Books: Recreation and Sports including Gardening, Leisure, and Travel
Accessible Gardening
"A well-written, comprehensive book filled to the brim with detailed descriptions on how to make the garden accessible. Shows gardeners with disabilities who may use a wheelchair or a walker, how to design, plant and maintain a garden that suits their special needs. Also dozens of specific mail order sources are provided. Learn how to make an existing garden more accessible or how to create a new one using raised beds, containers, hanging or vertical gardens, with the help of easy-to-follow instructions, line drawings and photographs. In addition to her own experience as an avid gardener, the author also draws on the expertise of horticultural therapists who give pointers on tasks such as sowing seeds and composting"
Accessible Gardening for People with Physical Disabilities
by Janeen Adil is a book on gardening for people of all ages with practical know-how to design, plant and maintain a garden that suits special needs. This book describes how to garden in a variety of situations. Mail-order sources are provided for the materials discussed.
Allergy-Free Gardening: The Revolutionary Guide to Healthy Gardening
by Thomas E. Ogren, is a great contribution to horticulture and gardening as it explains how allergy ridden our gardens are because of our choice in plants and the sex of the plants. Ogren has a vision to change landscape gardening, to reduce the use of plants that cause allergies in private and public landscaping, including schools, parks and our own backyards.
Gardening With People With Disabilities
This book was published in 1989, 22 pages $6.00 from City Farmer, #801-318 Homer St., Vancouver, BC V6B 2V3 Canada
Gardening Within Arm's Reach
Gardening and experiencing nature for the visually handicapped. This book explains how to set up a garden with this in mind. This book is by Hans Schuman Bartimeus, Utrechtseweg 84, 3702 AD Ziest, The Netherlands ISBN: 90 71534 29 4
Tips for Gardeners Who Use Wheelchairs
Simple tips for gardeners who use wheelchairs from the University of Missouri AgrAbility Project. For additional information contact the local University of Missouri Extension Center or the University of Missouri AgrAbility Project, at 1 800 995 8503.
Grace from Garden: Changing the World One Garden at a Time
This book by Debra Engle explores 20 gardens and gardeners who have created community through their gardens. The simplest act of gardening can produce significant changes in the lives of people with disabilities.

Visit a wheelchair accessible garden that's functional, attractive and affordable through this on-line video from Wisconsin Public Television.
Leisure Works: Expanding Options for People with Developmental Disability
Developed by IRIS Media's team of experts in developmental disabilities and recreation, this program provides a step-by-step guide to help adults develop a personalized leisure plan. This book is designed for people with developmental disabilities and their families, for group home situations or for anyone who wants to be active.
Accessible Games Book
This book by Katie Marl contains games specifically chosen or adapted for diverse groups of individuals, including people with disabilities, physical, hearing and visual.
Accessibility Guidebook for Outfitters & Guides Operating on Public Lands
Provides guidance and suggestions for outfitters and guides regarding how to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. This guide is also available in PDF format.
Accessibility Guidebook for Ski Areas Operating on Public Lands
Provides guidelines and suggestions for ski areas regarding how to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. This guide is also available in PDF format.
Barrier-Free Travel: A Nuts & Bolts Guide for Wheelers & Slow Walkers, 3rd Edition
by Candy Harrington, published 2009. This book includes worldwide resources, travel tips, and updated information about accessible travel options. Also included, are extensive chapters on cruises and accessible shore excursions- with contact information for foreign tour operators who are able to provide them. This book is for wheelchair or scooter-users, slow walkers, travel agents, CILs and libraries. Available through Demos Medical Publishing for $19.95.
Easy Access to National Parks, The Sierra Club Guide for People with Disabilities:
by Wendy Roth and Michael Tompane.
Great American vacations for travelers with disabilities
This book is a Fodor travel publication with complete accessibility information on hotels, restaurants and attractions. This book is available at
Rick Steves' Easy Access Europe: A Guide for Travelers with Limited Mobility
by Rick Steves. "Regardless of the revolution we had 200 years ago, many American travelers feel that they "go home" to Britain..." This book will assist you in traveling Europe with limited mobility while spending your money wisely. This book is available at
There is Room at the Inn: Inns and B & B's for Wheelers and Slow Walkers
This book is by Candy Harrington, published 2006, 256 pp. This is a guidebook to 117 accessible inns and bed and breakfast resorts from 40 states that includes “A Note to Innkeepers” a short chapter which offers suggestions on how to make inns and B&Bs more appealing to wheelchair-users and slow walkers. For people with disabilities it offers access details on each property, with a detailed description of the access features in each inn with emphasis on the access features in the accessible guestrooms.
Travel for the Disabled: A Handbook of Travel Resources and 500 World Wide Access Guides [LARGE PRINT] (Paperback)
This book is by Helen Hecker. This book is available at the Disability Travel Bookshelf
USA Travel Access for the Handicapped
is a USATourist web site that provides resource for travelers with disabilities. It contains information on FAQ about traveling, lodging and other helpful resources.
Wheelchair Around the World
by Patrick D. Simpson. This book is an extraordinary look at world travel by the author whose wife is handicapped. Their love for travel transcends any kind of barriers. A must read for those who are afraid of travel due to a wheelchair or other obstacles. This book is available at the Disability Travel Bookshelf