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- Assistive Technology Centers and Programs
Adaptive Technology: Assistive Technology Centers and Programs
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Alliance for Technology Access (ATA) is a network of centers, developers and vendors that provide information and support to persons with disabilities in order to increase their use of technology. Centers are located throughout the country and you can locate the center nearest to you on their website. They have published a book called Computer Resources for People with Disabilities, which can be ordered via their site or at your local bookstore. ATA has a list of vendors, stories, FAQ, projects, and links to aid one in the search for information pertaining to assistive technology and devices.Archimedes Project aims to educate people about the obstacles and opportunities that technology presents for people with disabilities. Under the Symbolic Systems Program many undergraduate and graduate students are learning more about people with disabilities and the future of technology.
CATEA - assistivetech.net - National Public Website on Assistive Technology was created by Georgia Tech's Center for Assistive Technology and Environmental Access (CATEA), with funding from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), and Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA). Assistive Technology (AT) "devices and aids which can help a person with a disability perform activities that might otherwise be difficult or not be possible."Their mission is to provide access to information on AT devices and services as well as other community resources for people with disabilities and the general public. Their searchable database lists over 22,000 products. Type in your assistive technology topic in the search and browse by Products, Web Resources and Assistive Technology articles.
Family Center on Technology and Disability assists organizations and programs that serve families of children with disabilities by providing information and support on accessing and using assistive technology. Their website features several helpful links, a listing of their network organizations and several model programs, as well as technology success stories.The National Center for Accessible Media has several educational projects that are designed to provide the tools students need to learn. Some of these projects include Captions and Adult Literacy, DVS for Learning Disabled, Closed Caption University, QuickCaption School, and many more.
The Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) is an interdisciplinary association for the advancement of rehabilitation and assistive technologies. Members range from rehabilitation professionals to providers and consumers. RESNA is dedicated to promoting the exchange of ideas and information for the advancement of assistive technology and rehabilitation engineering. Review AT Standards and Resources.
Trace Research and Development Center develops standards for information technologies and telecommunication systems making these systems more accessible for people with disabilities. The Trace Center is developing a flexible multi-model interface technique for standard products that can adapt to a wide range of individuals with disabilities without altering the interface for people without disabilities. The Trace Center develops strategies and techniques to make standard products more accessible. The Trace Center encourages companies to make their standard products more accessible. The website provides a directory of resources for Augmentative Communication and Computer Adaptive Products, Access, Technology, Assessment and Training.University of Buffalo Center for Assistive Technology offers information pertaining to assistive technology as well as research and develop assistive devices. All information (media & publications) are available at no cost and can be ordered on-line. Computer assessment and training in the use of assistive technology are offered at the center. Certificate program in assistive and rehabilitation technology and other academic programs are offered as well. The site includes an explanation of the process of obtaining assistive technology and links to many additional sites. Also, Project LINK is housed at the center and is a nationwide information service on assistive technology.
State Listings
Alabama Statewide Technology Access and Response System, administered by the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation, works to enhance independence, productivity and quality of life for all Alabamians with disabilities through access to assistive technology devices and services. They offer technology financing via their Ability Loans, an equipment barrowing program, technology training programs and much more. For more information, call (800) 441-7607 or (800) 499-1816 (TTY).
Assistive Technology of Alaska, administered by the Alaska Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, works to ensure that all Alaskans have the assistive technology and related services needed to live, work and participate in their community. To learn more, call (800) 723-2852.
Arizona Technology Access Program (AzTAP) works to increase access to assistive technology (AT) devices and services for individuals with disabilities and their families. Through their regional centers they offer information and referral, equipment loans, technology demonstration and training, and much more. To locate the center that serves your area, visit their website.
Arkansas Increasing Capabilities Access Network (ICAN) offers a number of programs to ensure access to necessary assistive technology. In addition to information and referral they also offer a financing program and the Telecommunications Access Program, For more information, call (800) 828-2799 (Voice/TDD).
Assistive Technology Exchange Center is offered by Goodwill Industries of Orange County. The center offers technology assessments and recommendations, training and technical support, as well as job development and employment. For more information, call (714) 836-0640, ext. 397 or e-mail penner@ocgoodwill.org.
Berkeley Web Access offers resources for web accessibility including resources
For Site & Content Owners
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Purchase Accessible Technology
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Tips and How Tos
Types of Assistive Technology
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Types of Assistive Technology
Assistive technology is a generic term that describes tools used by people with disabilities to accomplish tasks and help people use computers to access the web.
California AT Reuse Coalition is dedicated to expanding the accessibility of tools, resources and technology that will help increase independence, improve personal productivity and enhance the quality of life for all Californians. 800-390-2699.
Center for Assistive Technology "provides information and services supporting technology use that respects individual differences, encourages each person's right to make informed choices and builds the community's capacity to support the assistive technology user." Services include computer access evaluations for children and adults, student support groups, computer loans, technology exploration, and more. For more information, call (510) 841-3224 or e-mail info@cforat.org.
Colorado Assistive Technology Act Program is dedicated to enhancing access to assistive technology at home, school, work and play for individuals with disabilities, their families, employers, and professionals providing services. They offer a range of services including, AT training and demonstration, information and referral, funding assistance and much more, For more information, call 303-315-1280.
Connecticut Tech Act Project works to ensure that Connecticut's residents with disabilities have access to assistive technology. They can help you learn what technology is available while also providing funding assistance. For more information, call (860) 424-4871.
New England Assistive Technology (NEAT) Marketplace provides information and access to equipment and devices that can minimize the effects of disability. They offer a computer lab in which you can try a large variety of adapted hardware and software. They also offer used, reconditioned adaptive devices for sale at very reasonable prices. Their information and resource service can assist people in finding information about various types of assistive technology. This is an excellent community resource. For more information, call (866) 525-4492 (toll free in Connecticut) or e-mail info@neatmarketplace.org".
Delaware Assistive Technology Initiative "focuses on improving public awareness, public access to information, funding for assistive technology (AT) devices and services, training and technical assistance, and coordination of statewide activities." Assistive Technology Resource Centers have been established in each Delaware county, which offer product trial and product loan programs. For more information or to find the AT Resource Center nearest you, visit their website or call (302) 651-6790 (Voice) or (302) 651-6794 (TDD).
District of Columbia (Washington D.C.)
University Legal Services Assistive Technology Program works to improve access to assistive technology devices and services for all D.C. residents with disabilities. Services include Outreach and Training, Information and Referral, Assistive Technology Financial Loan Program, District of Columbia Assistive Technology Resource Center, Assistive Technology Equipment Loan Program, Accessible Information Technology in Educational Settings and Assistive Technology for Early Intervention. For more information, call (202) 547-0198 (Voice), (202) 547-2657 (TTY) or e-mail atpdc@uls-dc.com.
Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology offers services to ensure access to assistive technology for Floridians with disabilities. More specifically, they offer a toll-free information line, assistive technology evaluations, AT financing programs, technology demonstration and training, educational workshops and more. For more information, call their information line at (800) 322-7881.
Tools For Life Assistive Technology Center increases access to appropriate assistive technology devices and assistive technology services for all Georgians with disabilities. They offer an equipment loan library and an online equipment exchange service for used or donated equipment, information on locating funding for assistive technology, as well as ReBoot, their computer recycling program, which distributes rebuilt computers to persons with disabilities. For more information, call (800) 497-8665 (Voice) or (866) 373-7778 (TDD).CATEA - assistivetech.net - National Public Website on Assistive Technology was created by Georgia Tech's Center for Assistive Technology and Environmental Access (CATEA), with funding from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), and Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA). Assistive Technology (AT) "devices and aids which can help a person with a disability perform activities that might otherwise be difficult or not be possible." Their mission is to provide access to information on AT devices and services as well as other community resources for people with disabilities and the general public. Their searchable database lists over 22,000 products. Type in your assistive technology topic in the search and browse by Products, Web Resources and Assistive Technology articles.
Assistive Technology Resource Centers of Hawaii (ATRC), located in Honolulu, Hawaii, provides information and training on assistive technology (AT) devices, services, and funding resources for consumers, educators, state agencies, vendors and private organizations. ATRC also increases AT awareness and promotes self-advocacy among persons with disabilities. More specifically, they offer AT workshops and training that focus on familiarizing consumers with adaptive computer equipment. For more information, call (808) 532-7110 (Voice/TTY) or (800) 645-3007 (Toll-free for residents of Neighbor Islands).
Idaho Assistive Technology Project works to ensure access to assistive technology to all Idaho residents with disabilities. They offer AT demonstration and training, informational workshops, an equipment loan program and much more. For more information, visit their website or call (208) 885-3573.
Illinois Assistive Technology Project offers services and information on assistive technology in order to increase awareness and break down barriers for residents that are disabled. The services that are offered by the project include outreach, capacity building, training, advocacy and system change. The Illinois Assistive Technology Program (IATP) is a statewide, not-for-profit agency, in their twentieth year of service. Illinois was one of the first nine states funded under the Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1988, as amended. IATP's primary focus is on education, employment, community living, information technology and telecommunications. Their mission is to enable people with disabilities so they can fully participate in all aspects of life. Techtalk is a newsletter offered on-line that highlights several important issues. The site contains a listing of links to other helpful resources as well as other information pertaining to assistive technology. For more information contact them at: Illinois Assistive Technology Program, 1 West Old State Capitol Plaza, Suite 100, Springfield, Illinois 62701, (217) 522-7985 voice, (217) 522-9966 tty, (217) 522-8067 fax, (800) 852-5110 v/tty, or send email to: iatp@iltech.org>Assistive Technology - Related Resources from the Illinois Department of Human Services offers a comprehensive list of assistive technology resources in Illinois and National. You can also call toll free: 1-877-761-9780 (Voice), 1-866-264-2149 (TTY) or 1-866-588-0401
Assistive Technology, Training and Information Center (ATTIC), located in Vincennes, Indiana, is a non-profit, community based, consumer-controlled organization. The center offers services including information and referral, peer counseling, skills training, individual and systems advocacy, public education ADA assistance, assistive/adaptive technology services, and curriculum adaptation. Their website features their newsletter, The Informer, as well as links to several helpful resources. For more information, visit their website or call (812) 886-0575.
Iowa Program for Assistive Technology - (IPAT) Center for Disabilities and Development offers assistive technology information on several topics including education, employment, health, community living and recreation, as well as on telecommuting and information technology. Their services include assistive technology information, the Used Equipment Referral Service, funding information as well as legal advocacy. For more information, visit their website or write IPAT, 100 Hawkins Drive, Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1011 or Phone: 800-779-2001 (this will be answered by Iowa COMPASS) or send Email to: IPAT@uiowa.edu.
Assistive Technology for Kansans Project, a statewide project, helps persons with disabilities find ways to live and work as independently as possible through the use of assistive devices and services. The Project offers technology evaluations and demonstrations, information and referral, funding assistance and much more. For more information, visit their website or call 800-KAN-DO-IT (800-526-3648).
Kentucky Assistive Technology Service (KATS) is a statewide network of organizations and individuals working to enhance the availability of assistive technology devices and services to improve the productivity and quality of life for individuals with disabilities. Services include information and referral, technology, evaluation, training and demonstration, funding assistance and much more. For more information, call (800) 327-5287.
Louisiana Assistive Technology Access Network (LATAN) assists individuals with disabilities to achieve a higher quality of life and greater independence through increased access to assistive technology as part of their daily lives. Programs include the Assistive Technology Loan Program and the PeerNet Support Network, which is an accessible database where consumers and others involved in Assistive Technology can contact each other for support, demonstrations and inquiries about equipment, devices, vendors, providers and services. For more information, call (800) 270-6185.University of New Orleans Training, Resource and Assistive-technology Center (TRAC) provides services relating to assistive technology to persons with disabilities, rehabilitation professionals, educators and employers. For individuals with disabilities they offer vocational evaluations, technology assessments and adaptive computer and assistive technology training. For the business sector they provide job accommodation assessments, disability awareness training, assistive technology workshops and consulting. For more information, call (504) 280-5700.
Maine Consumer Information and Technology Training Exchange is a statewide project designed to help make assistive and universally designed technology more available to Maine children and adults who have disabilities. Services include information and referral, technology evaluation, demonstration and training, funding assistance and much more. For more information, visit their website or call (207) 624-6650, (207) 624-6800 (TTY).
Learning Independence Through Computers (LINC) is a non-profit computer resource center that offers people with disabilities and their families the opportunity to explore adaptive technology, computer systems, software, and the Internet. LINC serves any individual with a disability regardless of their economic circumstance. Their website features many links to resources on adaptive technology and other topics located in both Maryland and throughout the United States. For more information, visit their website or call (410) 659-5462 (Voice) or (410) 659-5472 (TTY).Maryland Technology Assistance Program (MD TAP) offers statewide services to ensure access to assistive technology. Services include the Assistive Technology Guaranteed Loan Program, information and referral, technology evaluation, demonstration and training and much more. For more information, call (800) 832-4827 (Voice), (866) 881-7488 (TTY).
MassMATCH - Massachusetts's Initiative to Maximize Assistive Technology goal is empowering people with disabilities, as well as the general public, with affordable, accessible Assistive Technology (AT) and information. MassMATCH has partnered with several different local agencies with efforts in providing disabled persons and people who surround the disabled population with the resources designated to assistive technology. For more information visit their web site or contact them on there contact us page, or by phone Toll Free at 1-866-682-9955.
Michigan Assistive Technology Project is working to improve access to assistive technology (AT) for Michigan citizens with disabilities. This website is hosted by the Michigan Disability Rights Coalition and offers the latest in AT news, links to helpful AT resources, a listing of local AT projects, and information on Michigan's AT Loan Fund. For more information visit their website links above. Office Phone Number (517) 333-2477, Toll Free Phone Number (800) 578-1269, Fax Number (517) 333-2677, or send Email to info@mymdrc.org
EquipALife, formerly known as MATLN Minnesota Assistive Technology Loan Network, hopes to empower people with speech, language and communication disabilities through the use of assistive technology education, support and equipment access. Among other services, they provide a loan library containing over 50 augmentative and alternative communication, lending devices to any age, or disability group. For more information visit their web site or contact them on there contact us page, or by phone at Toll free: 866-535-8239.
System of Technology to Achieve Results (STAR) serves any person with a disability residing in Minnesota. Specifically, they promote consumer involvement and outreach, encourage transition throughout life, advocate policy awareness and systems change, provide training and technical assistance, and improve public awareness of assistive technology. They also offer easy-to-understand information on a number of issues relating to AT and a helpful online newsletter. They have also developed a funding directory website. For more information, call 651-201-2640 or 1-888-234-1267.
Mississippi Project Start works to ensure the provision of appropriate Technology-Related services for Mississippians with disabilities. Services include an equipment loan program and technology training and demonstration. For more information, call (800) 852-8328.
Missouri Assistive Technology is a project of the Missouri Assistive Technology Council with a mission to increase access to assistive technology for Missourians with all types of disabilities and of all ages. Specifically, they oversee an equipment swap program, a low-interest loan program, the TAP for Internet program, which provides adaptive equipment and software needed for basic access to the internet in the home, and the TAP for Telephone program, which provides basic voice telephone calling (both sending and receiving) and telephone alerting devices for individuals with disabilities. For more information, call (800) 647-8557 (Voice) or (800) 647-8558 (TTY).
onTECH is a federal program that provides assistive technology resources and supports to people with disabilities in the state of Montana. Services include information and referral, technology evaluation, demonstration and training, an equipment loan program, and a financial loan program. For more information, call (800) 732-0323.
Assistive Technology Partnership links people with technology. The Partnership enables people with disabilities, their families, and professionals to learn about the latest innovations and identify funding for assistive devices and services. They offer an informative website complete with personal success stories as well as a used equipment program, called Tech Connectors, which makes technology available to those who may not be able to afford it. For more information, visit their website or e-mail atp@atp.ne.gov.
Nevada Assistive Technology Resource Center (NATRC), supports collaborative efforts with the community to bring about wider knowledge and adoption of Assistive Technology in Nevada. The development of a responsive best-practices based network for the delivery of AT services to unserved and under-served populations in Nevada is a high priority. The NATRC is an active member of the Nevada Assistive Technology Council, and is responsible for establishing a new accessible social networking website dedicated to increase knowledge, use and access to Assistive Technology in the state of Nevada. The development of an effective and affordable statewide support and training strategy for AT users is a high priority. The NATRC is actively involved with researchers, developers and manufacturers of AT devices to help create innovative AT solutions. The NATRC operates a statewide demonstration and evaluation library offering individuals, professionals and students the opportunity to explore one or more assistive technology devices to assist in decision making regarding device adoption/acquisition. The NATRC Provides assessments, training and demonstrations of Assistive Technology for the Nevada Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation counselors and clients. The project assists with the successful placement of individuals with disabilities in the workforce by matching the appropriate assistive technology device with the needs of the person.
New Hampshire
New Hampshire Technology Partnership Project works to increase access to assistive technology to New Hampshire residents with disabilities. Programs include the Assistive Technology Low Interest Loan Program, the Refurbished Equipment Marketplace (REM), the Technology Exploration Center, and Information Resources. For more information, call (800) 228-2048.
New Jersey
Assistive Technology Advocacy Center (ATAC), New Jersey's federally funded assistive technology project, works to assist individuals in overcoming barriers in the system and making assistive technology more accessible to individuals with disabilities throughout the state. Services include information and referral, advocacy and legal representation, equipment recycling, and educational presentations. For more information, call 888-322-1918.
New Mexico
New Mexico Technology Assistance Program (NMTAP) offers free services to New Mexicans with disabilities to help them get the assistive technology (AT) services they need. Services include an ABLE Device loan program, a financial loan program, used medical equipment and computers technology evaluation, device demonstration and training and information and referral. For more information, contact NMTAP / GCD at 625 Silver Ave. SW, Ste 100 B, Albuquerque, NM 87102call (505) 841-4464, FAX (515) Toll Free GCD (in state only) 1-877-696-1470 or contact Tracy.Agiovlasitis@state.nm.us.
New York
The Center for Assistive Technology (CAT) through the School of Public Health and Health Professions at the University of Buffalo, explores the functional utility of Assistive Technology (AT) devices and services in support of persons with disabilities. This federally sponsored research and development projects study, create and apply models, methods and metrics that link scientific research, engineering development and commercial production to transform knowledge into beneficial impacts. Their client service programs deliver assessment, training, demonstration, and loan services to facilitate computer and environmental access in the context of school, work and independent living goals. Activities integrate multiple disciplines and span economic sectors to improve the quality of life for persons with any level of impairment, across all ages and within any environment.NYS Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs The project provides information and referral services, demonstrations of assistive devices, and education on assistive technology.
Technology Resources for Education (T.R.E.) Center offers an online assistive technology resource for all New Yorkers in need of assistive technology (AT). Their website offers links to helpful disability resources, links and guides to AT funding and a number of other helpful publications. In addition to this online resource, they also offer AT training sessions and workshops, AT equipment loans, and student technology consultation. For more information, call (800) 248-9873.
North Carolina
North Carolina Assistive Technology Program coordinates statewide assistive technology services. They offer awareness and training, consumer groups, funding information, information and referral services and technical assistance. They also oversee the Assistive Technology Centers located in Charlotte, Raleigh, Winston-Salem, Sylva, and Greenville, which display a variety of assistive technology devices for demonstration and "hands-on" activities. For more information, call (910) 251-7078.
North Dakota
Interagency Program for Assistive Technology (IPAT) oversees a variety of statewide assistive technology (AT) programs and services. Such services include an equipment library, an AT helpline, a financial loan program, outreach services, and advocacy services. Their website also offers product descriptions and fact sheets, information on AT legislation, links to other help AT resources, and a used equipment bulletin board. For more information, call (800) 895-4728 or (701) 365-4728 (Voice/TDD).
Assistive Technology of Ohio, a federally funded non-profit organization, works to help Ohioans with disabilities acquire assistive technology. They offer an equipment loan program, information and referral, a computer distribution program, and much more. For more information, call (800) 784-3425.
Oklahoma Able Tech works to enhance access to and funding for assistive technology so that individuals with disabilities can achieve their greatest potential. Services include information and referral, advocacy, technology training, an equipment loan closet and financial loan program. For more information, call (800) 257-1705.Oklahoma Assistive Technology Center (OATC), located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, offers many helpful programs and services to individuals in need of assistive technology (AT). OATC offers information so that individuals can locate those devices that will best meet their needs. They offer assistance in locating and adapting augmentative and alternative communication devices, positioning and mobility devices, computer access devices, environmental controls, and custom seating systems. They are also involved in several programs that have been designed to increase employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities, and increase awareness and to provide technical assistance to local organizations in need of implementing AT programs. For more information about these programs and services, visit their website or call (800) 700-OATC (Voice) or (405) 271-1705 (TDD).
Access Technologies, Inc. works to ensure access to assistive technology for all people with disabilities in Oregon. Services include technology training and workshops, a used equipment marketplace, and equipment library and information and referral. For more information, call (800) 677-7512.
Pennsylvania Initiative on Assistive Technology, administered by The Institute on Disabilities at Temple University, works to enhance access to assistive technology for people with disabilities living in Pennsylvania. For more information, call (800) 204-PIAT (7428).
Rhode Island
Rhode Island Assistive Technology Access Partnership (ATAP) is a statewide partnership of organizations and agencies working together to provide information and improving access to assistive technology for individuals with disabilities. For more information or to locate the organization that serves your area, call (800) 916-8324.TechACCESS of Rhode Island provides information and resources on assistive technology. They offer information on augmentative communication, adapted computers, blind access systems, mobility equipment and funding for devices. Resources of the center include assistive technology catalogs, Abledata database of assistive technology, videos and books. Demonstration, training, and workshops are offered by the center as well. This site defines the assistive technology assessment process and offers an assistive technology public funding source guide.
South Carolina
South Carolina Assistive Technology Project works to enhance access to assistive technology for people with disabilities in South Carolina. Services include technology assessments and training. For more information, call (803) 935-5263.
South Dakota
DakotaLink offers FREE assistance to individuals of all ages to help locate, acquire and use the latest assistive devices. Programs include an equipment recycling program, technology evaluation, demonstration and training, information and referral and much more. For more information, visit their website or call (800) 645-0673.
Tennessee Technology Access Project (TTAP) provides Tennesseans who have disabilities with comprehensive information related to assistive technology including: Resources for Assistive Technology Devices and Services, Information About the Funding of Devices and Services, Resources for Advocacy Services, Statewide Systems Change Initiatives/Activities and Assistive Technology Centers. For more information, call (800) 732-5059.
Texas Technology Access Project "works to raise awareness, provide information and promote strong public policies that support children and adults with disabilities in their efforts to acquire and use technology as a routine part of day-to-day living." Their website is filled with very helpful links on many aspects of accessing assistive technology. Information is offered on distance education, telecommuting, funding options in Texas, and much more. For more information, visit their website or call (800) 828-7839 (Voice) or (512) 471-1844 (TDD). You can also send an e-mail to techaccess@teachnet.edb.utexas.edu.
Utah Assistive Technology Program is designed to help individuals know what assistive technology is available, how to receive funding, and to provide links and resources. For more information, call (800) 524-5152.Utah Center for Assistive Technology located in Salt Lake City, Utah provides several services related to the application of assistive technology (AT). The center provides information and referral, technical services as well as use of their computer room to individuals in need of AT. For more information about these services, call (801) 887-9380.
Vermont Assistive Technology Project is an effort to integrate assistive technology within services for the disabled. They offer information on assistance for the visually, hearing, speech, and mobility impaired, computer access assistance, communication assistance, employment, assistive technology financial aid, used equipment, and more.
Virginia Assistive Technology System (VATS) is a federally-funded statewide grant program that offers a number of services including assistive technology (AT) information and referral, including funding information, education and training, consumer advocacy, an AT equipment exchange bulletin board, AT trial programs, and more. For more information about VATS' services, visit their website or call (800) 435-8490 (Voice/TTY).

Northwest Access Fund offers people with disabilities customized loans, financial coaching, and other resources to promote access to assistive technology, independence, financial resilience, and life opportunities. Contact them at Northwest Access Fund, PO Box 55759, Shoreline, WA 98155, Voice: 206-328-5116, Toll Free: 1-877-428-5116, Fax: 206-328-5126, or send Email to info@nwaccessfund.org
Washington Assistive Technology Act Program (WATA) is a consumer advocacy network. WATA provides information and referral consultation, training related to selection of AT devices, services and funding, legal advice and advocacy for policy development and legislative action, as well as technical consultation and training publications. They have authored Paying for the Assistive Technology You Need, A Consumer Guide to Funding Sources in Washington State, which is available to view online. Their website features many helpful links to on-line resources as well. For more information, visit their website or call (800) 214-8731 (Voice/TTY).
West Virginia
West Virginia Assistive Technology System (WVATS), administered by the Center for Excellence in Disabilities (CED), overseen by the Community Advisory Council, is dedicated to increasing awareness of and accessibility to assistive technology (AT) for West Virginians of all ages and all types of disabilities in employment, education, information technology and communication and community living. Regional Resource Centers provide AT lending libraries, toll-free information hotlines, and AT demonstrations, coordination and support. For more information, WVATS - Morgantown Phone: 800-841-8436 or send Email to: mailto:wvats@hsc.wvu.edu
Independence First located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin offers individuals in need of assistive devices an opportunity to try several products before making the investment. Products for trial include computer equipment, kitchen and bathroom devices, ramps and lifts and many more. To find out more about this program, call Independence First at (414) 291-7520.HEAR Wisconsin FIND THE AssisTIVE EQUIPMENT that meets your individual NEEDs in work, home, and social environments. Purchcase online and in the store.
TRACE Research and Development Center conducts a broad research and development program, as well as training, technical assistance, and dissemination activities. The primary funding agency has been the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), under the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers (RERC) program. The Trace Center is currently funded as the RERC on Universal Interface & Information Technology Access and (partnered with Gallaudet University) the RERC on Telecommunications Access. Offers teaching and other resources.
Wisconsin Assistive Technology Program (WisTech) offers a great deal of information on assistive technology (AT). Their website offers tips on using AT in the home and the workplace. They also offer "WisTech Reader", a newsletter for consumers of assistive technology. WisTech services, which offer assistance in selecting, funding, installing and using assistive technology, can be obtained at any of Wisconsin's independent living centers. For more information visit their website or Phone: 715-232-3300.
WIND Assistive Technology Resources works to ensure that all residents with disabilities have access to the assistive technology they need to lead independent lives. Services include information and referral, technology demonstration and training, and an equipment loan bank. For more information, call Toll Free: 1-888-989-9463 or by email at wind.uw@uwyo.edu .
Country Listings
Saskabilities: Adaptive technology Services provides a level of autonomy and self-reliance that has a life-changing effect on the lives of people experiencing disability. From voice-activated software to eye gaze controlled technology, Adaptive Technology Services is dedicated to applying electronics and computers to aid in communication, improve quality of life and increase independence. Through consultations, assessments, training and equipment set-up, Electronics Technologist works with individuals of all ages to find the adaptive technology that works for them. Any Saskatchewan resident can access Adaptive Technology Services on a fee-for-service basis. To find our more information about how Adaptive Technology Services can help you, please contact: Electronics Technologist, Provincial Services, Saskatoon, SK or Tel: 306.374.4448, or send Email: adaptivetechnology@saskabilities.ca
CALL (Communication, Access, Literacy and Learning) Scotland is a small unit within the Moray House School of Education, The University of Edinburgh. The Centre is co-located with the Scottish Sensory Centre. the wide range of possibilities means that choosing and using these technologies with particular individuals can be complex and sometimes daunting. CALL addresses these problems and works to help people with disabilities (and their families, carers and professional helpers) get the most from this new technology. CALL specializes in helping pupils in education to access the curriculum and to participate and be included included alongside their classmates. CALL offers assessment for young people in Scotland who have communication difficulties. These might include: speech, visual, audio or specific learning difficulties. CALL has specialist equipment for communication and learning to individuals with disabilities throughout Scotland. CALL offers information and advice on technological aids for communication and learning to professionals, carers and disabled people themselves. CALL offers an open-access reference library within the centre. Some books, journal articles, videos and other material can be borrowed for short periods. For more information contact them at: CALL Scotland, University of Edinburgh, Paterson's Land, Holyrood Road, Edinburgh, Scotland EH8 8AQ, or Telephone: 0131 651 6235/6236