibular conditions that may cause dizziness such as multiple sclerosis or migraine headaches.
The tests used for diagnosing balance problems are listed and described under "Vestibular (Balance) Lab." "About Us" provides access to information about a patient's First Visit to the clinic. The First Visit page includes access to forms that cover a person's medical history and experiences with dizziness. "FAQ" covers questions about dizziness and vertigo, physical therapy, Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, and the recovery process.
A list of characteristics of dizziness patients entitled "Balance Disorder Signs , Symptoms, and Management" can be accessed under "Resources." For more information write to the UPMC Center for Balance Disorders, Eye & Ear Institute, 200 Lothrop St., Fourth Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, phone: 412-647-2125.
Otology Group of Vanderbilt is located at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee. The Otology Group has three clinics in Nashville. The Otology Group is recognized internationally for its treatment program for acoustic neuromas. Click on "Acoustic Tumors" on the group's home page for information on acoustic neuromas including a description of what these tumors are, and how they are treated. Click on "Hearing and Balance Disorders" to find access to information about other ear disorders treated at the clinic. Vestibular topics listed on this page include Meniere's Disease, Vertigo, and Tinnitus. The page about Meniere's Disease covers the hearing and balance functions of the inner ear, how the inner ear dysfunctions in Meniere's Disease, diagnosis and testing, and methods of treatment. The Vertigo page covers the nature of dizziness and balance problems, diagnosis and testing, and a list of various conditions that cause dizziness including acoustic neuroma, Meniere's syndrome, and benign positional vertigo. The Tinnitus page covers various kinds of tinnitus and information about treatment.
The Otology Group website also has information about a fellowship in neurotology and a course about temporal bone surgical dissection. Click on "Fellowship" or "Temporal Bone Course" to learn about these programs. For more information, write the Otology Group of Vanderbilt, 300 20th Avenue, North - Suite 502, Nashville, TN 37203-2115, Phone: 615-284-4444, Fax: 615-284-4448 or send fill out their Contact Us form.

Ear Institute of Texas is the combined clinical practice of Dr. Wesley Krueger and Dr. Lance Jackson located in San Antonio, Texas. The Institute specializes in the treatment of hearing and vestibular disorders. A general description of the practice and the conditions treated will be found on the �Patient Page� of the clinic's website. The "Our Facilities� page provides a comprehensive look at the tests used to diagnose hearing and balance disorders including pictures of some of the equipment used. General questions about hearing and balance disorders are answered on the �FAQ� page (Look for a link at the bottom of a page). Information about a variety of vestibular disorders will be found on the lists dropped down under �Dizziness/Vertigo/Balance Disorders� including Meniere�s Disease, BPPV, and acoustic tumors. There is also information about vestibular therapies under �Balance Therapy and Rehabilitation� and information about surgical treatments under �Surgery & Implants.� The pages are designed so that it�s easy to go from one topic to another (from Meniere�s Disease to BPPV for example). There are two articles written by Dr. Jackson under �What�s New�. The contact page on the clinic�s website has a form for contacting the clinic by e-mail. The Ear Institute of Texas is located at 9150 Huebner, Suite 160, San Antonio, Texas 78240. Phone: 210-696-4327, or Fax: 210-697-0888.
Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery - University of Washington provides a Dizziness and Balance Center. On the UW Medicine Index page, click on Medical Specialties. Under Medical Specialties, click on Dizziness and Balance Disorders. On the Otolaryngology page, click on Dizziness and Balance Disorders again. On the page about Specialty Services, you can read a paragraph about the Dizziness and Balance Center and link to the Center's website. The Dizziness and Balance Center at the University of Washington in Seattle was established in 1996 to provide a multi-disciplinary approach to the diagnosis and treatment of dizziness and balance disorders. The Center's website covers some general information on the causes of dizziness and balance problems, some statistical information about vestibular disorders, information about research done at the UW, and information about the tests used to diagnose vestibular disorders. Also, to learn about the Meniett low-pressure pulse generator, a device used to treat Meniere's Disease, "google" Dr. George Gates. Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery UW Medical Center is located at 1959 NE Pacific St., Third Floor, Seattle, WA 98195, Phone: 206-598-4022, Fax: 206-598-6611 or send e-mail to
Aurora Health Care - Balance and Vestibular Program offers a comprehensive vestibular rehabilitation and vestibular therapy program. Approximately half of all cases of dizziness � also referred to as vertigo, spinning or an off-balance sensation � are caused by a vestibular (inner ear) disturbance. Their staff of physical therapists and audiologists have extensive training and experience in this specialty. The interdisciplinary team approach to rehabilitation involves close communication between the physical therapist and audiologist, as well as with the patient�s primary care doctor, ear, nose and throat physician and other specialists as needed. All patient treatment plans are highly individualized depending on the medical history, general health, symptoms and test results, as well as input from patients, their physician(s) and family members. Vestibular therapy emphasizes on the prevention of symptoms and decreasing the risk of falls, fractures and other injuries. Aurora's headquarters are located at 3000 W. Montana St., Milwaukee, WI 53215 or phone (414) 647-3000. To find the facility located nearest you fill in the form at Aurora Health Care Facilities Index
Department of Otolaryngology & Communication Sciences at the Medical College of Wisconsin located in suburban Milwaukee, offers comprehensive treatment of hearing and balance disorders. Click on "Hearing and Balance Center" to learn about the Koss Hearing and Balance Center. Click on "Otology & Neuro-otologic Skull Base Surgery" to learn about the programs at the Koss Hearing and Balance Center. The programs include an "Acoustic Neuroma Program" and a "Balance Disorders Program." Information about acoustic neuromas, Meniere's Disease, and tinnitus can be found on the Medical College of Wisconsin's HealthLink "Meniere’s Disease and Otologic Conditions - Harris" page. Information about research projects being conducted by the Department of Otolaryngology & Communication Sciences at the Medical College of Wisconsin can be accessed from the Division of Research page. There are two projects related to vestibular disorders listed under Basic Research and one under Clinical Trials Research. The Department of Otolaryngology & Communication Sciences Medical College of Wisconsin is located at 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI 53226, Phone: 414-456-8296 All (Office of Public Affairs). There are many articles listed under Meniere's Power Points.
Medical College of Wisconsin offers information about treatment of inner ear disorders on the Department of Otolaryngology & Communication Sciences website. The Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Otolaryngology & Communication Sciences is located at 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI 53226, Phone: 414-456-8296 or e-mail (Office of Public Affairs).
BayCare Clinic is a clinic in Marinette, Wisconsin that treats ear, nose, and throat conditions including balance disorders. Click on "Medical Services" Ear Nose Throat," Ear Specialists to see a list of the conditions treated and equipment used in the Balance Center. and to find links to information about dizziness, Meniere's Disease, and tinnitus. Located at 3200 Shore Drive or send to PO Box 437, Marinette, WI 54143. Phone: 888-766-4684, 715-735-3187 or use their Contact Us page. Click on "Ear Nose and Throat", then "Medical Links". This page has links to the American Academy of Otolaryngology and the American Academy of Otolaryngic.
Country Listings
Canada: Quebec

This website also includes a good basic description of the vestibular system and how it works. The fifth page of this introduction to the vestibular system explains the vestibulo-ocular reflex. For more information, write the Department of Physiology, 3655 Prom. Sir William-Osler, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1Y6, Phone: 514-398-5709, Fax: 514-398-8241 or send e-mail to The section named "Publications" lists papers and books to which Kathleen E. Cullen has contributed.