Adaptive Technology: "APPS"
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The following APPS (Applications) are the software used on the IPAD, IPhone and Adroid devices.
Education Assistance
•Audionote is extremely helpful for students who struggle with taking notes and can actually train a student to improve that ability. It records both the lecture and written notes in real time, synching up the written notes with the audio of the lecture. This prevents students from trying to remember which formula or illustration goes with which part of the lecture, and it keeps notes in their proper order. Audionote is available at itunes for $4.99 visit itunes to conveniently download the app.
• Avaz, a full-featured AAC App for Autism (Augmentative Picture Communication Software for Children with Special Needs) has been developed for children who are non-verbal or who have difficulty speaking. Avaz has been designed with the vision of making every voice heard! Avaz is child- and caregiver-friendly, and helps therapists and educators to bring out the maximum potential in children. This one costs $199.99 and is available through iTunes.
• recently created a guide that offers tips and insights for disabled college students, including legal rights, how to transition to campus life, and online resources and apps to help with specific disabilities. You can view this guide at College Resources for Students with Disabilities.
• Breaking through Using Educational Technology for Children with Special Needs authored by Barbara Albers Hill. This is a complete guide book to using electronic tablets to help children with ADHD, anxiety, Autism, Down Syndrome, low vision, physical challenges, traumatic brain injury and more.
• iAdvocate - Free Tool for Parents of Children with Disabilities The goal of the iAdvocate application is to both share and develop specific strategies with parents of children with disabilities for working collaboratively with a school team in order to improve children's education. The iAdvocate application uses problem-based learning strategies and simulations, as well as providing contextual access resources which build parent's advocacy skills and their knowledge-base. The application gives parents information; yet most importantly, it presents strategies in relation to their educational rights and ensuring their children's needs are met. The iAdvocate application is designed for use with an iPhone. It is free for download on iTunes iAdvocate.
• iStudiez Pro organizes class schedules, assignments and deadlines to help students stay on top of things. Keeping up with a college schedule and class load is challenging for anyone. Students with attention difficulties or autism spectrum disorders will find that iStudiez Pro is a great aid for dealing with this especially difficult aspect of college. iStudiez Pro is available at itunes for $2.99 visit itunes to conveniently download iStudiez Pro.• Notes Plus is another note-taking app that blends the audio-recordings of notes with typed notes and handwritten notes. This app has a number of benefits for students with learning disabilities, such as the ability to "recognize" shapes and a blow-out window that allows students to write as large as necessary and then shrinks the text down to fit within the rest of the notes. Notes Plus is available at itunes for $9.99, visit itunes to conveniently download the app.
• - Borrow eBooks, audiobooks, and more from your public library - anywhere, anytime.
All you need is a library card. Download the for your device, Android, nook, Apple devices, Chromebook, eReader, Kindle, etc or use your Windows or MAC computer.
Sign into your library and select the book, magazine, etc. that you wish to read. Need help? Visit
• Syracuse University Parent Advocacy Center promoting meaningful parent involvement in the inclusive education of their children with disabilities.
• The Top 10 iPad Apps for Special Education from the Transforming Education through Technology Journal by Randall Palmer offers information on - activities for social skills, Clicker Docs and Symbol Support - assistive work processors, Time Timer - tells the student the time remaining for a given task,iReward - sets up motivational earning charts for private one student or the whole class, Read2Go downloads textbooks and makes it available to a variety of reading disability challenges, ConversationBuilder helps students to hear back entire conversations with virtual peers to see progress, Prologue2Go- augmentative and alternative communication, t Pictello creates stories with pictures from the iPad library, and Video Scheduler that provides a scheduler with a video component of how to do the task. For more information, visit this article.
• Voice Dream Reader is a text to speech iPhone app that is particularly useful for students with dyslexia. The interface can be configured to suit every reading style from completely auditory to completely visual, plus synchronized combination of both. It will read everything from a PDF and webpages to an e-book (downloaded from Bookshare or Gutenberg). Voice Dream Reader is available for download for $9.99.
Specific Disabilities
Hearing Impairment, Hearing Loss, Hard of Hearing
HearYouNow app
Many people have difficulties following and understanding conversations in situations like in a restaurant, in meetings, or just have a hard time understanding conversations in noisy daily life.
The ExSilent HearYouNow app will help you understand conversations better.
ExSilent is a Dutch manufacturer of hearing aids, operating worldwide. The company's goal is to lower the barrier for people who could use a hearing aid because of hearing loss, but who are not ready for one yet. The HearYouNow app is a free amplification tool that uses state of the art ExSilent technology. It is your personal sound amplifier.
Requires iOS 4.3 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Available through iTunes.
iPhone and iPod Touch IP-Relay App for the Deaf
IP-Relay enables a deaf or hard of hearing person to use a Web-connected computer or wireless device to call a hearing person. To start a call, the deaf user types a phone number -- or chooses an address book contact -- and clicks "Dial." IP-Relay connects the call and passes the voice number to a relay operator. The operator calls the voice number. As the deaf person types, her words are spoken aloud by the operator for the hearing person. As the hearing person speaks, the operator types the conversation to be viewed by the deaf person. The deaf person views the entire conversation in text, while the hearing person hears the entire conversation, including the deaf person's typed words spoken audibly by the operator.IP-Relay for iPhone and iPod Touch is compatible with any Apple iPhone or iPod Touch running iPhone OS 2.2.1 or greater. To use IP-Relay, the FCC requires users to have a registered, local 10-digit number. Registration and assignment of the 10-digit number are free. Visit Purple for more information on obtaining a 10-digit number. Disabled World -
IP Relay for iPhone and iPod Touch App is designed to meet the communication needs of the deaf community. To download the IP Relay for iPhone and iPod Touch App visit iTunes.
Verbally - Free iPad App for Speech Disability
Verbally is a free augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) aid for people with speech disabilities caused by such things as aphasia, ALS, stroke, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson's, cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder, or muscular dystrophy.Verbally is a unique text-to-speech AAC solution that minimizes movement for the user, enabling even those with impaired motor skills to more easily speak unique thoughts and feelings and to participate in conversations. The simple, intuitive design is ideal for literate children and adults with impairments or restrictions on the production of spoken language.
ViBe - Caller ID App with Different Vibration Patterns for Callers
ViBe is a communication Android app that allows users to set vibration patterns for contacts. Think of it as caller ID with vibration patterns. ViBe is also designed as an accessibility tool for disabled individuals, most notably the blind and hearing impaired.
For instructions on downloading Vibe Android app the Google Play Store.
Multiple Sclerosis
Mobile Phone App for Multiple Sclerosis Community
My MS Manager provides a one-stop shop for an individual to not only monitor their MS, but also has the capability to include overall health information. My MS Manager allows an individual to input and store:
Provided free of charge to individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS) or their care partner to use on their iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.
Physical Disabilities
Bussani Mobility Launches Mobile App for People with Disabilities
Bussani Mobility Team, a leading provider of mobility products and services for people with disabilities in the New York metropolitan area, has launched a mobile app. The new service allows anyone with a Smartphone (iPhone or Android), iPod touch or iPad to quickly and easily access important information and help, including:
Bussani Mobility Team provides a full range of transportation products and services to help people with disabilities regain the freedom and independence to go where they want to go and do what they want to do. Established in 1974 with headquarters in Bethpage, NY, the company is a market leader in the New York metropolitan area. Bussani's team of experts offers: a complete line of wheelchair vans and mobility equipment from top manufacturers available for purchase or rental, a full-service automotive shop, 24-hour emergency service, special financing options, insurance services, educational opportunities, and in-store consultants who are dedicated to meeting their customers' every need with a highly personal touch. Anyone can get the free app by either scanning the mobi-tag on Bussani Mobility's ads and marketing materials OR downloading it by searching their cell phone's App Store for Bussani Mobility.
Visual Impairment, Low Vision Disabilities

Be My Eyes
This app connects sighted volunteers with people who have vision impairments through live video. The volunteer translates the video that the person is showing them on video and the blind person can better navigate his or her world. This app is available through iPhone and will also be available for androids soon. Visit the iTunes page to download this free app, Be My Eyes . You must be 17 or older to get this app.SuperPhoto Photo Sharing App for People who are visually impaired or have a hard time using their hands
SuperPhoto follows Apple's Accessibility guidelines and allows visually impaired users full access to all features using VoiceOver.
VoiceOver is part of Apple's accessibility features on the Mac and iPhone allowing your computer or iPhone to read aloud what is written on the screen via a screen reader built into Apple Inc.'s Mac OS X and iOS operating systems including iPhone? 3GS, iPhone 4 and iPad.
The new camera SuperPhoto app was designed for ease-of-use with the intent of allowing users to enjoy the moment, and take and share better photos. A single touch of a prominent share button takes a photo and shares it through Email, Twitter or Facebook. When sharing is not needed, one touch of the camera button simply takes a photo.
SuperPhoto also follows Apple's Accessibility standards and, using Apple's VoiceOver which is included on all iOS devices, is 100% accessible by visually impaired users, making it one of the few camera apps to be so.
Visit iTunes website to download the Super Photo app for just $.99.
VoiceOver Compatible Apps for persons who are visually impaired for the iPhone and Mac
VoiceOver is part of Apple's accessibility features on the Mac and iPhone allowing your computer or iPhone to read aloud what is written on the screen via a screen reader built into Apple Inc.'s Mac OS X and iOS operating systems including iPhone? 3GS, iPhone 4 and iPad. Accessibility is the successful access to information and information technologies by people with disabilities. The number of Apps that are compatible with VoiceOver is very wide, ranging from Social Networking Apps, to Utility Apps.
Visit Apple's website for instructions on downloading the VoiceOver app.
Accessibility App for Android for People Who are Blind or Have Low Vision
AT&T customers who are blind or have low vision can now access and enjoy their Android device in a fully accessible way. Introducing AT&T Mobile Accessibility Lite, a custom version of the screen-access application, Mobile Accessibility, developed by Code Factory. The application features a suite of accessible apps so customers can perform the most common wireless tasks enjoyed by most Android users.
The app was developed for customers with visual disabilities and is available today as a free download in Android Market. Once a customer downloads Mobile Accessibility Lite to their Android smartphone, they have the option of making the suite the device's home screen. From within the suite, they can then easily navigate among any of the 11 featured apps just by moving their finger across the screen. The Nuance Vocalizer voice synthesis then reads the text under their finger, allowing customers to perform any number of tasks, such as answering a call, managing their contacts, writing an SMS, editing a calendar entry, sending an email, or accessing GPS to get an update on their current location.
AT&T Mobile Accessibility Lite supports all Android phones version 2.1 and above. Customers who are blind or have low vision are invited to download the free app in Android Market.
For more information on AT&T Mobile Accessibility Lite or other AT&T resources or products for people with disabilities, please visit AT&T Mobile Accessibility Lite or contactAT&T's National Center for Customers with Disabilities at 1-866-241-6568. AT&T Mobile Accessibility Lite will be available for free for a limited time.
Visit iTunes Accessibiltyand Apple Education web-page for more information on apps for people with disability and education.
Mainecite Apps as Assistive Technology (AT) to aid consumers and professionals who may be interested in knowing more about various mobile devices and the assorted "apps" than can be used as assistive technology, we have assembled this resource.
Make the Most of Accessibility on Your Smartphone -New NHU Chart Compares Accessibility Options on Smartphones
© Copyright New Horizons Un-Limited Inc. This is a really great comparison chart of the Accessibility Options between Apple IOS and Android Smart phones, written by a very bright New Horizons Un-Limited Youth Intern. What's really great is you can find out what to expect from each type of device in the way of Screen Reader, Display Accommodation, Interaction Controls, Braille Display Support, and Audio and On Screen text. To find out more, visit the resource links in this guide.
Siri and Disability - Personal Assistant on Apple iPhone Takes Accessibility to New Level
Siri will prove to be an incredibly useful tool for people with disability, as SIRI is much more than just voice recognition, not only does it translate audible sounds into text, but it understands your basic commands and questions. You can tell it to set a reminder for you, but more exciting than that, you can ask your phone what the weather is going to be and it will tell you, you can ask it to tell what the traffic is like around your current location and it will tell you, you can ask it to find good restaurants nearby and it will tell you.
Siri is a personal assistant application available on the iPhone 4S, launched in October 2011. The application uses natural language processing to answer questions, make recommendations, and perform actions by delegating requests to an expanding set of web services. Siri claims that the software adapts to the user's individual preferences over time and personalizes results, as well as accomplishing tasks such as making dinner reservations and reserving a cab.
For more information on the features Siri provides, support for the app and download instructions, please visit the websites below.
Disabled World provides a directory of accessible APPS products.