New Horizons Un-Limited Inc.
Redesigning Wisconsin's Long Term Care System
July 7, 1997
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The following is a summary of the preliminary proposal by the Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services for the redesign of the service system for elderly and disabled people who need long term care and support. The department is seeking comment from the public in regard to the preliminary proposal.
Even though you may be young or you are caring for a young, disabled person, understand that long term care is extremely difficult to obtain. Planning well in advance is absolutely essential. Consider the summary of the proposal. We need your input.
The preliminary proposal has received enough public comment that the Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services is revising the proposal before further public hearings will occur. Until we learn more about the dates of the hearings, we encourage you to make public comment now, so the proposal can be revised including our input. You may still send your comments to the DHFS beyond the deadline on the proposal. For specific information, you can write to the DHFS.
Comments should be sent to:
DHFS Office of Strategic Finance
Long Term Care Redesign
PO Box 7850
Madison, WI 53707
Summary of the
Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services Proposal for Redesigning the Long Term Care System
- The current LTC system is very confusing and hard to access. Through this new proposal, new local agencies (Aging and Disability Resource Centers) would be your local contact for information and screening.
- The new plan will also integrate all LTC health care services. Medicare funds may also be included if federal approval is granted.
- This proposal includes the frail elderly and younger adults with chronic illness, physical or developmental disability. Children will also be covered, and so will persons whose primary disability is serious and persistent mental illness, through a separate, but linked system.
- Eligibility is based on the person’s ability to function with everyday tasks.
- There will be no cliff of financial eligibility. All clients will be required to share in the cost of their services, whether it be nothing or 100%.
- Individuals who need support, but not nursing home care will have other residential or in-home options.
- Care Management Organizations (CMOs) will manage supports and services tailored to individual needs in a cost-effective manner. The state will require that CMOs provide consumer choice and self-determination.
- Some additional features of this system are: Consumers and families are actively involved at each level of planning and managing the new system. Fifty-one percent or more of local agencies’ advisory boards must be consumers or family members.
- There will be a statutory LTC bill of rights.
- The new system will approach assurance and delivery of quality in a different manner. It will be based on good outcomes for consumers and less on regulation of procedures. Prevention is promoted by joint efforts of Resource Centers, care managers, source providers and consumers.
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