Books: Disability Experiences
Tweet15 Minutes at a Time: A View From "Inside" the Box
By Matt Nichols. This book is based on the author's own experiences with bipolar disorder, the ups and downs, coping and finding one's way to living a more normal life. He is also working to bring a movie of his experiences, called "Bipolar," to the screen. This book is available through
Autism and the God Connection: Redefining the Autistic Experience Through Extraordinary Accounts of Spiritual Giftedness
By William Stillman
An adult with Asperger's Syndrome, William Stillman, via his book Autism and the God Connection, explores autism through a spiritual prism, unlocking its hidden meaning. Through numerous interviews, he documents extraordinary examples of spiritual giftedness. Autism and the God Connection boldly challenges our traditionally held beliefs about people with disabilities. Any family touched by disability, no matter the type, will find hope, inspiration and a deeper understanding of their loved ones in the affirming anecdotes of ordinary families documented here.
Being in a Wheelchair
By Lois Keith
Lois Keith became disabled at age 35. She has turned to writing to express herself. This is the most recently published of her many writings. She discusses her experiences and feelings about these experiences with hope of correcting many misconceptions about individuals with disabilities.
Choosing Naia: A Family's Journey
By Michael Zuckoff
Choosing Naia is based upon an award-winning series of articles chronicaling a young couple and their experience with Down Syndrome. This book shares the story of Greg and Tierney Fairchild from the time they learned that their unborn child has Down Syndrome through the after birth struggles faced by Naia and her parents.
Enabled in Words: The Real Lives, Real Victories of People with Disabilities
by authors, Keith Landry, Sarah Lopez, and Yudha Pratama
This book is filled with stories of the lives of many people with disabilities and written by people fighting for disability rights. The book begins with an inspirational history of the disability rights leader, Justin Dart. The book categorizes the experiences of individuals in the following chapters: "Real Lives - Stories to Inspire, Powerful Voices for Disability Rights, Stories for Parents and Caregivers, Stories for Children and Teens, Stories on Health and Fun, Stories on Accessibility, and Stories from Outside America." This book not only offers the stories of people with disabilities, but is inspirational for anyone!
Expecting Adam: A True Story of Birth, Rebirth, and Everyday Magic
By Martha Beck
An autobiographical tale of a Harvard couple who conceive a baby found to have Down's syndrome. The book reflects on the couples contemplation of abortion, the difficult pregnancy as well odd coincidences and paranormal experiences that are shared by both. Throughout the book, Beck methodically details her step-by-step progress from doubt to belief.
From There to Here: Stories of Adjustment To Spinal Cord Injury
Edited by Gary Karp and Stanley Klein, Ph.D
This book features forty-five essays from a broad mix of experiences - young, old, recently injured and long time wheelers. Forty-five diverse yet personal life stories. All of them are connected by a powerful, shared life experience - spinal cord injury. To order this book, call New Mobility at (888) 850-0344 ext. 209.
Home Bound - Growing Up with a Disability in America
By Cass Irvin
Cass Irvin's first book is a first-person account of growing up in a pre-ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) world. Throughout the book she describes the psychological struggles she endured during the early phases of adapting to life as a quadriplegic.
"How to Overcome Shyness: 51 Tips on How to Overcome Shyness, Public Speaking Anxiety, Social Anxiety, and a Plan for Building Confidence in Yourself"
If you need to bolster your ability to overcome shyness, anxiety and public speaking, this book by Robert Kuhns can really alter your perspective: Go to this link above on
It Takes More Than Legs to Stand (Paperback)
by Lyla Swafford
"Lyla Swafford was born with Cerebral Palsy and a strong determination not to allow it to limit her. While Lyla has accomplished much through hard work, some goals have eluded her for years. Through it all, her wit and humor have been an encouragement to many. As you read this book, It Takes More than Legs To Stand, she will show how you can enjoy an incredible life of delight and purpose even when health or other things you have relied on fail you."
Loving Through Heartsongs
By Mattie J. T. Stepanek
This moving book of poetry is written by an introspective 12 year old boy with Dysautonomic mitochondrial myopathy, a rare neuromuscular disease that impacts his body’s "autonomic" or "automatic" functions. The works range from being written in August 1993 to June 2002, each holding a note of hope. Of course, the thought and experience of love emminates from each passage. Though just 12 years old, Mattie offers an introspective look at life, love and personal strength. To purchase this book, visit
Meditations From a Movable Chair
By Andre Dubus
In July of 1986, author Andre Dubus was assisting some stranded highway motorists when he was struck by a car. One leg had to be amputated at the knee, while the other was damaged very badly. Through numerous "meditations," Dubus reflects on life before and after the accident, delving into his suffering, fear, moodiness, stoicism, and religious faith.
Reflections from a Different Journey: What Adults with Disabilities Want All Parents to Know
Edited by Stanley D. Klein, Ph.D. and John D. Kemp
Reflections from a Different Journey includes forty inspiring and realistic essays written by successful adult role models who share what it is like to have grown up with a disability. This book includes essays from individuals with a range of disabilities including, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, autism, learning disabilities, deafness, blindness, mental illness, developmental disabilities, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, congenital amputation, and chronic health conditions. This book can be purchased on-line at
Roll Models: People Who Live Successfully Following Spinal Cord Injury and How They Do It”
By Richard Holicky, M.A.
This new book, written by Richard Holicky, M.A., examines the question of why some spinal cord injury survivors succeed after injury and others spiral into inactivity and depression. Mr. Holicky, a SCI survivor himself, interviewed 53 people from across the country ranging in age from 21 to 67, disabled from 3 to 48 years, in a variety of living situations. Mr. Holicky found common threads in what has led to their own high levels of success and life satisfaction.
The book is available for purchase from the Trafford Publishing Company for $21.95 plus shipping and handling.
Special Siblings: Growing Up With Someone with a Disability
By Mary McHugh {ISBN: 1557666075}
Mary McHugh reveals what she experienced as the sister of a man with cerebral palsy and mental retardation — and shares what others have learned about being and having a “special sibling.” Through relevant research and interviews with more than 100 other siblings and experts, McHugh explores a spectrum of feelings — from anger and guilt to love and pride — and helps readers understand the issues siblings may encounter in: Childhood — such as dealing with their own needs for attention and information, identifying with their parents’ grief, understanding their sibling’s disability, and coping with their own feelings; Adolescence — such as participating in family discussions, fitting in with peers, searching for their own identity, and talking to a counselor or therapist; and Adulthood — such as building a support system, navigating adult relationships, deciding whether to have children, and planning for their sibling’s future care.
Spinal Network: The Total Wheelchair Resource Book
Published by Nine Lives Press (2002)
Spinal Network is the essential resource for making important life choices after spinal injury, multiple sclerosis, post-polio syndrome, amputation, ALS and other conditions. The book begins by sharing the personal profiles of those who have survived spinal cord injury and continues by exploring options in health, technology, attendant services, employment, travel, sports, relationships, sexuality and parenting. It also touches on legal rights, government benefits and cure research. To order this book, visit the New Mobility Bookstore.
You Will Dream New Dreams: Inspiring Personal Stories by Parents of Children with Disabilities
Edited by Stanley D. Klein, Ph.D., and Kim Schive
Over sixty short essays by “veteran” mothers and fathers of children with varying disabilities tell the stories they wish they could have heard when they learned their own child’s diagnosis.
View from Our Shoes: Growing Up With a Brother or Sister With Special Needs
By Donald J. Meyer
A collection of 45 brief essays by children and young adults who have a sibling with special needs, ranging from mental retardation through a number of rare syndromes. Thoughts are shared by siblings of all ages, from age 4 to 18.