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Arts and Culture: Art Exhibits
State Listings:
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Gateway Arts: Events
Gateway Arts is dedicated to providing individualized, arts-based services to adults with disabilities that will enable them to create meaningful lives and careers in art. Their current exhibition can be viewed on line and the art is available for purchase.
National Arts and Disability Center, a project of the University of California Los Angeles, Tarjan Center, provides a way to add your name to the directory of artists with varying disabilities and artistic talents. The directory provides examples of their work and links to the artists' websites.
RareArtist.org is an online gallery of works created by artists with rare diseases. View the works of others or upload your own for others to appreciate. The EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases is excited to announce that the ninth annual Rare Artist contest is now open for submissions. This contest, which celebrates the unique talents of the rare disease community, is open to rare disease patients, family members, friends, caregivers and medical professionals. The contest will accept entries each year through the first week in December, and visitors to the Facebook gallery can vote for their favorites once every ten days through the middle of December. Two awards will be given in each category: one to the entry receiving the most votes on Facebook, and the other selected by a panel of rare disease community leaders. Award recipients will have their work displayed during Rare Disease Week on Capitol Hill at the Rare Artist reception in Washington, DC in February. Artists with works chosen for this reception will be eligible for travel stipends to provide the opportunity to see their work displayed on Capitol Hill. For additional information including the governing rules, please visit the contest rules page. If you have questions about the contest, please visit the contest rules page . VSA Arts Exhibitions - Check out the many art exhibits sponsored by VSA Arts such as the VSA arts Permanent Collection - Review VSA arts growing collection of artwork by significant artists with disabilities from within the United States and abroad and the Art, Disability & Expression Exhibit: Explore social/cultural and artistic representations of people with disabilities & artists in today's disability culture in this interactive exhibit.
State Listings
NIAD Art Center offers an on-line gallery to view exhibits, buy art and learn more about the artists with developmental disabilities who create art through expression, independence, dignity and community integration.
Bonifas Arts Center Each year, VSA Michigan releases a Call for Entries for the Emerging Artists Touring Exhibit available to children, youth and adults with disabilities. A committee of individuals from the field adjudicates the exhibit entries. Artwork from across the state was submitted, and it was the task of the jurors to select the art to be represented in the exhibit. Visit the Bonifas Arts Center for upcoming exhibits of inclusive art.Washington
