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- Therapeutic Horseback Riding
Recreation: Sports: Therapeutic Horseback Riding
State Listings: Arizona / CA / IL / NY / OK / WI (Official USPS State Abbreviations)
Country Listings: Australia / Canada


State Listings
Therapeutic Riding of Tucson (TROT), a non-profit organization, is dedicated to offering therapy through horseback riding to individuals with varying disabilities. So that each rider can realize the benefits of therapeutic riding, the TROT staff evaluates each rider, sets individual goals, and documents progress after each session. For more information, call (520) 749-2360 or e-mail trot@horseweb.com.
Equi-Ed, Inc., a therapeutic riding program in Santa Rosa, California provides an individualized equestrian experience that facilitates academic, personal, social and physical growth for students with and without special needs. They are an accredited center of the North American Riding for the Handicapped Association (NARHA). For more information, call (707) 5-HORSES (546-7737).
Special Trinity Riders Involved in Developing Equestrian Skills (STRIDES), serving Will, Grundy and South Cook counties in Illinois, is a therapeutic horseback riding program for children and adults with developmental disabilities. In addition to riding lessons they also host an annual ride-a-thon in which horse enthusiasts of all abilities can gather together. For more information, call (815) 485-6197.
New York
Pal-O-Mine Equestrian Therapeutic Horseback Riding is a non-profit group based in New York State that promotes the therapeutic effect that horseback riding can have. The page provides information on the organization, their history, facility, and case studies about success that they have achieved. You can request further information about their program directly through their site.


Midwest Therapeutic Riding Program is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization offering adaptive horseback riding and occupational therapy incorporating hippotherapy services to children (age 2 1/2 to 18) with special needs in Northeastern Illinois and Southeastern Wisconsin.
Our mission: Improving the lives of children with special needs through equine facilitated activities: providing individualized care to maximize the childs potential.
For more information on Hippotherapy or adaptive horseback riding lessons or how you can help Midwest Therapeutic Riding Program, please contact them!
They always welcome the opportunity to present and give tours to your club or organization to better familiarize you with MTRP and the benefits of Hippotherapy and adaptive horseback riding.
Barn Address:
1451 172nd Avenue,
Union Grove, WI 53182.
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 282,
Somers, WI 53171.