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Health and Care: Informational Websites
State Listings: CA / ME (Official USPS State Abbreviations)

Home Care Online is a website of the National Association for Home Care. The site features an agency locator which allows consumers to search by city and state to locate a home care professional. The website also features information on how to locate a home care provider.
Minimum Wage and Overtime Pay for Direct Care Workers from the U.S. Department of Labor.
State Listings
California Registry offers a database of home health service providers located throughout California. The database offers information on Home Care Aide Organizations and Medicare/Medicaid Certified Home Health Agencies. This website also offers a number of links to related organizations and sources of information on home care.
Office of Aging and Disability Services (OADS) offers several home care programs that provide supportive community services to older and disabled adults in order to avoid or delay nursing home placement. The wesbite offers information on Personal Care Services, Nursing Services, Home Delivered Meals (Meals on Wheels), Personal Emergency Response Systems (Life Alerts), Respite, Assistive Technology, Environmental Modifications, and Independent Support Services (Homemaker Services). This is an excellent resource for anyone in need of home care within the state of Maine.
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