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Rent Assistance
State Listings
CA / FL / ID / IL / MD / NV / NY / OR / WI
(Official USPS State Abbreviations)
Many local religious organization and nonprofit groups also provide rental assistance to disabled people.

HUD: Rental Assistance provides information on federal programs, including subsidized housing, public housing, and the Housing Choice Voucher program, that are available to assist low-income tenants afford safe, decent housing. Contact your local Public Housing Agency to learn more. Or find the contact in your state Local State Resources
Need Help Paying Bills: Disabled Housing Assistance from Need Help Paying Bills. Find Housing Assistance for people with disabilities.
Need Help Paying Bills: Get help with rent and find assistance programs from Need Help Paying Bills. Find State, Government, charities and local resources, help for low income peoples and eviction prevention programs.
State Listings

Resources for Independent Living
offers one on one assistance in locating affordable and accessible housing.. However, they do not own, manage, or rent any housing, nor do they offer or manage any emergency housing. they assist consumers locate housing and access programs one may qualify for. Our housing lists are updated quarterly and they have individual contact with landlords to ensure that they give you accurate information. Our housing lists can be specialized to your specific need.
For more information, contact
Resources for Independent Living,
420 I Street, Level B: Suite 3,
Sacramento, CA 95814, or Tel: 916-446-3074 | Fax: 916-446-2443
Florida Housing Finance Corporation offers financial assistance to families and individuals in need of housing. They offer rental assistance for homes and apartments, home-buying programs and grants and several other special assistance programs. For more information, call (850) 488-4197.
Idaho Housing and Finance Association (IHFA) administers federal rental assistance programs that help people with disabilities obtain decent, affordable rental housing. Their website offers information on the Section 8 Voucher program as well as public and subsidized housing. Their site also offers a directory of assisted housing (affordable and subsidized rentals), transitional housing and emergency shelter. For more information, call (208) 331-4882.

Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development offers a Rental Allowance Program. The Rental Allowance Program (RAP) provides monthly rent assistance for low-income families who are homeless or have an emergency housing need. The monthly payments are fixed amounts, depending upon the size of the family and the location of the rental unit. Payments can be received for up to 12 months, and may be extended under special circumstances. For more information, call (800) 756-0119 or e-mail dhcd.rental_services@maryland.gov.
Community Services Agency and Development Corporation, serving Northern Nevada, offers an emergency Rental Assistance program. As funding permits, CSA offers one-time assistance to help people who are in danger of eviction. This is sometimes available as a no-interest loan. For more information call (775) 786-6023.
New York

Neighborhood House Inc., serving individuals and families residing in Southwest Portland, offers a temporary rent assistance program to assist families pay rent to prevent homelessness. Low income families with children or disabilities are given priority. For more information, call (503) 246-1663, ext. 1000.

Tenant Resource Center: Renting with Disabilities offers information on support for the renter with disabilities.