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Adaptive Technology: Financial Assistance
State Listings: AZ / HI / IL / MI / NC / NY / PA / VT / VA / WA / WI - (Official USPS State Abbreviations)
Country Listings: Canada
Adaptech's Free & Inexpensive Adaptive Technology Database offers a compilation of a list of free and/or inexpensive adaptive technology hardware and software alternatives that might be useful. Some of these are long-running demos, while others are fully functional. They do not suggest that these replace the higher end hardware and software currently on the market. However, as a short-term solution, or for the purposes of trying out different adaptive technologies, they believe they are a good place to start. This project was funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) at Dawson College, Adaptech Research Network, 3040 Sherbrooke West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3Z1A4, Telephone: (514) 931-8734 or Fax: (514) 931-3567.Adaptive Mall.com has developed a very handy reference resource for those in search of funding for assistive technology devices. They present several alternate funding options and links to a number of other helpful financial assistance resources.
Alternative Financing Technical Assistance Project (AFTAP) is a project of Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology (AT) Society of North America (RESNA). "AFTAP is designed to enhance the efforts of the state alternative financing program (AFP) grantees and to assist states applying for AFP grants through a variety of mechanisms." Their website features several State AT Financial Loan Programs that are available to individuals with disabilities. If you are interested in learning more about these programs, links are provided to each participating state's program on the AFTAP website.Assistive Technology Funding and Systems Change Project is a nationwide project that provides individuals in need of assistive technology funding, information and technical assistance. For more information, call (800) 827-0093 (Voice) or (800) 833-8272 (TTY/TDD).
Greater Detroit Agency for the Blind and Visually Impaired (GDABVI) offers much information on the funding of assistive technology devices through Medicaid, the public schools special education system and through state vocational rehabilitation agencies.
Modest Needs mission is to stop the cycle of poverty BEFORE it starts for the low-income workers. They do this by offering members of the general public to safely and securely help hard-working, low-income households to afford the kinds of short-term emergency expenses (within limits of value) that we've all encountered before: the unexpected car repair, the unanticipated visit to the doctor, or the unusually large heating bill, for example. They accomplish the donations and grants all on-line. You must have access to a computer to apply. Modest Needs offers three types of grants: Self-Sufficiency Grants, Back-to-Work Grants, and Independent Living Grants. To apply you must be at least 18 years of age; a legal resident of the United States or Canada; meet household income levels of the federally defined 'poverty level' be able to check your computer and have access to a scanner.
United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) - Bellows Fund is a national grant program that provides funds to individuals with disabilities for assistive technology equipment. (Note: Persons with all type of disabilities can apply, you need not have Cerebral Palsy to qualify.) Applications can only be submitted by your local UCP office. To locate your local office, visit the UCP website, or contact UCP at (800) 872-5827.
State Listings
Arizona Loans for Assistive Technology (AzLAT) offers affordable loans to persons with disabilities for the purchase of assistive technology devices. This program is targeted to low and middle income Arizona residents. Examples of assistive technology that could be funded by this program include hearing aids, wheelchairs, Braille note takers, safety rails in the bathroom, specialized computer keyboards and lifts for vans. For more information, visit their website or call (800) 477-9921.
Hawaii Assistive Technology (HAT) Loan Program ATRC offers Hawaii residents low interest loans at affordable terms to purchase technological devices and services which enhance independence in the home, workplace and community. HAT loans are offered through American Savings Bank, working with Hawaii Centers for Independent Living. For more information, contact the Assistive Technology Resource Centers of Hawaii by phone at (800) 645-3007 or by e-mail at atrc@atrc.org.

Assistive Technology - Related Resources from the Illinois Department of Human Services offers a comprehensive list of assistive technology resources in Illinois. You can also call toll free: 1-877-761-9780 (Voice), 1-866-264-2149 (TTY) or 1-866-588-0401
Michigan Assistive Technology Loan Fund allows people with disabilities and seniors (or their family members) to purchase assistive technology devices or services, including modification of vehicles and homes. Loans may also cover cost of training to use the purchased equipment, warranties, and service agreements. The Michigan Assistive Technology Loan Fund (MATLF) supports the purchase of needed technology through low interest rates and loan guarantees. The program does not provide grants. It provides loans, which must be paid back. The program is a unique partnership of United Cerebral Palsy of Michigan and Option 1 Credit Union in Lansing. Assistive technology is defined as any item, piece of equipment, or device that enables an individual with a disability to improve individual independence and quality of life. For more information, call (800) 828-2714.
New York
National Disability Institute: Assistive Technology Loan Program Assistive Technology – hearing aids, communication devices, wheelchairs and home or vehicle modifications – can be expensive to purchase. National Disability Institute can help you find and afford assistive technology. Our Assistive Technology (AT) Loan Program provides affordable loans of $500 to $30,000 to residents of New Jersey and New York.
North Carolina
North Carolina Assistive Technology Program (NCATP) provides information on potential assistive technology funding resources for the individual to pursue. Contact Annette Lauber, Funding Specialist, or Carol Williams, Consumer Resource Specialist, at 919-850-2787 or through the CARELINE at 1-800-662-7030 for assistance in identifying potential AT funding resources or strategies.
Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation (PATF) is a non-profit organization that helps provide financing opportunities to individuals with disabilities and elder Pennsylvanians for the purchase of assistive technology devices and services. Their Assistive Technology Financing Program offers low-interest loans for the purchase of assistive technology devices and services including modified vehicles and home modifications. Loans range from $500 to $25,000 with various repayment terms. For more information, or to obtain an application, call (484) 674-0506 voice, (888) 744-1938 (Voice/toll-free/TTY) or (484) 674-0510 Fax693-7271 (TTY). You may also e-mail patf@patf.us.
Vermont Assistive Technology Services for Individuals offers the . Offered to individuals, to try, borrow, including but not limited to: Adapted Vehicles, Computers, Employment Equipment, Hearing and Visual Aids, Home Equipment, Home Modifications, Wheelchairs and Scooters and then check the funding resources to "Get It". For more information, call 800-865-8328 .Vermont Family Network (VFN) promotes better health, education and well-being for all children and families, with a focus on children and young adults with special needs. Vermont Family Network began in July, 2008, when Vermont Parent Information Center (VPIC) and Parent to Parent of Vermont merged. Since the merger, VFN has continued to offer the same support, services, and referrals to children and families that were once offered by VPIC and Parent to Parent. Our office is located at 600 Blair Park Road, Suite 240 in Williston, Vermont and we are open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am until 4:30 pm. For more information about our programs and services, please contact us at (802) 876-5315 or 1-800-800-4005.
New Well Fund offers low-interest loans to Virginians for a wide variety of special equipment, including wheelchairs, motorized scooters, Braille equipment, hearing aids, low vision aids, communication systems, environmental control devices, building modifications for accessibility or telecommunication devices for the deaf. For more information, call (804) 662-9000 (Voice/TTY) or toll-free at (866) 835-5976 (Voice Only).Fax: (804) 662-9533 E-Mail: atlfa@atlfa.org
Northwest Access Fund is a non-profit organization that assists individuals with disabilities in Washington and Oregon State purchase assistive technology needed for education, employment and independent living. Their Access Fund offers low-interest loans to individuals with disabilities and their families. Loans can be used to purchase any device that maintains or improves functional capabilities of an individual with a disability. Examples include: hearing aids, wheelchairs, computers with adaptive hardware and software, Closed Circuit TV's, medical devices with specialized output (e.g., large print or speech output), or patient lifts and vehicle adaptations. Loans also can be used for home accessibility modifications and to purchase AT related services such as evaluations, training, extended warranties and equipment set-up, maintenance and repair. Loan amounts range from $250 to $5000. Washington Access Fund charges a 1% loan fee (minimum of $25.00) and borrowers also pay for the cost of a credit check and filing fees. For more information or to obtain an application, visit the website or call (206) 328-5116 (Voice), (877) 428-5116, or e-mail info@nwaccessfund.org.
Public Service Commission of Wisconsin offers the Telecommunications Equipment Purchase Program (TEPP), designed to assist people with disabilities in Wisconsin acquire adaptive communications equipment. TEPP offers financial assistance vouchers to those who are deaf, hard of hearing, speech impaired, or mobility / motion impaired. The amount of the voucher depends upon the severity of the disability and a minimum $100 co-pay is the responsibility of the individual receiving the equipment. The vouchers will cover costs relating to the purchase of the following equipment: TTY, amplified handsets or phones, Braille/TTY units, TTY with large visual displays, special modems, hands-free speaker phones, puff activators, and phone signaling systems. Other specialized equipment may be approved on an individual basis. For more information, call (608) 231-3305 (Voice), (608) 267-1479 (TTY) or e-mail pscrecs@psc.state.wi.us.
Wisconsin Assistive Technology Program (WisTech) offers WisLoan, a program offering low-interest loans to any individual in need of an assistive device or software. The program has no income requirements, and does not require individuals to first seek public funding. For more information, call (414) 291-7520 ext. 427. Or call staff at the Independent Living Centers throughout Wisconsin. Visit our NHU page on Independent Living Centers to find the center nearest you.
Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Assistive Technology Guidance offers people with disabilities the ability to help find employment working from home. If there is adaptive technology hardware or software programs that will meet your goals, they will be able to assist you. Visit the website.
Country Listings
